最新高二外研版选修八备课资料:Module 2 教案 The First Period Listening and Speaking

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1、最新教学资料外研版英语Module 2 The Renaissance模块教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about the Mona LisaRead about the Renaissance and printingReview of non-finite verbsWrite a passage for your diaryWrite a newspaper article describing what happened to a famous work of artWrite a description of a Chinese painting for visit

2、ors. 目标语言Target Language功能句式Talk about the Mona Lisa and the RenaissanceI find it mysterious, and perhaps even a little disturbing .Its a masterpiece. Its a work of genius. The effect of the light, the combination of light and shade, is astonishing. For many people, the Renaissance means 14th to 16t

3、h century Italy, and the developments in art and architecture, music and literature which took place there at that time. It is believed to be .The Renaissance is more than just Mona Lisa.词汇1 四会词汇Renaissance, disturbing, subject, dull, basically, work, effect, shade, medieval, Gothic, frontier, persp

4、ective, cathedral, motivate, skilled, tank, overnight, ferry, ornate, reckon, anecdote, authentic, burglar, antique, basement, calculate, chief, circulate, courtyard, crossing, crossroads, dash, debt, drawback, inspiration, inspire, liberty, merely, movable, widespread2 认读词汇polyphony, parachute, sub

5、marine, horse-shoe, tax, official, outcome, parcel, precise, press, puzzle, seek, spokesman, squeeze, substitute, superb, tentative3 重点词汇motivate, authentic, appeal, behalf, debt, inspire, flee, loss, outcome4 短语at liberty, depend on, get tired of doing sth., in history, lead to, leave for, leave st

6、h. behind, on behalf of, take up语法Review of non-finite verbs重点句子1. But there is one work which, perhaps more than any other, expresses the spirit of the Renaissance. P162. It is believed to be the best example of a new life-like style of painting that amazed people when it was first used. P163. The

7、sense of exploration which motivated the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy. P174. They included detailed drawings of the human body, and plans for engineers to build canals and bridges, astonishing drawings of machines which were not to be built until hundreds of years later. P

8、17 III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块以Renaissance为话题, 通过谈论蒙娜丽莎这一不朽艺术作品将话题逐步展开,并利用阅读、听力和描述(艺术作品)等学习方式,使学生对“文艺复兴”有一个较为全面、深刻的认识和理解,并能运用已有的历史知识和亲身经历评论艺术人物及作品,理解文艺复兴给欧洲文化、科技等方面带来的巨大影响。 1.1 INTRODUCTION部分首先呈现给学生人们对Mona Lisa这幅传世之作的不同看法,继而提供了部分专业词汇供学生讨论时使用,并对讨论内容与方式作了提示或指导。这一活动既呈现了本单元的中心话题,又为下一步围绕the Renaissance进行的听说

9、读写训练提供了素材。 1. 2 READING AND VOCABULARY(1)包括一篇阅读课文和六项活动。其中Activity 1是阅读前的热身活动。设计了与课文有关的连线题,让学生对欧洲文化发展进程有一个初步的了解。Activity 2的任务是:在课文中快速找出特定的信息回答问题。Activities 3 、4是为考查学生对课文的理解程度和学习课文中关于文艺复兴的词汇和短语而设计的两项任务。Activities 5、6是问答题,旨在提高学生的理解能力,可与阅读同步进行。供阅读的课文是一篇说明文,介绍了文艺复兴的含义、该时期文学艺术、政治思想、自然科学等领域所取得的成就及重要艺术人物Leo

10、nardo da Vince。通过阅读,让学生认识到文艺复兴在欧洲历史发展中的重要地位,了解文艺复兴的重大历史意义在于它促使欧洲人从以神为中心过渡到以人为中心,在于人的觉醒,在于人们把重点从来世转移到现世。它唤醒了人们积极进取的精神、创造精神以及科学实验的精神,从而在精神方面为资本主义制度的胜利和确立开辟了道路。文章以对蒙娜丽莎的评价开始,以对其作者达芬奇的评论结束,结构缜密,前后呼应。1.3 GRAMMAR(1)和GRAMMAR (2)的主要任务是复习非谓语动词。分别设计了四项任务,要求学生能识别动名词、分词及动词不定式,了解它们在句中的功能并能灵活使用。1.4 LISTENING AND

11、SPEAKING 设计了三项活动。Activity 1要求学生在第一课时讨论的基础之上,能够推断出听力材料的基本内容。Activity 2要求学生听取另外四段人们谈论蒙娜丽莎的采访录音,并选出能概括表述人们观点的句子。Activity 3在第一课时的基础之上,又提出一些问题供学生讨论,以提升他们对本模块的主要话题之一“the Mona Lisa”的理解。1.5 EVERYDAY ENGLISH提供了一些人们在谈论蒙娜丽莎时常用习语及表达法。要求学生弄懂其准确含义,并能熟练运用。1.6 READING AND WRITING(2)要求学生阅读三篇旅行日志,回答有关问题,归纳段落大意,并以贺卡的形

12、式写出每个段落的内容概要。该部分Activity 4提供了写作贺卡时可供参考的三幅图片;Activity 5要求学生以自己所居住的城镇的一名游客的身份,写一篇日记介绍当地的基本情况及自己的旅行计划。1.7 VOCABULARY部分要求学生分类归纳本模块阅读文章中出现的艺术类词汇,完成word-map并能运用这些词汇完成句子。 1.8 READING PRACTICE要求学生对有关蒙娜丽莎的未解之谜有一个大致了解并完成回答问题、选择、完成句子、写作等七项任务。1.9 CULTURAL CORNER中的短文给学生介绍了印刷术的起源、传播及其在欧洲文艺复兴时期所发挥的重要作用。1.10 TASK的主

13、要任务是要求学生运用本单元所学词汇写一篇文章介绍一幅中国名画,并和同学交流,选出最佳作品。2 教材重组2.1 将INTRODUCTION,LISTENING AND SPEAKING,EVERYDAY ENGLISH以及Work-book中的Listening and speaking整合在一起,设计成一节任务型 “口语课”。2.2 可将READING AND VOCABULAR(1),VOCABULARY和Workbook 中的Vocabulary部分的巩固性练习整合在一起,设计成一节“阅读课”。2.3 可将GRAMMAR (1) 和GRAMMAR(2) 及Workbook中Grammar部

14、分的练习整合在一起,设计成一节“语法课”。2.4将READING PRACTICE与CULTURAL CORNER整合在一起,设计成一节“泛读课”。2.5将READING AND WRITING(2), TASK以及Workbook中的Reading and writing整合在一起,设计成一节“写作课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Listening and Speaking2nd Period Reading3rd Period Grammar4th Period Extensive Reading5th Period Writing. 分课时教案The First Pe

15、riod Listening and SpeakingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 masterpiece, mysterious, disturbing, basically, dull, effect, get away from, bring forth, a mother to be, a fair bit, complete rubbish, thinking hardb. 重点句式Its a typical satisfied smile of a . to be.Ive read a fair bit about .Most of . are complete rubbish.The smile is really just .It looks as if .2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about the painting Mona Lisa. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about the painting M



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