2020年【人教版】高中英语必修二:单元测试全套Unit 3 单元测试题1

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 3 Computers 单元测试题1第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn the early 1900s, Carol Ryrie Brink lived with her grandmother Caddie on a tiny farm in Idaho. The farm was a great place to live. Besides wonderful tall climbing trees, it had cats

2、 and chickens and a horse, which she rode all over the countryside and through the streets of town. Even so, Carol was sometimes lonely. She would climb to the top of her favorite tree and make up stories to cheer herself up. The favorite part of her day was when Grandmother Caddie would sit with he

3、r and tell stories about the adventures (冒险经历) she and her brothers had. Carol loved the stories so much that when she grew up, she decided to write a book about them. Thousands of children throughout the world have read and loved Caddie Woodlawn. Carols book won a special award (奖项) called the Newb

4、ery Medal. Each year only one childrens book is chosen to win this award.Carol said it was her son and daughter who inspired (激励) her to write for children. That wasnt easy when she was busy taking care of a family. Sometimes an idea would come to her while she was washing the supper dishes. She wou

5、ld make a quick note and come back to write it out more fully after her children were asleep. Carol wrote 27 books in her life, many of which are about her life in Idaho. Besides the Newbery Medal, she won many more awards. Later when another author Mary Reed wrote a book about Carol Ryrie Brink, sh

6、e summed up (概括) Carols life by saying, “She tried to live in a way that would not harm others, to never waste a day, and to make the most of her life.” 21. When she felt lonely on the farm, Carol would _.A. ride a horse to the townB. ask her grandmother to read her a storyC. climb all the tall tree

7、sD. make herself happy with her own stories22. What do we know about Caddie Woodlawn?A. It is an award-winning book.B. It is about Carols adventures.C. It is unpopular among children.D. It is one of Carols childhood works.23. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that Carol _.A. once gave up writing b

8、ecause of the heavy housework B. had a hard time in the early days of her writingC. didnt get any understanding from her family D. didnt earn much from her writing24. Mary Reeds words suggest _.A. she thinks highly of CarolB. we should be friendly to others C. she considers Carol a great mother D. w

9、e should make full use of our timeBWhen one thinks of an army, one is likely to think of soldiers and guns. Two thousand years ago, when Rome set out to conquer the world, the army needed much more than soldiers and guns. It needed food.At that time, providing enough, fresh food to the soldiers was

10、a serious business. Soldiers that were not fed would desert.How did the Romans keep their soldiers from leaving the army? How did they provide their soldiers with enough food? The Romans traveled with large groups of cattle (牲口), or “food on the hoof.” The cattle provided fresh meat, milk, butter, a

11、nd cheese. Large European herding dogs (畜牧犬), called mastiffs, were used to help drive the cattle.The Romans conquered the town of Rottweil in A.D. 74. Some of the Romans remained in Rottweil with their mastiffs after the army left. Farmers there started breeding (对人工交配) their own herding dogs with

12、the mastiffs. They developed a smaller, quicker dog than the mastiff, which was equally good at guarding and herding. Today, this breed of dog is known as the Rottweiler.Over the centuries, farmers used Rottweilers when they drove their cattle to town to sell. On the way into town, the dogs helped h

13、erd and control the cattle. On the return trip home, the dogs helped guard money. Over time, Rottweilers became known as the butcher (屠夫) dogs of Rottweil. This was because many butchers in Rottweil began to raise the dogs. The butchers used the dogs to help drive the cattle they had bought in the c

14、ountryside back to their stores. They used the dogs to guard their stores and money. They even used the dogs to help carry meat that was for sale.25. The underlined word “desert” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. fail B. return C. give in D. run away26. The Romans traveled with “food on the hoof

15、” because they needed to _.A. store fresh food B. guard their foodC. get enough food D. keep dogs away 27. What do we know about the Rottweiler?A. They were raised by the soldiers. B. They were left in Rottweil by the farmers.C. They were an older breed than the mastiff.D. They were an improved breed of the mastiff.CI love listening to music and theres never been a better time to be a music fan. With so many ways to get music, we can listen to it any way we want, wherever we want. Although some fans still like to use CD players, the most popular way to listen to music nowa



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