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1、U1Part BAt a gathering of students from China and some other countries,Yang Weiping and Virginia Wang, both first-year college students,are talking about their learning of English.Hello, my name is Yang Weiping.Im a freshman at Peking University and Im majoring in chemistry.At college we have to stu

2、dy a foreign language.I choose Englishbecause I like listening to English programs on the radio and TV.I also like British and American pop songs.Some day I hope to visit Britain and the United States.I started learning English several years agoand Im getting better at it.My favorite activity is lis

3、tening,especially listening to songs and stories.My big problem is, however, speaking.I feel nervous whenever I speak.And I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me.But Ive decided to overcome my shynessand learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can.Hi, my name is Virginia Wang

4、.Im a library science major at the National University of Singapore.In our country, English is important.It is one of the official languagesand you have to be fluent in English to get a good job.Ive been studying English since high school.Im good at readingbecause I like learning about new things an

5、d new ideas.There are so many books and articles written in English.Our textbooks at the university are in English, too.I know writing is also very important,but I find it really difficult.When I graduate from the university,I would like a job in the city librarywhere I can read all kinds of new boo

6、ks.Questions1. Which of the following would be the best title for the two talks? 选B.studying English .2. Who are the speakers?选D,non-English majors at college Part D1. W: John, why dont you watch NBA games on TV?M: Oh, Im studying for a Chinese test tomorrow.Q: Whats the man doing?选D.Reviewing(复习) h

7、is Chinese lessons . 2. W: Tom, if you can give me a hand,I will be able to get this history paper done quickly.M: Of course I can.Q: Whats Tom going to do?选C。 Help the woman finish her history paper .3. M: Excuse me, is this the French Department?W: No, its the English Department.The French Departm

8、ent is in the new building opposite the school library,right beside the German Department.Q: Whats the man looking for?(这个男人在找什么)选B The French Department 法语系4. W: Good morning, Professor Wang.Could I talk to you about my paper now?M: I have a class in a few minutes.How about coming to my office afte

9、r four tomorrow afternoon?Q: When will the woman see the professor?选D.Someting after four tomorrow afternoon .5. W: Tim, why are you late for class again?You were late yesterday and the day before yesterday.M: Im sorry, Miss. My mother goes to work early.And I overslept because I dont have an alarm

10、clock.Q: What does Tim say about his being late for class?选B 。He doesnt have an alarm clock to wake him up .他没有一种闹钟叫醒他。Unit 2 Fun with LanguagePart BTo speak to people in a foreign language (requires courage)需要勇气and willingness乐意 to make errors.Some people are so afraid of making mistakesthat they n

11、ever open their mouths.And thats the biggest mistake of all.Now if you have courage勇气 and are ready to make a few errors,what do you say?First of all, you have to open the conversation.Finding an appropriate合适旳 topic is (half the battle)事半功倍.Some topics, such as the weather and news, work well.But o

12、thers, such as age, money or peoples appearance外貌 do not.The following are some good ways to open a conversation.Weather It sure is cold today, isnt it?News Did you hear about that terrible forest fire?A conversation in a foreign language doesnt always (go smoothly.)顺利Sometimes your partner talks to

13、o fast and you find it difficult to follow.Not to worry, though.You can always ask your partnerto repeat 反复what he has said or to speak more slowly.For example,Excuse me, but could you say that again? I didnt catch it.Or Could you speak more slowly, please?At the end of a conversationyou need to fin

14、d a way to close it in a polite way.Well, I really need to be going or It was nice talking to youis frequently常常旳 used by people to end a conversation.第一小题:排序,BCAB.不要胆怯出错,这是不可防止旳C.选择某些恰当旳主题开始交谈A采用某些战略进行谈话第二小题单项选择题,选D问哪一种是作者想体现给读者旳?答,当你学着讲外语时候出错误是不可防止旳。Part DMany expressions体现 may (be used to)习惯于 des

15、cribe描述 someone who is excited兴奋地.One such expression is (beside oneself)极度兴奋旳.You can be beside yourself with anger or beside yourself with happiness,although usually not both at the same time!If you are beside yourself, you are filled with excitement.The dictionary tells us that beside在。旁边 means next to, or at the side of.So the expression beside oneselfdescribes something that really is not possible.Today, you might hear a husband say,When my wife told me we were going to have a baby,I was beside myself with jo



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