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1、基于生活巧设话题,让学生想说、会说、乐说-5B Unit 8 Birthdays(Story time)教学预案苏州市枫桥中心小学 戈瑜婷 215009【课题】译林版英语5B Unit 8 Birthdays Story time课文教学(第一课时)【教材简解】本单元的核心内容是介绍自己如何过生日。它是Unit 7 Chinese Festivals教学内容的延伸。在学习本单元之前学生已经掌握了月份单词,并且能够表达在节日做的事情。本课时意在让学生根据真实的生活情境,介绍自己的生日,进一步完善交际的话题,教学内容具有实用性和交际性。【目标预设】1、 认知目标(1) 能认识序数词,明白序数词的构

2、成和用法。(2) 能在情境中运用日常交际用语提问别人的生日并介绍自己的生日:Whens your birthday? Its on. What do you usually do on your birthday? I usually.(3) 能在多媒体课件、图片的辅助下真确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话内容。2、 技能目标能用所学的句型学会提问别人的生日,并根据自己的实际情况介绍自己的生日。3、 情感目标(1) 在交际的过程中,培养学生合理安排自己生日的能力。(2) 通过学习了解中西方生日文化的差异【重点难点】重点:能根据自己的真实情况介绍自己的生日和如何过生日。难点:(1)能认

3、识序数词,知道序数词的构成和用法。 (2)会用句型Whens your birthday? Its on. What do you usually do on your birthday? I usually.询问别人的生日和介绍自己的生日。【设计理念】1、 创设话题,激发学生表达义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)提出来让学生根据话题运用语言。本课提出介绍自己的生日和如何度过,话题贴合学生的生活,学生有强烈的表达欲望。2、 夯实基础,让学生有话可说要输出语言,首先要足够的语言输入做基础。在文本的学习过程中让学生能够掌握基础的语言知识,让学生在学习的过程中习得语言,增加学生的语言储备,为达到学生

4、的自主表达打下基础。3、 精彩展示,畅想自己的生日语言的实质是交际,交际应该是自然发生的过程。本课让学生畅想如何度过自己的生日,在为自己的生日设计有意义的活动的过程中,感受语言的魅力。【设计思路】1、 自由谈话,引出话题。(学习日期的表达方式。)2、 学生提问,讨论老师的生日和如何度过。(学习新词a birthday cake, eat noodles, have a party。)3、 学习课文,了解文中人物如何过生日。(学习新词play games。)a) 观后答题,梳理文本b) 听音跟读,体会文本c) 角色扮演,表演文本d) 复述课文,理解文本4、 讨论课文,找出中西方生日文化差异5、

5、综合运用,介绍自己的生日【教学过程】Step1. Warm up1. Enjoy a song. 2. Free talk.What day? What date?【设计意图:通过自有谈话,引出日期表达法的基本模式,让学生初步感知本课的难点。】3. Lets play a game, try to guess: What holiday is it? (1). It is on the first of June. Children like this festival very much. What is it?-Childrens Day(2). It is on the first of

6、 May. We always have three days for rest. What is it?-May Day(3). It is on the third of March. It is a holiday for women. What is it?-Womens Day(4). It is on the tenth of September. It is a holiday for teachers. What is it? -Teachers Day (5). It is on the twentieth of January. It is an important day

7、 for me. What is it? -It is my birthday.【设计意图:猜测几个常见的假日和老师的生日,学生对日期的表达结构有了更进一步的理解。】4. 揭题 Today well learn Unit8 Birthdays(Story time) 5. What do you want to know about my birthday? 引发学生提问:Whens your birthday? What do you do on your birthday?S1: Whens your birthday? T: Its on the 29th of January. S1:

8、 What do you do on your birthday?T: I always eat noodles for breakfast. Then I have dinner with my family. Sometimes I have a party, eat the birthday cake and go to the cinema.【设计意图:让学生对老师的生日产生好奇,锻炼学生思维,激发学生提问的兴趣。】6. I want to know something about your birthday.(1). Ask and answer in T-S1.Who sings

9、songs for you?Who eats the birthday cake with you?(2) . Ask and answer in pairs.【设计意图:通过师生之间的对话,让学生感知本课学习的重点。】Step2. Presentation过渡:We are talking about the birthdays, Miss Li, Su Hai and Mike are talking about birthdays, too.What do you want to know about them? Whens Su Hais birthday?Whens Mikes bi

10、rthday?What do they do on their birthdays?【设计意图:让学生多多提问,鼓励学生思考,同时操练本课的重点句型。】1.First, lets listen and answer the questions. (1).Try to know: Whens Su Hais birthday? Whens Mikes birthday? 板书(2). Ask and answer in pairs.2. Next watch and find the answers. What does Su Hai do on her birthday?板书3. Then r

11、ead and answer. What does Mike do on his birthday?板书【设计意图:听录音找出人物的生日,训练学生从听力中听取信息的能力,并且让学生整体感知文本。看视频找出苏海生日活动,锻炼学生能够从对话中提取重要信息的学习策略。通过自己阅读找出Mike的生日活动,提高了学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。】4. Ask and answer in pairs. A: Whens your birthday,Su Hai/ Mike? B: Its on theof A: What do you do on your birthday? B: I4. T: They h

12、ave a good time on their birthdays. Why?S: Because they can eat and play with their family and friends.T: But not only that, I think. Do you know why? -Presents.They can get some presents. Here are some boxes. There are some presents in it. Do you want to get the presents? You have three chances. Ch

13、oose one. Pay attention, if you cant choose the right number, you should complete the task.Task1: Listen and read.Task2: Try to retell.Step3. Learn to read.1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2. Read in pairs.3. Read in action.Step4. Lets retell.1. Look at the blackboard, choose Su Hais bi

14、rthday or Mikes birthday to retell.My birthday is on the of I on my birthday. I have a lot of fun.2. Yang Ling and Liu Tao are talking about Su Hai and Mikes birthdays. Can you help them? Open your English book, turn to page 80. Try to say.Step5. Discuss and say1. We know how does Su Hai spend her b

15、irthday and how does Mike spend his birthday?Lets compare. What is the same? What is different?(1). What does Su Hai eat? What does Mike eat?(2). Su Hai has a big dinner with her family. Mike has a birthday party with his friends.(3). Su Hai plays with Kitty the cat. Mike plays some games. They both like playing games.(4). Su Hai has a great time. Mike has a lot of fun. They are very happy.So birthdays mean happy/ fun.(5). Do you spend your b


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