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1、严格来说这是家爱尔兰酒吧对吧So this is technically an Irish pub. Is it?画了四叶草I mean, the four-leaf clover.爱尔兰国花为四叶草我不知道随便吧I dont know. Anyway.是亨利Oh, its Henry.你在哪 快到性点了”Where are you at? Its almost sex oclock.-屏蔽他-好好好-Just block him. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.对了这顿记我账上Oh, I put this on my tab, by the way.艾米我能给你礼品卡代替法语现金吗A

2、my, in lieu ofcash, can I give you a gift card菲尔德超♥市♥或者莱斯与凯西咖啡店的卡to Fields or Les and Cathys Coffee?周二早上十点前可以免费续杯Free refills on Tuesdays before 10:00.代替我们是法国人吗In lieu? Are we French?-乔迪你是抢劫便利店了吗-什么-Jodie, did you rob a CVS? - What?-没错-没有这些都是我在超♥市♥买♥♥的-Yeah.

3、 - No. I buy all these at the supermarket这些都算食品开支so that they go on the food bill丹就不知道我把钱花在自己身上了and then Dan doesnt know when Im spending money on myself. 天啊Oh, my God.商科学位总算派上正经用场rWell, theres a business degree put to good use.是吧Right?太可悲了Its tragic.女士们这是你们的账单Heres your check, ladies.-真令人难以置信-怎么了-U

4、nbelievable. - What is that?天呐天呐Oh, my God. Oh, my God.亲爱的这是恭维你Honey, its a compliment.天呐Oh, my God.基本上你是在说我开始下午照顾孩子前Youre basically saying that you werent attracted to who I was对你根本没有任何吸引力before I started mothering the kids.in the afternoons.有“母性关爱”这个词吗Is mothering a word?我不是这么说的我不是这么说的Not what I s

5、aid. Not what 1 said.是的我想有这个词And yes, I think so.不管你是不是这么说的Well, it doesnt matter if you said it or not.这就是我所听到的我终于成为了Its what I heard, so Im finally the woman你想娶的那种女人that you wish you married.真替你高兴Then great for you.我有点不太明白这怎么是一件坏事昵I-Im kind of confused how this is a bad thing.妈妈Mama.朱莉娅在磨牙我得走了Juli

6、as teething. I need to go.管好你的下半身Try to keep it in your pants.我I-妈妈这就来-神啊这太性感了-Mommys coming. - Oh, boy, thats hot.-你真的需要这个吗-是的-You really need this? - Yes!我的脚需要打很多光My feet need a lot of light.我.我想让它们看上去在度假I-I want it to look like they1 re on vacation.这是埃文的台灯我觉得很脏This is Evans desk lamp, and I feel

7、dirty.别这么大惊小怪了Stop being such a prude.我允许你在我家拍摄色情影片I am letting you shoot erotica in my house.成熟点吧Oh, grow up.你孩子们呢Where are your kids?什么他们在楼下和你的孩子一起玩What? Theyre downstairs with yours.这就是人们见我第一面想到的吗Is that the first thing that people think of when they see me? 不我是觉得你的头发太金了No. I think your hairs too

8、 blonde.-什么-这.就是让你显得有点苍白-What? - Its just, it washes you out a little,但没有以前那么有光泽了but its not as brassy as it was.天呐好吧亨利似乎不太介意Oh, my God. Okay. Well, Henry doesnt seem to mind. 他真这么说吗Did he actually say that?好吧自从我开始在下午照顾孩*开始Okay, hes obsessed with me right now,他就对我有些过于迷恋ever since I started taking ca

9、re of the kids in the afternoon. 姐♥妹♥们♥他说我Guys, he called me -他说我”有母性光辉”He called me Maternal.你几周前确实让我过马路时小心点You did tell me to be careful at a crosswalk the other week. 不我没有我有吗No, I didnt. Did 1?你有You did.我快认不出自己了I dont recognize myself.这就是你们经常交♥配♥的原因Thats why all

10、 the boffing.-什么-交♥配♥-The what? - The boffing.-做♥爱♥-没错-The sex. - Oh, right.-你说得像个小英国男人-谢谢-You sound like a little British man when you say it. - Oh, thanks. 这个词确实是来源于中古英语Well, it is derived from Middle English.好了怎么还上起莎士比亚文学课了Okay. When did this turn into a Shakespeare cl

11、ass?我丈夫希望我是另外一个人My husband wishes I was somebody else.他只是喜欢这个全新的你No, he just likes the new you.如果珂琳还在的话Well, if Coleen had never died,我根本不会开始在下午回家I never would have started going home in the afternoons 来照顾孩子他也不会意识到to take care of the kids, and he never would have realized 他一直以来都很不开心 how unhappy he w

12、as.乔迪你能拿个枕头垫在我脚下面吗Jodie, can I get a, um, a pillow for under my foot?我只是想拿个东西来支撑一下I just want to - I want to prop it up.拿个好看一点的Like, a decorative one.我想说清楚你绝对不会为我做这些事Just to be clear, you would never do this for me.姐♥妹♥们♥我今晚绝不会再这样Guys, Im not doing it again tonight, okay?我真的有工作要

13、做I have actual work to do,我绝不要因为他的癖好得上尿路感染and I am not gonna get a UTI for his kink. 艾米你应该为你丈夫想跟你做♥爱♥Amy, you should be happy your husband 而感到开心wants to have sex with you.过去的你现在的你吵闹的你The old you, the new you, the brassy you.我什么时候吵闹了Whats this Brassy Thing?如果男人都像他那样的话You know, if more m

14、en were like him,真命天子也不会存在了OnlyThrills wouldnt even exist.乔迪这个枕头看起来太廉价了Jodie, this pillow looks cheap.你有没有更精美一点的枕头Do you have a - a classier one?但这跟你下流的客户简直是绝配But its perfect for your seedy clients!你不知道他们是否下流You dont know theyre seedy!-这是我的-乔迪别这么幼稚-This is mine. - Jodie, youre being a baby. 别闹 T 姐&h

15、earts;妹♥们♥Break it up! Girls, girls, girls.嘿别闹了安静不要再吵了Hey, hey! Break it up. Break it up. Stop with the sass! 你们两个暂停Both of you are in a time-out.我的天呐Oh, my God.如果亨利看到了他肯定超性奋的If Henry heard me right now, hed be so turned on. 真是太母性了That was so maternal.不我们必须把公匙贝壳边的手柄No, we have to show the ugly scalloped handle展示出来不然投资商就不干了of the serving spoon, or were gonna lose our sponsors. 多娜多娜Donna. Donna.你为什么要篡近电♥话♥磨指甲Do you have to file your nails so close to the phone?还有我们的夏日沙拉秀Oh, also, we are $400 over budget 超过预算



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