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1、九年级英语上册第四单元导学方案执笔: 李男 审阅: 审核 共 页印_份 课题Unit4 Topic 2 Section A课时1课时姓名学习目标1、学习并牢记这些重点词汇:metal, toothbrush, ink, recorder2、初步学习一般过去时的被动语态。3、学习表达希望和祝愿的句型。4、了解新科技及发明。学习重点学习一般过去时的被动语态结构及运用;区分be made of from的用法学习难点能简单运用一般过去时的被动语态和句型When Where was it developed?环节学习活动学法指导自主学习 1、 【预习提纲】1、根据Unit 4 Topic 2 Sect

2、ion A短语预习书上P85-1a-1b-2a的对话,在书上勾划短语并注释。 2、预读文章三遍并理解翻译,把不懂的用着重符号标记出来并完成预习 检测,不懂的句型读P115的注释能帮助你。2、 3、思考:be made of be made from 的用法:_3、 一般过去时的被动语态结构:_【预习检测】 一、互译下列短语。1.允许某人干某事 2. be allowed to do sth. 3.在花费 4. be made of / from 5. 被用于 6. be used to do sth. 7. be used as 8. be used by + 人或物9. be made by

3、 +人 10. 实现11. be made in +地点 12. some day二、根据P85-1b独立完成下列对话并熟读。A: Whats this in English? B: Its a_.A: Whats it made of? B: Its made of _.A: Whats it used for? B: Its used for _.4、 预习困惑5、互动交流1、预习反馈。2.听1a录音选择最佳答案。(1) Why is Jane unhappy? ( ) A. She is not allowed to watch TV.B. She is not allowed to p

4、lay computer games. C. She is not allowed to play basketball.(2) Whats the rocket made of? A. Metal B. Plastic(塑料) C. Paper3、学生再读1a找出含有被动语态的句子及重点句型,老师讲解重难点,然后小组练习对话并展示。(1)_(2) _ (3) _4.读2a回答下列问题。(1)What is mentioned (被提到)in the dialog? _(2) Whats it used for?_5. 独立完成2b,仿照2a编对话并展示。达标检测一、单项选择题。( ) 1.

5、Whats the lift made of? Its made of .A. plastic B. paper C. carbon D. iron( ) 2. Where was the red wine made?It was made Yantai, China.A. of B. from C. in D. by( ) 3. My MP3 made in September, 2004.A. are B. was C. can be D. were( ) 4. The rest of the work going to be finished in three hours.A. are

6、B. be C. is D. was( ) 5. The kind of thermos(水壶) is used people keeping water hot.A. as; for B. by; in C. for; for D. by; for( ) 6. When my mother is young, she learned English the radio.A. at B. with C. on D. of( ) 7. I I could fly one day.A. wish B. hope C. think D. believed( ) 8. Our volleyball t

7、eam is made two teachers and four students.A. of B. from C. up of D. in ( ) 9. Im sorry. We dont allow here.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked ( ) 10. Paper is made wood.A. of B. into C. by D. from二、短文填空。Lisa looks unhappy. Because her parents didnt her to play computer games. Kangkang said t

8、o Lisa that spending too much time the computer wasnt for her health. Then Kangkang showed a model rocket her. This rocket is of wood. He searched some about Shenzhou VI on the Internet and 7 the model rocket. He wishes he could fly to space . Lisa also believes his dream will come We should learn from Kangkang.作业布置1、完成同步练习Section A。2、熟读对话牢记重点短语和句型的用法。3. 复习并掌握be made of from的用法。学后反思



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