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1、 新概念英语第三册lesson41生词及短语梦想,错觉Even he still lives under the illusion that country lifeis some how superior to town life.就连他也仍旧存有幻觉,似乎乡村生活就是比城市生活优越。This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of thepicture.这一次他彻底不抱梦想了。I suppose it”s about time you cast away yourillusions.我想该是你丢掉梦想的时候了。pastral田园的This idylli

2、c pastoral scene is only part of the picture.但这种田园诗般的乡村风光只不过是一个侧面而已。This is a collection of pastoral poems.这是一本田园诗集。breed培育,教养City born and city bred,我生在城市,长在城市,I have always regarded the cuntry as something you look at through a train window,总觉得农村只是个平常隔着火车窗户看看,or something you occasionally visit du

3、ring the holiday.放假进间或去玩玩的地方。He had much difficulty in breeding tropical plants in his garden.他费了很大的劲在花园里培育热带植物。What”s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.(谚语)本性总是要表现出来的。rapture欣喜Most of my friends live in the city,我大多数朋友都住在城市,yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the count

4、ry.可只要一提起乡村,立刻就会眉飞色舞。I have read The story of the stone a thousand times,every time with new raptures.石头记我读了一千遍,读一遍,高兴一遍。The young folks were in raptures.年轻人个个欣喜若狂。extol赞美、颂扬Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life,尽管他们交口赞扬乡村生活的种种优点,only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and

5、 he was back in town within sixmonths.但只有一个当真去农村住过,而且不到六个月就回来了。It is the humor of many people to extol the virtures of their forefathers.许多人天生喜爱夸祖宗的美德。superior优越的In devotion woman is sublimely superior to man.女人远比男人有奉献精神。cockcrow鸡叫Nothing can be compared,he maintains,with the first cockcrow,the twit

6、tering of birds at dawn,他坚持认为,乡村的晨景雄鸡初唱,鸟儿啼啭,the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.旭日东升照彻树木和原野是无与伦比的。He mistook the cockcrow for birdsong.他把鸡啼错当鸟鸣了。The alarm sounds like the cockcrow.这个闹钟的铃像鸡叫。twitter(鸟)吱吱叫,嘁嘁喳喳地叫The birds were hopping and twittering among the bushes.小鸟在树丛中跳

7、来跳去,叽叽喳喳。glint次烁The tall Gothic windows glinted in the sinking sun.高大的哥特式窗户在夕阳的照射下闪闪发光。Leo”s eyes glinted with delight.列奥的眼睛快乐得闪闪发光。pasture牧场The people lead a quiet life among the green pastures and the still waters.人们在青青的牧场和幽静的流水中过着安静的生活。idyllic田园诗的This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the pi

8、cture.但这种田园诗般的乡村风光只不过是一个侧面而已。He placed the chaacters of his novel in an idyllic valley.他把小说中的人物安置在一个诗情画意的山谷里。virtually几乎,差不多My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings我的朋友没有提到在电视机前捱过的那些漫长孤独的冬夜in front of the TV-virtually the only form of entertainment.在那儿,看电视几乎是惟一的消遣了。He did v

9、irtually a little of everything during that time.那段日子他差不多什么都干过一点。These two theories described virtually all physical phenomena that had been studied then.这两个理论几乎描述了全部的当时已经讨论过的物理现象。dubious可疑的,疑心的Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day为了乡间这些靠不得的好处,人们竟然甘愿for the dubious privile

10、ge of living in the country is beyond me.每天在路上奔波了4个小时,我实在无法理解这是为什么。The police raided the club and arrested several dubious characters.警察攻击了俱乐部并且逮捕了几个可疑的人。The ”savings”advertising delivers to consumers are similarly dubious.广告给消费者带来了所谓“省钱”同样令人疑心。misery苦难They could be saved so much misery and expense

11、if they chose to live in the city where theyrightly belong.假如他们老狡猾实住在城市可以省去诸多不便和花销。His death puts an end to her misery.他的死完毕了她的苦难。acquaintance熟人Some of my acquaintances in the country我在农村的熟人里有些每年进城看一两回戏,come up to town once.or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat.他们把这当成特殊的享受。I met an

12、 old acquaintance quite unexpectedly in a fasfood restaurant.我在一有快餐店里很意外地遇见了一个熟人。treat难得的乐事,享受He never took more than two slices of bread and butter to eat in the pit,他在井下最多吃两片黄油面包,因此有个苹果so an apple or an orange was a treat to him.或者橘子对他来说是件难得的快乐事。I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honor

13、and Greek as a treat.我要让那些聪慧的孩子学拉丁文和希腊文,拉丁文作为荣誉,希腊文作为奖赏。dweller居住者The city dwellers never experiences anxieties of this sort.这种焦虑城里人是无从体会的。Both city and town dwellers should pay tax.城镇居民都要纳税。Cave dwellers live mainly on berries.住在岩洞里的人主要以浆果为生。stagger摇摆,蹒跚Country people run wild when they go shopping

14、 in the city家住乡村的人每次进城都疯狂购物,and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry.大包小包里塞满了新巧玩意儿,回家时连走路都摇摇摆晃的。The drunkard staggered on.醉汉蹒跚地往前走。exotic异乎寻常的,外来的Most of us will never experence that exotic pleasure.我们大多数人是不会享受到这种奇趣的。glow白热光,光芒There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winternights.严寒潮湿的冬夜里广告灯箱发出暖暖的光,颇人抚慰人的作用。In the dark he saw a wonderful yellowish green glow.黑暗中,他观察奇异的黄



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