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1、磨床术语与变频器加工范围 Processing scope工件支承方式Workpiece supporting mode工件上下料方式 Workpiece loading and unloading mode工件轴转速 40500rpm可变,使用伺服电机控制Workpiece shaft, whose rotating speed is changeable from 40 to 500rpm, controlled by servo motor.控制系统:采用西门子840D数控系统,共有四个进给轴和一个主轴。Control system: Siemens 840D numerical con

2、trol system,four axes and one spindle.8个磁极驱动线圈,约5欧姆,线圈同级相连。Eight magnetism poles, total resistance is about five Ohms, cores connect with the same pole wire.尺寸测量和动平衡使用马波斯仪Measure the race size and adjust the dynamic balance of wheel with MarpossNC操作面板由MCP和OP010构成.屏幕可中英文切换NC operation panel is made f

3、rom MCP and OP010. Screen can alternate between Chinese and English必须在下列状态满足时进行磨架运动 Grinding shelf can move only when the following items are meted应根据工件材料、硬度及加工要求,选择适当的砂轮进行磨削。砂轮最高工作线速度要符合机床规格要求。新砂轮在使用前要用木锤轻敲以检查是否有裂纹,声音嘶哑或外观有裂纹的砂轮严禁使用。Select the suitable wheel. Need wheel to grind base on the workpie

4、ce material, rigidity and manufacturing requirement. The wheel maximum linear velocity should be accord with the machine tooling specification requirement. Make sure there is no crack on the wheel. Prohibit using the crack wheel.磨削前要检查磨床机械、液压、电磁吸盘等系统是否正常。启动砂轮时。人不要正对砂轮站立。砂轮应经过5分钟左右空运转试验,并确定砂轮运转正常时才能开

5、始磨削。Check the grinding machine engines, hydraulic pressure and so on. The operators can not stand in front of the wheel. After the machine racing 5 minutes, the wheel speed is normal can begin to grind砂轮使用结束后,应让其空转12分钟脱水 Be in the state of racing for dehydrating about 1-2 minutes.上电后需执行回参考点,否则可能会导致撞

6、车return the reference point after putting the power on to prevent collision在自动磨削循环(非空循环)工作前,必须先启动砂轮和工件电动机,自动磨削循环(非空循环)中如有电机停止或故障发生,则机床自动执行复位。 Before automatic grinding circle is conducted, the wheel and workpiece engine should be started up. If any motor stops or has some problem, the machine will r

7、eturn to original position automatically机床X轴、Z轴、U轴、W轴工作台旁有接近开关和匹配的机械撞块,不可随意移动,否则可能会导致撞车。The proximity switch and relative touching hand on the X, Z, U and W axis should be kept on original position to avoid the collision.机床切换到自动方式和机床在发生故障时,自动执行复位循环动作一次。复位循环在自动方式下起作用 when the machine have the trouble

8、 or change to the auto mode ,please perform the auto reset circle once. The reset circle activate with the auto mode卡盘上磁后方可启动工件,工件电机停止后卡盘方可断磁Begin to startup the program after activating the chuck magnetism, turn off the magnetism after the motor stops为防止触电和损坏机床,开启和关闭箱门必须由电气专职人员操作。In order to protec

9、t from getting an electric shock and damaging the machine, only the technician and the engineer can switch on and off the electrical cabinet远程控制按钮(如图4.22 remote control button show as picture 4.22人机对话界面Man-machine interface卸下仪表架take off instrument stand设备操作规程regulations of the equipment operation交接班

10、制度hand-over shift system3MK2125是全自动高速切入式轴承内圈滚道磨床。基本结构如图1,由数控系统对磨过程进行控制和监测。3MK2125 is an automatic high-speed cut-in inner race grinding machine. The basic structure shows in picture1.It has numerical control system controls and monitors grinding procedure.数控 Numerical control工件架及工件轴workhead. 上下料机构Lo

11、ad/Unload device.回转板Workhead angle adjustment.床头滑板workhead slide表测量装置in-process gauge.砂轮架及砂轮轴 grind wheel spindle修整装置Dress device伺服进给机构Servo feeding mechanism床身machine bed 工件支承方式Workpiece supporting mode采用无心浮动支承,支滚道磨滚道 using centerless floating (pivot shoes) supporting race way when grinding race wa

12、y通过多磁极卡盘及浮动支承定位工件,由工件轴驱动The workpiece is supported by multi pole magnetic chuck and floating pivot shoes and driven by work spindle工件上下料方式 Workpiece loading and unloading method主机内的工件上下料采用单料臂传送方式,由液压控制。Single arm loader for loading and unloading parts into the machine. The loader is controlled by th

13、e hydraulic system.工件轴转速 40500rpm可变,使用伺服电机控制 Variable speed work head spindle with a range of 40 500 rpm is controlled by AC motor and AC inverter.吸雾电机 mist collection motor砂轮磨损:砂轮磨损到不能使用(即到设定尺寸)时,停机报警Grinding wheel wearing: When grinding wheel is worn to the size that it cant be used (to the fixed

14、size), the machine will alarm and stop.必须在下列状态满足时进行上下料动作when loading and unloading the parts, the machines should meet the following conditions:电磁卡盘断磁 Electromagnetic chuck must be demagnetized.测规在非磨削位(退出位)The in-process gage must be at the non - grinding position (home position).砂轮离开工件到砂轮与上下料机构无干扰的

15、安全位 Wheel must be fully retracted (to home position) so that it will not interfere with the loading operation. 必须在下列状态满足时进行磨架运动 Infeed slide can move only when the following conditions are met:电磁卡盘激磁Magnetic chuck is activated测规在磨削位(仪表方式时,测爪需收缩)The in-process gage fingers are in the closed (measurin

16、g) position.砂轮在零位 wheel at zero position需在下列状态时测规才能进退 In-process gage can move only when following conditions are met:电磁卡盘激磁 Magnetic chuck is activated测爪张开 The in-process gauge fingers are open应根据工件材料、硬度及加工要求,选择适当的砂轮进行磨削。砂轮最高工作线速度要符合机床规格要求。新砂轮在使用前要用木锤轻敲以检查是否有裂纹,声音嘶哑或外观有裂纹的砂轮严禁使用。Select appropriate grind wheel according to the workpi



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