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1、新人教版高中英语模块18 单词测试Name:1. add add up2. point3. survey4. upset5. ignore6. calm calm down7. have got to8. concern9. be concerned about10. walk the dog11. loose 12. cheat13. reason14. list15. share16. feeling17. go through18. Netherlands19. German20. hide away21. set down22. seriesa series of23. outdoor

2、s24. crazy25. nature26. purposeon purpose27. in order to28. dare29. thunder30. entirely31. power 32. face to face33. accordingaccording toaccordingly34. trust35. indoors 36. suffer37. teenager38. get along with39. fall in love 40. gossip41. advice 42. questionnaire43. quiz44. situation45. editor46.

3、communicate47. join in48. habit49. include50. role play a role (in)51. because of52. international53. native54. elevator55. flat56. apartment57. rubber 58. petrol59. gas60. modern61. come up62. culture 63. actually64. present65. rule66. vocabulary67. usage68. identity69. government70. such as71. Sin

4、gapore72. Malaysia73. rapidly74. phrase75. candy76. lorry77. command78. request79. retell80. polite81. boss82. standard83. Midwestern84. southern85. Spanish86. play a part (in)87. eastern88. southeastern89. northwestern90. recognize91. accent92. lightning93. direction94. maam95. subway96. block97. j

5、ournal98. fare99. transport100. Vietnam101. finally102. persuade103. cycle104. persuade105. stubborn106. insist107. source108. detail109. proper110. determinedetermined111. change ones mind112. altitude113. give in114. atlas115. glacier116. Tibetan117. rapids (n.)118. valley119. waterfall120. plain1

6、21. delta122. canyon123. afterthought124. attitude125. shorts126. camp127. record128. topic129. familiar130. brave131. shake132. right away133. well (n)134. rise135. smelly136. pond137. pipe138. burst139. at an end140. canal141. steam142. dirt143. ruin144. injure145. survivor146. survivor147. destro

7、y148. brick149. dam150. useless151. steel152. shock153. quake154. rescue155. electricity156. disaster157. army158. organize 159. dig out160. bury161. coal162. minecoal mineminer163. shelter164. fresh165. a (great) number of 166. give out167. percent168. speech169. judge170. honor171. prepare172. Eur

8、ope173. thousands of174. hero 175. quality 176. willing177. active178. lose heart179. in trouble180. nationalism181. livelihood182. republic183. fight184. peaceful185. prisonprisoner186. period187. law188. advise189. continue190. fee191. gold 192. worry about 193. out of work194. youth195. leagueYou

9、th League196. stage197. vote198. position199. accept200. violence201. as a matter of face202. blow up203. put in prison204. equal205. blanket206. degree 207. guard208. educated209. come to power210. terror211. fear212. cruelty213. reward214. right (n)215. criminal216. leader217. president218. set up

10、 219. anti-black220. sentence (v)221. be sentenced to222. sincerely223. cultural224. relic225. amber226. survive 227. remain228. state229. look into230. rare231. dynasty232. vase233. belong belong to234. in search of235. gift236. ton237. stone238. heat239. design240. fancy241. style242. jewel243. ki

11、ng244. mystery245. in return246. reception247. mirror248. wonder249. at war250. remove251. furniture252. secretly253. wooden254. doubt255. aparttake apart256. trial257. opinion258. consider259. opinion260. evidence261. prove262. pretend263. maid264. castle265. sailor266. think highly of267. treasure

12、 268. besides 269. honest270. ancient271. compete272. competitor273. take part in274. medal275. host276. magical277. interview278. Athens279. athlete280. admit281. set a set of282. slave283. stadium284. gymnasium(gym)285. as well as286. replace287. prize288. silver289. bronze290. physical291. root29

13、2. relate293. sail294. poster295. princeprincess296. goddess297. advertise298. foolish299. promise300. golden301. one after another302. abacus303. calculate304. notebook305. commonin common306. in ones opinion307. analytical308. simplesimple-minded309. technologytechnological310. revolution311. universal312. mathematical313. artificial314. intelligence



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