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1、SumerNETEM 阅读理解 考点词汇1800 mortality mC:5tAlEti n. 1.死,死亡率 2.终有一死【例句】If I laugh at any mortal thing, it is that I may not weep. 如果我笑世间的凡事,那是为了我可以免于哭泣。【认知】词根“mort”含义为“死亡”;如“murder”为同源关系。innocent 5inEsnt a. 1. ( of) 清白的,无罪的 2.率真的;坦率的 3.幼稚的;无知的【例句】it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one

2、 suffer. 十个有罪人的逃脱也胜于一个无辜的人受难。【认知】词根“noc”含义为“to hurt; to harm”(伤害);本词的核心意义为“doing no harm; blameless”(无害的)。 relief ri5li:f n. 1.(痛苦、紧张、忧虑、负担等的)缓解,减轻,解除 2.(痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰 3.救济;补助 4.解除职务;换班;换班人【例句】 To give up pretensions is as blessed a as to get them ratified. 放弃要求是一种和使之得到承认同样愉快的宽慰。prosperous 5

3、prCspErEs a. 1.繁荣的,兴旺的,昌盛的;富足的 2.有利的,顺利的,吉利的,幸运的【例句】The problems to be resolved demand, and create, spiritual resources with the ease of a golden age will never inspire. 等待解决的问题需要并且造成了黄金时代的顺利安逸不可能激发的精神资源。 revenge ri5vendV n. 1.报复;报仇 2.复仇心;报复欲望【例句】 Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog b

4、it you. 报复常常有如因为狗咬了你而去咬它。ridiculous ri5dikjulEs a. 引人嘲笑的,可笑的;荒谬的,荒唐的【例句】A painting in a museum hears more opinions than anything else in the world. 博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。torture 5tC:tFE n. 1.拷打,拷问;酷刑 2.折磨;痛苦;苦恼;引起痛苦(或苦恼)的事物 3.(对意义、论点等的)歪曲,曲解【例句】Suspense in news is . 消息的不确定是一种折磨。【认知】本词“tort”

5、的核心意义与“twisting”(扭曲;折磨)具有关联性。 marvelous 5mB:vEls a. 奇迹般的,惊人的,了不起的【例句】Experience is a marvelous thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake whenever you make it again. 经验是个了不起的东西。你每次重犯错误它都能让你想起来。 perseverance 7pE:si5viErEns n. 坚定不移;持之以恒【例句】Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the tw

6、entieth. 锲而不舍就是失败19次而在第20次成功。vehicles 5vi:iklz n. 1.交通工具,车辆 2.传播媒介,工具,手段【例句】A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year. 一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。abortion E5bC:FEn n. 1.流产,小产;堕胎 2.(计划)失败【认知】前缀“ab”有否定含义,“ort”含义为“生长,出发”。fashioning 5fAFEniN v. 1.(常指用手工等)制作;使成形;形成;把

7、塑造成 2.使适应,使适合 3.改变;改革【例句】If God consulted me I should have advised him to continue the generation of the species by fashioning them of clay. 假如上帝征求我意见,我就会建议他继续用粘土制造人类。inevitably in5evitEbli ad. 不可避免地,无法规避地;必然(发生)地【例句】The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease; the happy man inevitably

8、 confines himself to ancient limits. 世界把它的全部前进动力归因于不安分的人。满足的人总是将自己限制在旧框里。【认知】前缀分别为“in-”和“en-”;词根“vit”含义为“avoid”(避免)。 eclipse i5klips n. 1.【天】食 2.晦暗;(地位、声誉等的)消失,黯然失色【例句】Cats are to dogs what modern people are to the people we used to have. Cats are slimmer, cleaner, more attractive, disloyal, and laz

9、y. Its easy to understand why the cat has d the dog as modern Americas favorite pet. People like pets to possess the same qualities they do. 猫之于狗等于现代人之于以往的人。猫更纤细,更爱干净,更有魅力、不忠和懒散。猫为何超越狗而成为现代美国最受宠爱的动物不难理解。人们喜欢宠物的具有跟他们一样的品格。 impulse 5impQls n. 1.推动,驱使;冲力,推力 2.推动作用,冲力作用 3.冲动,突然的欲愿,一时的念头【例句】There is one

10、thing more important than knowing self; it is governing self. There is one thing better than crushing , it is using . 有一件事比自知更重要,即自制。有一件事比压制冲动更可取,即利用冲动。 persistence pEsIstEns, -zIs- n. 坚持, 持续【例句】Persistence is half the battle. 坚韧是取胜的保证。 paradise 5pArEdaiz n. 1.天堂;天国 2.乐园,福地;极美的地方;极乐,至福【例句】If virtue

11、accompanies beauty it is the hearts ; if vice be associated with it, it is the souls purgatory. 美貌伴随着美德就是心灵的天堂,伴随着邪恶就是灵魂的炼狱。【认知】前缀“para”为“peri”变体(周围),词根为“墙”。 reluctant ri5lQktEnt a. 1.不情愿的;勉强的 2.阻挠的;顽抗的【例句】Suggestion systems can work dont be to use them. 建议制度是有效的 不要不情愿使用它们。【认知】核心含义为“to resist(反对;反抗;

12、斗争)”。 starvation stB:5veiFEn n. 饥饿, 饿死【例句】If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation will you prefer the grain to the vote? 如果一个给你民主而别一个给你一袋粮食, 你饿到什么程度会要粮食而非选票?grief ri:f n. 1.悲伤,悲痛 2.悲痛的缘由【例句】Time tames the strongest . 时间能平息最强烈的悲伤。ingredients

13、in5ri:diEnts n. 1. (混合物的)组成部分,成分,(烹调的)原料 2. (构成)要素,因素【例句】Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the other ingredients have been sacrificed to obtain. 成功只能是幸福的一个组成部分。如果为了获得成功而牺牲所有其他的成分,就太得不偿失了。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“gred”为“grad”(步伐)变体;该词的核心含义为“进行情况;进入”。obstacles

14、5CbstEklz n. ( to)障碍(物),妨碍的人【例句】It is not helps, but , not facilities, but difficulties, that make men. 造就人才的不是帮助而是障碍,不是便利而是困难。【认知】前缀为“ob-”;词根“stac”与“stand”(站立)为变体;核心含义为“站在路中间”。 harassment 5hArEsmEnt n. 骚扰,扰乱;烦扰;烦恼事【例句】The racist harassment has driven him insane.各族主义者的折磨把他逼疯了。【认知】本词的核心意义与“to set a d

15、og on”(唆使狗去攻击;骚扰 使疲劳;使折磨)具有关联性。 elevated 5eliveitid a. 1.抬高的 2.高尚的, 严肃的, 崇高的 3.欢欣的, 振奋的【例句】Everything that looks to the future elevates human nature; for life is never so low or little as when occupied with the present. 一切显示未来趋向的事物都能提高人性,因为生活从未像现在这样低下或渺小。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“lev(轻的)”的含义为“to lighten; to raise”(变轻的;被举起的)。 endowed in5daud v. 1.资助,捐赠,向捐钱(或物) 2.( with)给予,赋予【例句】Every person born in the U. S. A. is endowed with life, liberty and a substantials hare of the national debt.生在美国的每个人都被赋予生命、自由和国债的大量份额。【



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