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1、 精品系列资料 传播先进教育理念 提供最佳教学方法.词汇知识1_n化学药品;adj.化学的,关于化学的_n化学_ n化学家2_n环境_adj.环境的_n环保主义者3_n污染_ v污染_ adj.被污染的4_adj.关心的,担心的_n& v关心,担心_prep.有关,关于5_adj.主要的,多数的_n大多数,大部分6_vi.抱怨;发牢骚_n不满;抱怨7_adj.恐怖的;吓人的_adj.受惊吓的_v恐吓8_n保护_v保护_n保护者答案:1.chemical;chemistry;chemist2.environment;environmental;environmentalist3.pollutio

2、n;pollute;polluted4.concerned;concern;concerning5.major;majority6complain;complaint7.scary;scared;scare8.protection;protect;protector.重点短语1have a bad effect_对有坏影响2take_ 吸收3give_ 放出;发出4_a nutshell 简言之;概括地讲5do damage _ 对有损害6look_ 浏览7describe._ 把描述为8complain_ 抱怨答案:1.on2.in3.out4.in5.to6.through7as8.abo

3、ut/of.必背句型1I _.我非常同意你的观点。答案:couldnt agree with you more2He _ nothing _.他只是不停地埋怨。答案:does;but complain3I _ very concerned.我禁不住感到非常担心。答案:cant help but feel4The garbage is then taken away and,_,recycled.然后把垃圾运走,倘若可能的话,予以回收利用。答案:if possible5Some countries _ looking after the environment.一些国家比别的国家更善于关注环境。

4、答案:are better than others at.品句填词1The workers always wear glasses as a _(保护)for their eyes while using the machines.答案:protection2Much industry garbage can be_(重新利用) by this new technology.答案:recycled3Now the police havent found out enough _(证据) to put the murderer into prison.答案:evidence4The studen

5、ts sometimes _(抱怨) to their teachers that the homework is too much for them.答案:complain5An unhappy home _(环境) can affect a childs behaviour.答案:environment6Measures have been taken to clean the rivers _(污染) with chemical waste from factories.答案:polluted.选词填空1She _ her notes before the examination.答案:

6、looked through2There were people at the entrance _ papers.答案:giving out3Fish _ oxygen through their gills(鳃)答案:take in4She is _how little food I eat.答案:concerned about5Housewives are always _the high price.答案:complaining about6Its said that the film _children.答案:had a bad effect on.用所给词的适当形式或根据提示完成句

7、子1If you say I am connected with the case,can you show us _(足够的证剧)?答案:enough evidence2如果一个人没有睡够觉的话,那么在白天他的行为就会暴露出来。If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will _during the day.答案:give him away3(2011年蚌埠高一检测)Some companies are thinking of ways to _(节约自然资源)by making better use of the water use

8、d in the bathroom.答案:save natural resources4The presidents speech was _(决不)boring;it is,in fact,rather inspiring and interesting.答案:anything but5Go for a hiking in the mountains this weekend,OK?I couldnt agree _(much)I love getting close to nature.答案:more6Before the meeting,he spent a few minutes _(

9、浏览)the reports.答案:looking through7Are you satisfied with his answers?Not at all.They couldnt have been _(bad)答案:worse8I was attentively watching an interesting TV program about how to make dinners last night when the electricity was off,and I _(只能)go to bed.答案:couldnt help but/couldnt but9He_(抱怨被训斥)

10、only because he did something wrong.答案:complained of being scolded10举行这次会议是为了讨论旅游业对这个地区的野生生物的影响。The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _the wildlife in the area.答案:on.完形填空The market for childrens products in China will double within the next five years, a report made public a

11、t a kids expo in east Chinas Zhejiang Province has predicted.The market _1_ for childrens products in China was more than 1 trillion yuan in 2010 and that _2_ is expected to hit 2 trillion yuan by 2015, according to the report.The report owes the _3_ growth of the business to the countrys large popu

12、lation, steady consumption and _4_ attention to child health and education in recent years.It is _5_ that China has a population of about 200 million _6_ under the age of 10, the report said.A Chinese family will spend an _7_ of 5,000 yuan per child each year, according to a _8_ by the Hangzhou Asso

13、ciation of Industries on Children.This money goes to a variety of companies _9_ child products and _10_ such as baby milk powder, clothing, toys, education and entertainment.According to a report by the China Ecommerce Research Center, online purchases of baby milk powder from overseas companies _11_


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