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1、 新概念英语第一册口语宝典第70课:我生病了D:Lin Hao?D:是林浩吗?L:Yes.L:是我。D:Hello. I”m doctor Peterson. What seems to be the trouble with you?D:你好,我是彼得森医生。你怎么了?L:I”m not feeling well. I”ve got a bad sore throat and can”t stop coughing.L:我觉得不舒适。嗓子很疼,老是咳嗽不停。D:How long have you been feeling like that?D:你这样有多长时间了?L:Four or fiv

2、e days. And now I”m feeling dizzy. I think I have a fever.L:四五天了。现在,我觉得头晕,似乎是发烧了。D:Let”s check . Any pains?D:来量量体温。哪儿疼吗?L:Oh,all over my body. And I”ve been feeling very weak in my limbs.L:嗯,我浑身都疼,四肢无力。D:And how is your appetite?D:胃口怎么样?L:Not very good.Oh,from yesterday,I”ve got a little pain in my

3、chest when I”m coughing.L:不好。哦,从昨天开头,我咳嗷的时候,胸口有点儿疼。D:Let me look at the thermometer. It”s 102F. You are running a fever.D:让我看看体温计。华氏102度。你在发烧呢。L:Yeah. I think I have a fever.L:是,我也觉得我在发烧。D:Let me examine you. Show me your tongue, please. Oh, coated. Open your mouth wide and say “ah“.D:我来检查一下。让我看看舌头。

4、哦,舌苔很厚。张大嘴,“啊”。L:Ahhh.L:啊D:The tonsils are inflamed. Now, I”d like to listen to your heart. breathe deeply, please. Well, your heart, chest, and lungs seem to be alright. But you”ve got a little pain in your chest. I think you”d better take an X-ray picture of your lung.D:扁桃体发炎了。现在,我得听听你的心脏.深呼吸。噢,你的

5、心脏、胸部和肺听起来都正常。但你觉得胸部有时会疼,我想拍张肺部的X光片。(15 munutes later)(15分钟后)L:How about It?L:X光片有没有问题?D:It shows that your right lung is inflamed a little.D:片子显示你的右肺有点儿发炎。L:Am I over the worst?L:很严峻吗?D:Don”t worry. It”s just a severe cold. The bad cough brings the inflammation in your lung. But you should have a blood test.D:别担忧,只是重感冒。严峻的咳嗽导致肺部发炎。但是你应当验一下血。L:For what?L:为什么?D:Just to examine whether the cold is caused by bacteria or a virus.D:检查一下感冒是由细菌引起的,还是病毒引起的。L:OK.L:好吧。



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