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1、17年考研英语大作文范文推导寓意“有书”却不“读书”,拥有再多的书也无济于事。“有书”不是目的,踏踏实实地“读书”才是。其他事情也是如此;空谈无益,实干才能使人进步。罗列关键词描写关键词:bookshelf; desk/writing desk 书桌; with deep satisfaction 心满意足地; make a feasible plan制定一个可行计划话题关键词possess/own books; read books; satisfy ones vanity 满足某人的虚荣学; make progress 行文思路第一段:描述图片。第二段:明确图片所揭示的现象,并联系实际予以

2、分析。第三段:提出建议,并表达期许 优秀范文In the left picture, a man is lolling back in his comfortable chair, smug about a shelf full of books in front of him. “What a great number of books I have!” he said to himself, yet obviously he shows no intention of reading any of them. The man on the right, by contrast, is si

3、tting at a desk with only a few books on it, and has made a feasible reading plan: Finish reading 20 books this year.Through sharp contrast, the pictures reveal the difference between “possessing books” and “reading books”. For some people, books are nothing more than decorations. Their studies are

4、gorgeously decorated and shelves full of books which are used not to read, but to show off or to satisfy their vanity. Totally differently, some people, fewer books though they have, regard books as spiritual food and do everything possible to read. For example, Lin Haiyin, a famous writer, has writ

5、ten in Bookstroe Freeloaders Journal that when she was young, she always went to a bookstore and read there in a secretive way for lack of money, rain or shine. It was the very thirst for knowledge that made her a writer with great achievements.“Books are a stepping stone to human progress”, but as

6、books are not equal to knowledge and unread books wont help, we should read a single book carefully instead of merely collecting thousands of books to make progress. Furthermore, everything else should also be dealt with in a down-to-earth way. Just as President Xi once put it, “Empty talk would lea

7、d a country astray, and hard work can revitalize a nation”, only through continuing efforts, can individuals advance steadily and the Chinese nation achieve great rejuvenation. 286 words必备表达loll v. 懒洋洋地坐着smug a. 自鸣得意的show no intention of doingby contrast 相比之下feasible a. 可行的reveal v. 显示,揭露possess v.

8、拥有nothing more than 不过是decoration n.gorgeously ad. 华丽地show offvanity n. 虚荣freeloader n. 占便宜者secretive a. 遮掩的rain or shine 风雨无阻thirst for . 渴望.stepping stone 进身之阶down-to-earth a. 脚踏实地的astray ad. 离开正确道路advance v. 取得进展steadily ad. 稳定地rejuvenation n. 振兴 精彩句式For example, (插入语表举例) Lin Haiyin, a famous wri

9、ter, has written in Bookstroe Freeloaders Journal that(引导词) when she was young, she always went to a bookstore and read there in a secretive way for lack of money, rain or shine.句子形成步骤:1 写出简单句In Bookstore Freeloaders Journal, Lin Haiyin has written a story.When she was young, she had no money to buy

10、 books.She went to a bookstore and read there secretly.She went there no matter what the weather was like.2 利用连词将简单句整合Lin Haiyin has written in Bookstore Freeloaders Journal that when she was young and had no money to buy books, she went to a bookstore and read there secretly no matter what the weat

11、her was like.3 通过添加同位语,替换动词、状语等实现逻辑顺畅、使表达更加准确Lin Haiyin, a famous writer, has written in Bookstore Freeloaders Journal that when she was young, she always went to a bookstore and read there in a secretive way for lack of money, rain or shine. 4 增加衔接成分,连贯上下文For example, Lin Haiyin .篇章衔接第一段(3句):描述图片。分

12、别描述左右两幅图中的人物。第二段(6句):明确现象,并予以分析。1st句揭示图片所反映的现象:“有书”与“读书”间存在差别。2nd、3rd句分析“有书”却不“读书”的人;4-6句分析描述可能“没书”但踏实“读书”的人,并举林海音女士的例子予以说明。第三段(3句):提出建议。1句指出不能将“知识”与“书本”、“有书”与“读书”混为一谈,应“读书”而非仅仅“有书”。2、3句将话题由读书延伸到做其他事情,强调脚踏实地对个人和民族的重要性。 思路拓展图画为“人生哲理类”话题。范文中,第二段联系实际,分析现象,第三段提出建议。另外,也可在第二段将笔墨重点放在分析正确做法的好处,错误做法的弊端上。应用模板

13、In the above picture appear(s) (图片中心人物/事物). It reflects two distinct (图片浅层现象),which arise from different cognition in (或:attitudes toward) (深层原因). _ in the left picture (或:on the left) represents those who are _, seeing _. With this attitude, _. In contrast, _ in the right picture (或: on the right)

14、_(行为), regarding _. Such attitude has an energizing effect, leading to enormous success in _. For example, _.As Seneca, an ancient Roman philosopher, once put it, “Almost any situation - good or bad - is affected by the attitude we bring to.” Therefore, it is advisable to _.正如古罗马哲学家西尼加所说的那样:“任何一种处境无论是好是坏都受到我们面对处境的态度的影响。”因此,明智的做法是_.


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