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1、Title:直流系统运行规程Project:Cao Ngan Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant目录1.设备规范31.1主厂房直流系统设备规范31.2网控楼直流系统设备规范31.3蓄电池工作原理41.4Charge Performance51.5Discharging Performance51.6蓄电池的检查与维护52.直流系统的构成62.1系统间介62.2直流充电机的构成63.直流系统工作原理73.1系统说明73.2工作原理73.3充电机保护功能73.4supervisor box说明73.5PZW智能监控单元数据采集说明83.6WDCX-620微机直流系统绝缘在

2、线监测装置104.充电装置的启机与操作114.1补充电114.2电池组充电114.3充电装置启动115.正常运行时负荷分配115.1主厂房直流系统115.2网控楼直流系统136.操作规定及运行维护156.1操作规定156.2运行维护157.故障处理167.1直流系统接地167.2蓄电池的故障处理177.3PZW32-200(1300)Ah/220V装置控制机箱故障177.4智能监控器故障17直流系统运行规程范围本标准规定了蓄电池正常运行和事故处理的有关事宜。本标准适用于电气直流系统运行操作。设备规范1. 设备规范1.1 主厂房直流系统设备规范1.1.1 主厂房蓄电池规范电池型号CFM1300Z

3、额定电压 V2十小时率额定容量 Ah1300各小时率放电十小时率终压1.80V电流 A130容量 Ah1300三小时率终压1.80V电流 A325容量 Ah975一小时率终压1.75V电流 A715容量 Ah7151.1.2 PZW-全自动直流电源装置主要技术数据交流输入电压:380V10%交流电压频率:50Hz2Hz充电装置输出电流:350A充电装置输出电压:250V稳流精度:2%(Ioz)均充稳压精度: 2%(Voz)浮充稳压精度: 2%(Voz)纹波系数: 2%噪声: 60dB主回路温升: 40主变压器温升: 60绝缘电阻:母线对地绝缘电阻大于20M绝缘强度:二次控制母线对地,用50Hz

4、,AC2000V试验1M1N应无闪络和击穿.1.2 网控楼直流系统设备规范 网控楼蓄电池规范电池型号CFM200Z额定电压 V2十小时率额定容量 Ah200各小时率放电十小时率终压1.80V电流 A20容量 Ah200三小时率终压1.80V电流 A50容量 Ah150一小时率终压1.75V电流 A110容量 Ah1101.2.2 PZW-全自动直流电源装置主要技术数据交流输入电压:380V10%交流电压频率:50Hz2Hz充电装置输出电流: 60A充电装置输出电压:250V稳流精度:2%(Ioz)均充稳压精度: 2%(Voz)浮充稳压精度: 2%(Voz)纹波系数: 2%噪声: 60dB(No

5、ise: 60dB)主回路温升: 40(Main circuit temperature rise: 40)主变压器温升: 60(Main transformer temperature rise: 60)绝缘电阻:母线对地绝缘电阻大于20M(Insulation resistance between busbar and earth:20M)绝缘强度:二次控制母线对地,用50Hz,AC2000V试验1M1N应无闪络和击穿.(Insulation strength:Secondary control busbar to earth,tested by means of AC 2000V,50H

6、z for 1 min,flashover and breakdown.)1.3 蓄电池工作原理 CFM1300Z(200Z)型蓄电池为固定型阀控密封铅酸蓄电池1.3.2每组蓄电池有104只电瓶,每只电瓶电压为2.23V.1.3.3铅酸蓄电池在充放电过程中产生如下反应:放电:PbO2+2H2SO4+Pb 2PbSO4+2H2O充电: 2PbSO4+2H2O PbO2+2H2SO4+Pb充电后期,正极析出氧气,负极析出氢气.CFM(Z)系列蓄电池采用无锑合金,提高了负极析氢过电位,从而抑制了氢气的析出.采用特制安全阀使电池保持一定内压,采用超细玻璃纤维隔板,利用阴极吸收技术,通过贫液式设计,在正

7、负极板之间、隔板之中预留气体通道,在充电时,当正极板产生氧气时,氧气顺着气体通道传递至负极板,在负极析氢之前与海绵状铅发生如下反应:O2+2Pb+2H2SO4 = 2PbSO4+2H2O氧气复合为H2O又重新回到系统中,实现电池内部氧的循环复合.而负极亦因生成PbSO4而使极化电位降低,从而达到负极部析氢,因此阀控密封铅酸蓄电池可以实现密封,无需维护.( (Antimony-free alloy is adopted in GFMZ series of batteries to increase hydrogen overpotential,thus inhbit the evolution

8、of hydrogen.The special relief-valves are designed to keep a certain interior pressure of the batteries.With the superfine glass-fiber separator,the cathode as an absorbent,and the starvation of elecholyte in the separator providing the gas channels,the oxygen generated on the positive plates during

9、 charging will pass through the channels to the negative plates and react with sponge lead before the hydrogen is evolved on the negative plates according to the following equation:O2+2Pb+2H2SO4 = 2PbSO4+2H2OOxygen is combined and returns to the system by the oxygen recombination reaction in the bat

10、teries.While,PbSO4 genrated on the negative plates lowers the polarization potential for hydrogen evolution on the negative plates,thus make seal and free-maintenance of the lead-acid batteries.)1.4 Charge Performance1.4.1 The floating charge voltage is 2.23v/cell at 25 and the initial charge curren

11、t is not more than 0.2C10A .When the difference between ambient temperature and 25 is more than 5,floating charge voltage should be adjusted.At higher ambient temperature,the floating voltage should be lower than the standard one and at lower ambient temperature,the floating voltage should be higher

12、 than standard value.The adjustment is expressed by the following formula:Uf=2.230+(25-t)0.003In which: Ufsetting-up floating charge voltage tambient temperature1.4.2 The batteries dont need the equalizing charge.1.4.3 The batteries should be recharged at a voltage of 2.23v/cell at 25 after discharg

13、e.The charge time depends on the discharged capacity,the initial charge current and the temperature.Fig.2 shoes the charge performance of theGFM(Z) series of batteries with a depth of 50%C10 and 100%C10,at a limited charge current of 0.1C10 A and constant voltage of 2.23v/cell at The charge

14、 time can be shortened by decreasing the depth of discharge,increasing the initial current and ambient temperature.1.5 Discharging Performance1.5.1 Rated Capacity:Refers to ten-hour-rate discharge capacity (I=0.1C10A)at 25 .The capacity of GFNZ series of batteries can reach more than 100% of the rated capacity during the first cycle.1.5.2 discharge performance:The discharge capacity reduces with the increase of discharge current;conversely,the discharge capacity increases.1.5.3 The relationship between the capacity and temperature:When the temperature range d



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