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1、三、完型填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第36-5各题所给的四个选项(、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. climed h strs slowl,caryig a ig tce, my fathe folwingwittwmoe。 By he im go the hid floor,I ws 36 an t the sam tieeling onely Wors still, Dad37a step fell,ending m nw itae roling own hsti. “Damn!” he remed,hisfce turni

2、ged。 I kne rouble s hed.er Dad fce turn ed, 38 ! How oud I ever 3 him to inish unoadingthecr tout scraming atme and kngasen infrnt of the ther gils,girls oldhve to spnd the st th yr ith? Doors e pening an fcseeng ou(探出), a a wad wit ifficlty clse beind. felt it in my bones that y ceg fesetn f a(n) 0

3、 start“Ente h room quily,” I touht tomys. “Gt himio a chir an cm hidw. But , wou thebe air inom 316? Or woud ita(n)42 rm? 43 I tned the key i t ock and pshed te doo opn, with ad44 cmplainig(抱怨) aot a hrtigkne o soehing, pt my head in, peting he 45 。t to 6 , heroom wasmpty a all! It adfrnitre,curtain

4、s, a TV, and eve nng on the wlls。 Ad there on aell-m ed samy, y new roommte, esed neaty。 Gretig mwith nod,she sid ina soft vc, “i, yo mst be ri。”en, he 7 temsic d looke er aDad “An ooure, youre Mr。 Faber。”h sai, 8 。“Wouldyou like a glas fcdta?” ads aeturd deily 49 befor he cold brou a “ys Jt a that

5、ment,I knew0 thAmy a wold b frinsad m fit year of colle woldb ascss。36A。 hopelssB。 zyC anius. tred37. ok B。 miedC。 misse 。 cke8A。gohdB。loo outC。old onD. giveup39. leadB。 hepC ncouageD。get0A. freh B。 lae。bad unair4A. infc B.by chaneC onc oreD.en agin42A。smll B。empyC newD。 na43A Finally B。 Meanwhile h

6、reo D。 requntl44A yet B ly 。eve D.still5A orst B charC bsD. ta46A. regrt dippten urreD. knowdg47A。urned otrne dowC payedD. njoyed48. qestioig 。wondering siingD. guessingA. red B.ls paleC。leeDple50A soon Bere CtrD. for sure六、单词拼写:七、短文改错:(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有处语言错误,要求你

7、在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2。只允许修改8处,多者(从第9处起)不计分。()1.Se expaied me tat he woud o it tat day fternoon。They avea moeweat ta their fried doe3.I on kw hwhese differencecame 。4They klda of olves iorde tatptc heir anms.5。Se

8、 sys t everybody ut se knsthe secet6.Dyou have an fficltyto ronune hese wrds?7。Petr d erything the teacher old hi o。8owlong has he bby fallen asep? i one olok.Alice iseaving next wek.Are youging to seeoff hr?0The first time I sawher,I askeher what as er name.().Ihp you a goodrip backhome2Wok hardat

9、Enlsh,and youlfailhe xam3。ow ong av yo bought ths ouse?.Th greed ih going clbng the et Suda。5.How ny te poatin of your cy?6。In some schoos thetecers reaig-romisnot open to studens。7。My ncmes see ev otr wks。8e lat vegetables inthe grden and fed the vegtales on our pg.9.What bd weather we a havnthiswe

10、!1.The gilot arly in orer t nt mss theay bus(3)1Lcy,let me inruce yu fr Ji。2Mr Zhuod usdot o into the lb tout teacher.Wehaecome here for almos a monh.er radigthe tex,ewnon dong some erciss5Look! There are a grtmanchildon hplygonWe are ellingtelwrs.They smelly wll7。he gil ast enoug carel。Sedit passthe xa.I didnt o to se e film。o di bother。9。Se didome to schoo yesterday。The reaon wa becausesh w ll。.Yo mustrtise peakEnglishn and t ofclss。参考答案:()1去掉ay .manymch3。outaot 4.hato。第二个shehr 6。to pronoun(in)ponoucing 7do前加t 8.falleeen 9。of hehe f .was ernameheramewas ()。hpewh (或you后加wll have) andor (或ai



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