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1、学院毕 业 设 计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 给水排水工程 题 目: 某建筑给排水系统设计 指导教师: 评阅教师: 本建筑高度 88.3 m;地下两层,地上二十五层,建筑面积33100,地下二层为停车库,地下一层为库房,地上为办公用房.设计范围:给水系统,消火栓系统,喷淋系统,排水系统。 室内给水系统采用上行下给式竖向分为3个区给水;地下二层车库冲洗用水近期由低区变频设备供给(远期由市政水直接供给).地上系统分三个区,1F8F为低区,由低区加压供水设备直接供给,9F16F为中区,由高区加压供水设备减压后供给,17F21F为高区,由高区加压供水设备直接供给。 室内为污废合流,卫生间各洁具排


3、心室外统一设置。消火栓系统共设三套水泵接合器。关键词: 给水排水系统 消防系统 水力计算毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要AbstractThe building height 88.3 m;Twenty two floors underground, layer, and a building area of 33100 , underground layer for the parking garage, warehouse, for the underground layer for office space on the ground. The design scope: water su

4、pply system, fire hydrant system, sprinkler system, drainage system.The building height 88.3 m;Twenty two floors underground, layer, and a building area of 33100 , underground layer for the parking garage, warehouse, for the underground layer for office space on the ground. The design scope: water s

5、upply system, fire hydrant system, sprinkler system, drainage system.Indoor water supply system with upside down to type vertical is divided into three areas water supply;Underground garage on the second floor of irrigation area by low frequency conversion equipment supply recently (forward directly

6、 by the municipal water supply). The ground system in three districts, 1 f 8 f low area, directly by the area of low pressure water supply equipment supply, 9 f 16 f for the central district, the area of high pressure water supply equipment supply after decompression, 17 f 21 f high area, supply dir

7、ectly by the area of high pressure water supply equipment.Indoor for sewage waste confluence, the sanitary ware toilet drainage into the drainage riser, near by the underground discharge outside.Outdoor for rain sewage diversion;Garage wastewater by the sink drain rainwater pipe sand processing back

8、 into the hospital, building sewage treated by septic tank back into the municipal drainage pipe network. Indoor plumbing fire control system into a circular layout, vertical is divided into two areas, 2 f 12 f low area, 13 f 22 f high area, fire, start the fire button, or in a fire station manually

9、 start the basement pump room since the reservoir water pressure fire hydrant pump. Spray nozzle burst out of the water system, water flow indicator action, action and by a pressure switch for automatic alarm valve at the same time start the spray pump energy center since the outdoor fire water rese

10、rvoir water absorption, water fire extinguishing. Spray pump with manual. Automatic and fire station and pump function, four sets of wet alarm valve. In the basement, each control - 2 5 f, 6 f f 11, 12 f f 17, 18 f 22 f of the nozzle.Spray system of the pump adapter outdoor unified set in the center

11、 of the energy.Fire hydrant system have three sets of pump adapter.Key words: Water supply and drainage system Fire protection system Hydraulic calculation毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要目录1 工程概况及设计任务11.1 工程概况11.2 设计条件11.3 建筑图纸资料11.4 设计依据11.5 设计任务22 室内给水系统设计22.1 给水系统设计及分区22.2 给水管材选择与管道的布置和敷设2 2.3 用水量、设计流量及管道水力计算43 室

12、内排水系统设计16 3.1 排水系统选择16 3.2 卫生器具及附件16 3.3 排水管材及配件17 3.4 排水设施和管道的布置及敷设18 3.5 排水设计计算18 3.6 地下室排水系统设计234 消火栓系统设计23 4.1 消火栓系统选择23 4.2 消火栓系统计算245 自动喷水灭火系统设计29 5.1 自动喷水灭火系统介绍及选择29 5.2 喷淋系统计算29结论32致谢33参考文献:3435本科毕业设计1 工程概况及设计任务1.1 工程概况本工程为本工程为一类高层办公楼,,地下两层,地上二十二层。主体部分地下二层为停车库,停车数为30辆,地下一层为库房,地上为办公用房.建筑高度:88

13、.30m。 1.2 设计条件该楼给水水源现为院内自备井,远期为市政给水。市政管网常年可用水头0.35MPa。室内污废水采用合流制,污水经化粪池处理后就近排入市政污水管。屋面雨水经统一收集后排至院内雨水管道系统。1.3 建筑图纸资料1)建筑总平面定位图1:500;2)地下两层及地上各层平面图1:100; 3) 屋顶层平面图1:100;4) 建筑剖面图1:100。1.4设计依据1)建筑给水排水设计规范(GB 50015-2010)2)给水排水制图标准(GB/T50106-2010) 3)建筑设计防火规范(GB50016-2014) 4)自动喷水灭火设计规范(GB50084-2001)(2005年版

14、) 5)建筑灭火器配置设计规范(GB50140-2010)6)气体灭火设计规范(GB50370-2005)7)汽车库、停车库、停车场设计防火规范(GB50067-2014)8)自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范(GB50261-2005)9)虹吸式屋面雨水排水系统设计规范(CECS183-2005)10)甲方提供的设计任务书及相关市政资料11)相关专业提供的相关部门设计条件12)其他现行有关国家及地方的设计规范、设计标准。1.5 设计任务1.5.1室内给水系统设计通过查阅相关规范确定给水方式及给水分区,计算用水量,并根据最高日用水量布置给水箱;选择给水管材、管径,进行水力计算,选择生活给水泵;绘制给水系统平面图、系统图。1.5.2室内排水系统设计选择合适的排水体制,布置排水立管与通气立管;选择排水管材、管径,进行水力计算;绘制室内排水平面图、系统图。1.5.3建筑消防系统设计包括消火栓系统和自喷系统的设计;确定消火栓及喷头的布置,计算并布置消防水箱



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