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1、 2022年考研英语冲刺阅读理解专项训练054Bv its nature,the extent of counterfeiting is hard to measure precisely, but a study by the International Chamber of Commerce reckoned that it grew from perhaps 3of world trade in l990 t0 5 in l995John Pepper,chairman of Procter&Gamble,a consumergoods multinational,says it may

2、 now be 7一9,0r over$450 billion a year In some developing countries,the authorities have had,at best,anambivalent attitude towards the booming manufacture of fake goods in their midst,After all,it creates jobs for local people and,at first sight,appears only to hurt foreign firmsThus the richer coun

3、tries whose firms are the main victims have had to use a mixture of persuasion and threats to get poorer nations to crack down on the pirates The Uruguay round of world trade talks,which ended in l 994,resulted in an Agreement on the Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual-Property Rights,which oblig

4、es all member countries of the World Trade 0rganisation to impose penalties for counterfeiting and other breaches of intellectualproperty rights;to pnfnrrP their Diracv laws adeouatelv;and to help firms inhibit trade in faked versions of their products Besides offering poorer countries trade privile

5、ges in return for a clampdown on counterfeitin9,rich countries have tried convincing them that if they try harder to enforce intellectualproperty rightsthey will win more foreign investment But,realising that persuasion is having little effect,they are also resorting to threats:on January l 5th,Amer

6、ica issued a warning to the Philippines and Taiwan,two of the worlds leading piracy centres,that they may have their trade privileges taken away unless they crack down harder on the counterfeiting gangsTaiwans justice minister,Chen Ding-nan,has vowed to rid the island of its reputation as a piratesd

7、enBut the counterfeiters are mocking his efforts:some pirated video discs of the new James Bond film“Die Another Day”,widely available on Taiwans streets,carry the taunting message“Come and catch me,Chen Ding-nan 450 wordsl 1The first paragraph is written to tell us that_ Athe history of counterfeit

8、ing is more than thousands of years Bcounterfeiting is an effective way to make more money Cmodern technology is responsible for the booming manufacture of fake goods Dcounterfeiting has become more and more rampant 2The second paragraph is mainly about _ Athe extent of counterfeiting in worId trade

9、 Bthe difficulty to measure the extent of counterfeiting Ca study by the International Chamber of commerce Dwhat John Pepper,chairman of Procter&Gamble,says 3The underlined word“ambivalent”in the third paragraph most probably means_ Acritical Bcontradictory CpositiVe DnegatiVe 4In order for poorer c

10、ountries to crack down on counterfeiting,_ Amore jobs have to be created there for local people Brich cuntries resrt to both persuasion and threats Cthe World Trade Organisation was set up Dthe Uruguay round of world trade talks was held in 1994 5Rich countries intend to_ Aoffer poorer countries tra

11、de privileges Btake away the trade privileges they have given poorer countries Cclamp down counterfeiting in poorer countries Dthreaten the counterfeiting gangs in Philippines 难句透析 Making and selling fake copies of wellknown productshas been a nice little earner for crafty craftsmen over thousands o

12、f years:in Roman Gaul,unscrupulous potters would put the seals of better-known competitors on their urns so they would sell better【构造】第一个方括号所标示的由两个动名词并列而成的短语用做全句的主语,按单数处理,动词用“has been”。冒号后面是另一句话,用做例子,起补充说明作用。第一个“would”表示过去常常性的动作;在其次个方括号所标示的“S0”引导的目的状语从句中消失的另一个“would”表示过去将来时。【释义】几千年来,仿造、销售知名产品始终是狡诈的技

13、工小赚一笔的手段。在古罗马的高卢人中,就有*猾的陶工经常在他们制作的瓮壶上标上更知名的竞争对手的印记,以利出售。 In some developing countries,the authorities have had,at best,an ambivalent attitude towards the booming manufacture of fake goods in their midst【构造】“havean attitude towards”的意思是“对持态度”。“the boomin9midst”是介词“towards”的宾语。【释义】在某些进展中国家,对他们之中兴盛的假冒伪

14、劣产品制造业,官方顶多实行一种冲突的态度。 The Uruguay round of world trade talks,which ended in l994,resulted in an Agreement on the Trade-Related Aspects of IntellectualProperty Rights。which obliges all member countries of the World Trade Organisation lto impose penalties for counterfeiting and other breaches of intel

15、lectualproperty rights;to enforce their piracy laws adequately;and”to help firms inhibit trade in faked versions of their products【构造】第一个方括号所标示的定语从句修饰“The Uruguay round of world trade talks”。其次个方括号所标示的定语从句修饰“an Agreement”。三个并列的动词不定式短语to imposerights;to en,0rceadequately; and”to helpproducts”用做宾语补语。【释义】世贸乌拉圭回合谈判完毕于l994年,这轮谈判结果达成了一个关于学问产权贸易相关方面的协议。该协议要求世贸组织全部成员国惩处伪造以及其他破坏学问产权的行为;真执行反盗版的法律;帮忙公司阻挡伪造产品的交易。 But,realising(that persuasion is having little effect),they are al



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