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1、功夫熊猫2Po: Ah. Ah, can I talk to you?额。 额,我可以和你说句话吗? Dad: Of course, son. In honor of my son: Free Tofu desserts for everybody with purchases. So good to see you. Po. Have you lost weight. I could almost putmy wings around you. 当然可以了,儿子。 以我儿子之威名: 免费豆腐脑全场供应 不过得先消费。 看到你很高兴,阿宝。你是不是减肥了。我差不多能用我的翅膀抱你一圈了。 Po

2、:Well, maybe a little.也许有一点点。 Dad: Po, you must feel weak, Let me get you some soup.阿宝,你肯定感到很虚弱,让我给点做点汤吧。 Po: Thats ok dad. Im not hungry. 不用了,爸。我不饿。 Dad: Not hungry? Po you alright? 不饿?阿宝 ,你没事吧? Po: Yeah, Im fine, I just . Earlier today, I was fighting with the bandits. Nothing too dangerous. They

3、were just . you know. And then, a strangest thing happened, I had a crazy vision.I think I saw my mom. And me as a baby.没事,我很好,我只是今天早些时候我在打强盗。没什么危险的。他们只是你知道的。然后一件非常奇怪的事情发生了,我看到了一个奇妙的画画。我想我看到我妈了,我还看到了自己是个婴儿。 Dad: Mom? a Baby? 妈?婴儿? Po: Dad? 爸? Dad: Wha. Who. Whatre you . 什么,谁,你到底在. .Po: How can I say

4、 this? Where did I come from?我该怎么说好呢?我是从哪里来的?Dad: Well, you see, son. Baby geese come from a little egg. Dont ask me where the egg come from. 嗯,你知道,儿子。小鹅就来自一个小鹅蛋。不要问我蛋是从哪里来的。 Po: Dad, its not what I meant. 爸,我不是这个意思。Dad: I know its not. I think this is time to tell you something. I should have told

5、you a long time ago.我知道不是。我想现在是时候告诉一些事。我早就应该告诉你的。 Po: Okay! 好吧!Dad:You might have been kind of . Adopted. 你可以算得上是被收养的吧。 Po: I knew it. 我就知道。 Dad: You knew? Who told you? 你知道?谁告诉你的? Po: No one. I mean. come on, dad. 没有人。我是说. .不要这样,爸。 Dad: But if you knew it, Why didnt you ever say anything? 但如果你早就知道了

6、,为什么你什么都不说呢?Po: Why didnt you say anything? How did I get here dad? Where did I come from? 你为什么又什么都不说?我是怎么到这里的?我是从哪里来的? Dad:Actually, you came from this. It was just another day at a restaurant. Time to make a noodle.I went out to the back. Where the vegetables had just been delivered.There were cab

7、bages,turnips,radishes.only there was no radishes. Just a very hungry baby panda. There was no note.Of course you couldve eat it.I waited for someone to come looking for you, but no one did. I brought you in side.Fed you,gave you a bath,and fed you again,and again.I tried to put some pants on you.An

8、d then I made a decision would change my life forever. To make my soup without radishes.And to raise you as my own son.Sao Po.My little panda. And from that moment on,both my soup and my life have been much sweeter.My little Po,Is this the end of the story.Look at me. No, dont look at me. 实际上,你是从这个来

9、的。那是我在餐馆平常的一天,做面条的时候,我走到后面。 蔬菜刚刚被送到那里。那里有白菜,大头菜,萝卜 但没有萝卜。只有一只非常饥饿的 熊猫宝宝。没有字条。当然也有可能让你吃了。我在等着是不是有人会来找你,但没有人。 我把你带到里面 ,喂你,给你洗澡,再喂你,再喂。我试着给你穿裤子。然后我做了一个会 永远改变我一生的决定。做没有萝卜的汤。还有把你当作自己儿子一样抚养。小宝,我的 小熊猫。从那时开始,我的汤和人生都变得甜美了很多。我的小宝,事情就是这样子了。 看着我。不,不要看着我。 Po:Thats it? That cant be it. Thats gotta be more,dad!就这么

10、多?这不可能只是这样。这肯定还有更多的事。 Dad: Well, there were the time you ate all my bamboo furniture. It was important too.有次你把我所有的竹子家具都吃光了。这件事也很重要。 Rabbit: One dumpling please, Dragon Warrior size.一个饺子,神龙大侠尺寸的。 Dad: Oh Po! Your story may not have such a happy beginning but look how it turn out. You got me, you got kungfu, and you got noodles.噢,阿宝,你人生的开始也许不算好。但看看你现在的生活。你有我,你有功夫,你还有面条。 Po:I know, I just have so many question.我知道,我只是有太多的问题了。



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