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1、Unit 4 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section B (1a-2e) 一、(基础题)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. Her hair is -( 金色的) .2. Jack told me the -( 整个的) story.3. The little girl has a beautiful -( 声音,嗓音) .4. Whatever you do, dont-( 欺骗) your parents.5. Unluckily, Tom knocked into a big -( 石头) and hurt his leg.6. I l

2、ooked through the window and saw some old desks -( 在里面) .7. He -( 带路,领路) us to a room upstairs.二、(综合题)用所给词的适当形式填空1. They were trying -( cheat) the emperor.2. He made a plan -( save) himself and his sister.3. As soon as he -( wake) up, he must go to the forest with his father.4. I have -( change) my

3、plan because of the weather.5. They were working on - ( discuss) the problem when we came in.6. In -( west) countries, its impolite to ask personal information.7. Im sure that you can find out a good way -( solve) it.三、(提高题)用 voice, noise 或 sound 填空1. Dont make any -, children.2. He spoke in a very

4、loud -.3. Dont make a -. The babys asleep.4. I can hear the - of the bells outside.5. Your sisters - is very nice.参考答案:一、(基础题)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. gold 2.whole 3. Voice 4. Cheat 5.stone 6.inside 7. led二、(综合题)用所给词的适当形式填空1. to cheat 2. to save 3. wakes 4. to change 5. discussing 6. western 7. to solve三、(提高题)用 voice, noise 或 sound 填空1. noise 2. voice 3. noise 4. sound 5. voice1


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