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1、N dNAME: COUNTRY: MULTIMEDIA TESTInternational Geography Olympiad 2008Instructions: 要求Look at the PowerPoint slides and read the questions carefully. We will also read the questions to you. 看POWERPONT 课件后仔细阅读问题。我们也会把问题读给你听。Depending on the complexity of the question we will give you 30 to 90 seconds

2、 for a question.根据问题的复杂性,我们会提供你30-90秒的时间去思考问题然后做选择题。This multimedia test has 30 questions. 选择题共有30题。Every question is multiple choice.每个问题有四个答案,分别是A,B,C和D。从中选出一个正确的答案。只有一个答案是正确的。Choose A, B, C or D.Only one answer is correct.Mark your choice with a circle around the letter that you want to select. 在

3、正确的选项的字母上画个圈表示。Do that by making a circle around the selected letter:AIf you make a mistake delete the selected letter:如果你选错了,去掉圈,然后做出新的选择。Aand make a new choice:BGood luck!祝你好运!1. Here are three photographs. They were all taken in the same country. Look carefully. In which country were they taken?

4、We will show you all the photographs twice.这里有三幅照片。它们都拍摄于同一国家, 仔细观察,这是哪个国家?你能看到这些照片两次。A Kuwait科威特B Gambia冈比亚CYemen也门D Turkey 土耳其2. Here are three photographs. They were all taken in the same country. Look carefully. In which country were they taken? We will show you all the photographs twice.三张照片拍摄于

5、同一个国家,仔细观察。判断这是哪个国家?我们会出示这些照片两次。A Spain西班牙B Canada加拿大CZimbabwe津巴布韦D Philippines菲律宾3. This photograph was taken in a city located on a coast in the eastern hemisphere near the equator. Which two cities are located at the same longitude as the city in the photograph?这张是一个地处赤道附近位于东半球一个沿海城市的照片。下面哪两个城市所处

6、的位置与照片中城市经度相同?A Caracas and Miami加拉加斯和迈阿密B Karachi and Jakarta卡拉奇和雅加达CTokyo and Adelaide东京和阿德莱德DTunis and Dar es Salaam突尼斯和达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚首都)4. This photograph illustrates:这张照片表示A a canyon峡谷B a wadi干涸河道,旱谷C an alluvial plain 冲积平原Da river 一条河流5. The map shows:这幅显示了:A C is an exclave of A C是在A国国外的领土B C is

7、 an exclave of B C是在B国国外的领土C A is an enclave of C A是在C国国外的领土DC is an enclave of B C是在B国国外的领土6. The map shows nitrogen dioxide pollution in Europe as observed by a satellite in 2004.这是2004年卫星拍到的欧洲的二氧化氮污染。The main cause of this pollution is:该污染的主要来源是:A. Power stations发电站B. Emissions from agriculture 农

8、业污染C. Road transport 道路的交通D. Incinerators 焚化炉或焚尸炉7. Map A shows in green the distribution of a phenomenon. Map B shows in pink the distribution of another phenomenon. 地图A中绿色是一种现象的分布。地图B中粉红色是另一种现象的分布。Which is correct? 下列哪个是正确的?A. Map A shows the distribution of coral reefs and map B shows the distrib

9、ution of volcanoes图A是珊瑚礁的分布,图B是火山的分布。B. Map A shows the distribution of mangroves and map B shows the distribution of volcanoes 图A是红树林的分布,图B是火山的分布C. Map A shows the distribution of mangroves and map B shows the distribution of coral reefs图A是红树林的分布,图B是珊瑚礁的分布。D. Map A shows the distribution of coral r

10、eefs and map B shows the distribution of mangroves图A是珊瑚礁的分布,图B是红树林的分布。8. This map of the United States shows the distribution of这张美国地图是 分布A. Poverty 贫穷B. Black population 黑人C. Badlands 荒地D. Hispanics 西班牙人9. This picture from the USA shows a: 这幅取自美国的图片显示了:A. Hurricane in Florida 佛罗里达的飓风B. Tornado in

11、Alabama阿拉巴马州的龙卷风C. Wild fire in Utah 犹他州的野火D. Volcanic eruption in Maine缅因州的火山爆发10. Here are four small images. All images show the effects of 这有四幅图片。所有的图片都是下列哪种现象造成的?A. El Nino 厄尼诺B. Biodiversity 生物多样性C. Typhoons 台风D. Global warming 全球变暖11. The top ten producers of this product are shown in yellow.

12、 What is the product? 这种产品的前十名生产国是地图中涂黄色的国家。 这是什么产品?A. Bananas 香蕉B. Cotton 棉花C. Coffee 咖啡D. Rice 水稻12. This photo of central pivot irrigation is typical of 这幅中枢轴灌溉图是哪个国家的特有形式?A. USA美国B. New Zealand新西兰C. Finland 芬兰D. Indonesia印度尼西亚13. This map shows two factors. Which combination is shown on this map

13、?地图中显示了两个因素,图中是哪两种因素的组合?A. Births and natural increase 出生率和人口自然增长率B. Domestic animals and agricultural productivity 国内畜牧和农业生产植C. Imports and inflation 进口和通货膨胀D. Population and GNP 人口与国民生产总值14. This world map shows height in brown and depth in blue. In a correct legend for this map, which is the corr

14、ect pair? 该世界地图用棕色表示高度,蓝色表示深度。以下哪一组是正确的尺度?A. A is higher than 1000 m and B is between 0 and -2500 m A是高于1000米,B位于0-2500米之间B. A is higher than 1000 m and B is between 0 and - 500 m A高于1000米,B是0-500米之间C. A is higher than 3000 m and B is between 0 and -2500 m A高于3000米,B是0-2500米D. A is higher than 3000

15、m and B is between 0 and - 500 m A高于3000米,B是0-500米之间15. Look at A and B on this map of Africa. How will the distance between A and B change in the coming ten thousand years? 看非洲地图上的A和B,它们的距离在未来一万年会怎么样变化?A. unpredictable 无法预测B. decrease 缩短C. increase 延长D. no change 不会改变16. This figure shows a network of roads and cities in a certain region. If all roads and cities are equal, which st



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