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1、7Different countries and different people have different manners. We must find out their customs, so that they will not think us ill-mannered. Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.If you visit a Chinese family you should knock at the door first. When t

2、he door opens, youll not move before the host says, “Come in, please.” After you enter the room, you wouldnt sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea-table before you or sent to your hand, youll say “Thank you” and receive it with your two hands, not one han

3、d, or theyll think you are ill-mannered. Before ente-ring a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a guest never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show th

4、at he has had e-nough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has en-joyed it. This will make the host, especially the hostess pleasant.1. We must find out what the different manners are in different countries so that _.A. we wont be thought in poor healthB. they won

5、t think we are illC. we can know what to do and what not to do when we go thereD. we can give some examples2. In China, when the host opens the door, _ before he says “Come in, please !”A. you wont leave B. you wont walkC. you wont stand in front of him D. you wont get in3. In Japan, it is good mann

6、ers to take off your shoes _.A. before your host enters the houseB. before you enter your hosts houseC. before you visit a familyD. before you sit down and receive a cup of tea4. In European countries, _ when you get into a house.A. you neednt take off your shoesB. you must take off your dirty shoes

7、C. you are not allowed to wear dirty shoesD. you should put on clean shoes5. In a Malay house, a guest leaves a little food _.A. to show that he has enjoyed itB. to show that he cant have any moreC. to show that he is not hungry at allD. to show that he needs some drink答:1.C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B8Mr B

8、lack was the manager of a hotel in Atlanta. One weekend all of the hotels were full because of a large business meeting being held in the city. On Sunday night, three men came into Mr Blacks hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Black told them that there were no more rooms available. The men didnt know wha

9、t to do because they had no place to stay in.Mr Black wanted to help them. He remembered that there was an empty room at the far end of the first floor Room 112. It was a very small room, and had rarely been used as a guest room before. So, be asked the three men if they would mind sharing that smal

10、l room. They replied that they would be very much satisfied so long as there was a room for them to stay in for the night.Mr Black then told them that the room would cost them $ 30 in total. On hearing this, each of the three men gave Mr Black 5 10 before they left for their room.However, Mr Black s

11、oon began to think that 5 30 was really too much for that small room. He called his assistant over and said, “Here is $ 5. Give it back to the three men in Room 112. Each of them paid me $10. Thats too much.”The assistant took the money. While he was on the way to that small room, he thought, “How c

12、an three men divide $ 57 Ill give each of them only $ 1 and keep the $ 2 left to myself. The men will be happy to get anything back, and I can also make some money that way. After all, Mr Black will never know anything about it.” So, the assis tant returned only $1 to each of the three men.Each man

13、had first paid S 10. After the assistant returned $1 to him, each man had actually paid only $ 9. There were three men. $ 93=$27. The assistant kept $ 2. $ 27 + $ 2= $ 29. Where is the missing dollar?1. Why were there no hotel-rooms available in town?A. There were no rooms available on Sundays.B. Th

14、e hotels were closed.C. A business meeting was being held.D. h was too late.2. Why didnt Mr Black offer Room 112 to the three men at first?A. The key had been lost.B. It was too small for three men.C. No one had stayed there before.D. It was not bright enough.3. How much did Mr Black first ask each

15、man for the room?A. $ 30. B. $15. C. $10. D. $9.4. Why did the assistant return only $ 3 to the men?A. The manager had asked him to do so.B. He thought it would be difficult for three men to divide $ 5.C. He wanted to make some money for himself.D. Both B and C.5. How were the manager and his assist

16、ant in behaviour?A. The manager worked hard, but the assistant was lazy.B. The manager was honest but the assistant was not.C. The assistant was clever but the manager was not.D. The manager did not know how to make money, but the assistant did.6. What is the authors main point in telling the story?A. To show


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