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1、专题一 名词名词:可数名词与不可数名词1.可数名词有 种形式,不可数名词只有 。pen- ; bread 2.可数名词用不定冠词或基数词修饰;不可数名词则用“不定冠词/数词 + 单位词+ of”修饰。 apple; pictures; a of bread; four of water 3.可数名词复数前用many, few, a few, several修饰; 不可数名词前用much; little, a little修饰. some和any既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。 desks; bread; books; juicee.g. You can get much about Bei

2、jing on the Internet.A . map B. picture C .ticket D .informationThe doctor told me to eat more because its good for my health.A.orange B. vegetables C. ice cream D. fish4.名词变复数(1)规则变化:一般情况词尾加s: map- ; 以s, x, ch, sh结尾加es: box- ; watch- 以f/fe结尾 变f/fe为v,再加es: leaf- knife- thief 直接加s: chief-chiefs; gulf

3、-gulfs以辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i再加es: story-stories; 字母加o结尾加es:黑人(negro)和英雄(hero)爱吃土豆(potato)和西红柿(tomato),(2)不规则变化: man- foot- tooth- child- 单复同形:fish; sheep; Chinese; Japanesel 注意: 一般情况只变主体词 a girl studenta girl students; a boy student- 由man/woman构成的合成名词a man driver-men drivers; a woman teacher- 5.名词所有格(1) s所有

4、格单词形式构成方法举例普通单数n.在词尾直接加smy fathers friend词尾已有s的复数n.在词尾只加students room词尾不带s的复数n.在词尾加sChildrens Day表示几个词共有在最后一个词的词尾加sJane and Marys room表示几个词各自所有在每个词的词尾加sJanes and Marys roome.g. I dont think looking after children is just work.A woman B womans C women D womens room is big and bright. They like it ver

5、y much.A Tom and Sam B Toms and Sam C Tom and Sams D Toms and Sams名词专练( )1.-Im thirsty. May I have something to drink? (2011福州) -OK. Heres some .A rice B bread C water( )2. Lucy enjoys dancing. Its one of her . (2011河北)A prize B prizes C hobby D hobbies( ) 3-Jack, will you family move to Shanghai? (

6、2011湖南衡阳) -Yes. Thats a very big my parents made.A decide B decision C education( ) 4. There are many at the foot of the hill. (2011湖南永州)A cow B horse C sheep( ) 5. For my homework I have to write a(n) about the wonders of the world. (天津)A music B picture C article ( ) 6. I dont know how to keep hea

7、lthy. Can you give me ? (2011新疆)A an advice B lots of advices C a few advices D some advice( ) 7. I like a lot, and my mother usually cooks in it in different ways.A fish B potatos C noodle( ) 8 . Hurry up!There is time left.A little B a little C few D a few( ) 9. . How many can you see in the pictu

8、re?A tomatos B tomatoes C tomato D the tomato( ) 10. Shanghai is one of the biggestin our country.A city B citys C citys D cities( ) 11. Would you please pass me?A two paper B two papers C two pieces of paper D two pieces of papers( ) 12. “What would you like, Ann? ”“Id like two.”A glass of milk B g

9、lasses of milk C glass of milks D glasses of milks( ) 13. There isnt paper in the box. Will you go and get for me?A any, some B any, any C some, some D some, any( ) 14. All the students are busy, so of them will go to the cinema.A many B little C a few D few专题二 冠词1. 不定冠词a/an的用法l a用于辅音发音的单词前,an用于元音发音

10、的单词前 useful book university European country hour s 80-meter-long bridge2. 定冠词the的用法(1) 特指某些人或物,用在有定语的名词前。The students in this room are very clever.(2) 指上文提到过的人或物There is a pen on the desk and the pen is red.(3) 用于世上独一无二的事物或方位前the sun the earth the moon in the east in the west(4) 用在序数词、adj.最高级前 Janu

11、ary is the first month of the year.(5) 用于西洋乐器名词前: play piano play violin(6) 用于某些adj.前,表示一类人 The poor are against the plan, but the rich are for it.(7) 用于姓氏复数前,表示一家人或夫妇二人 The Smiths have moved.3. 不用冠词的情况(1) 球类,棋类,一日三餐前play volleyball play chess have breakfast 若三餐前有形容词,则需要冠词 nice dinner quick breakfas

12、t(2) 人名,地名前不要冠词Beijing is the capital of China.(3) 与by连用的交通工具前不用冠词by bus/plane/bike/ship(4) 星期,月份,季节,节日前不用冠词Today is Sunday. in winter. Teachers Day.冠词专练( ) 1. She learned to play piano all by herself.A a B an C the D /( )2. Mr Li is old worker.A a B an C some D /( )3.I usually go to school on foot. (2011长沙)A a B the C /( ) 4. We usually go to school on weekdays, and sometimes go to cinema at weekends. (2011天津)A /; the B the; the C the; / D /; /( ) 5.There is u and h in the word hour. (2011新疆)A an; an B a; a C an; a D a; an( ) 6. are planning to go on vacation. (2011乌鲁木齐)A Blacks



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