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1、闽教版小学英语第六册第一单元第2课时教学设计 执教教师:崇安小学 杨荣娇 联系电话:18350973098指导教师:教师进修学校 周素姬 联系电话:18650658725 湖桃小学 曹怡婷 联系电话:13859461850崇安小学 叶春香 联系电话:13859463039一、教学内容本单元的主题是Winter vacation ,本节课所教授的是PartB,是在学习完PartA的基础上继续谈论寒假生活,学会使用一般过去时和常见短语描述过去发生的事情,主要学习词汇parent,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake等,继续学习句型How was your winter

2、vacation? I went to Taiwan with my parents. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 并能在实际情景中灵活运用,语音准确,语调自然。主要语言功能是谈论寒假生活。二、设计理念为了达到本课的教学目标,我以新课标为指导,围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学思想,采用灵活多样的教学方法,坚持游戏化和情景化相统一,书本化和体验化相统一的教学,从学生的兴趣出发,通过创设生活情境,示范教学内容,启发学生思维,组织语言实践,突出重点,突破难点,在“学中用、用中学”,充分体现外语教学的交际性。三、教学目标1语言能力(1):能听说、认读并

3、正确书写单词parent,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake等。(2) 能听懂、会说How was your winter vacation? I went to Taiwan with my parents. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake,能准确使用一般过去时和常见短语描述过去发生的事情,谈论寒假生活。2 学习能力(1) 能掌握基本的听、读策略,利用所学策略从语篇中获取关键信息。(2)能使用本课所学句型谈论自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活,准确使用一般过去时和常见短语进行有效的语言输出,从而提升语言运用能力。3 思维品质(1)

4、 引导学生主动参与、体验教学、积极探究,让他们通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方法,培养学生自主思考及发散性思维能力。(2) 通过语篇教学,培养学生获取关键信息的能力。4 文化意识通过本课学习,了解台湾的一些著名的风景名胜,挖掘文本的情感内涵引导学生热爱生活,热爱祖国河山。四、学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们基本经过三年的英语学习,有了一定的英语知识储备,且具备了一定的逻辑思维能力。在英语听、读方面,他们已经有了听读对话的基本能力,但还没有形成有效的听读策略。针对教材的特点和五年级学生的实际情况,整节课从热身、导入到新授课等每个环节都是在自然情境中呈现相关的教学内容,引导学生

5、自主、探究去学习,并通过各种课堂活动激发他们的英语学习兴趣,做到寓教于乐。五、重难点和关键教学重点:1.词汇:parent,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake等。2.句型:How was your winter vacation? I went to Taiwan with my parents. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 能准确使用一般过去时和常见短语描述过去发生的事情,介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。教学难点:在实际情境中能准确使用一般过去时和常见短语描述过去发生的事情,介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。教学关键:

6、从学生兴趣出发,通过创设生活情境,示范教学内容,启发学生思维,组织语言实践,引导学生主动参与、体验教学、积极探究,让他们通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方法实现本课教学目标。六、教学课时 1课时七、教学准备 多媒体课件、单词卡、八、教学过程Step1 Revision and warming up1 Greeting2 Play a game:谁最快游戏规则:快速说出闪现的动词短语3 Free talkT:Boys and girls,last class, we talked about winter vacation. How was Lilys winter vacation?

7、Do you remember? Ss: Lily visited the Great Wall.T:How was Peters winter vacation?Ss:T:Yeah ,thats right. Do you want to know about my winter vacation? lets watch this video together! Then answer my question“How was my winter vacation?”S1:S2:S3:设计意图: 本环节通过游戏、Free talk复习了第1课时中用动词过去式描述寒假生活,通过观看老师的寒假生活

8、精美视频拓展了寒假生活的多样性,也营造了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,为新授课做好铺垫。Step2 Presentation and practice1 T :How was your winter vacation,?S1:I went to. How was your winter vacation,?S2:I.T:You know,today well go on talking about winter vacation PartB.揭示课题,并板书。 2 Learn the text(1) Listen and answerT:How was Wang Taos winter vacation

9、? And how was Yang Mings winter vacation?Ss:Wang Tao went to Taiwan with his parents.Yang Ming played chess with his father.Learn this word “parent”,parent means father or mother.parents means father and mother.T:Look at the two sentences. Why do we use “went” and “played”?SS:.(2) Listen and answer

10、the other two questions. Find the answers to these questions.Where is Wang Taos hometown? What did he do there? Check the answers.Learn “hometowm” and know about Ali Mountain,Sun Moon Lake,101 building in Taiwan.Learn ”tour” “took a boat tour”. T:I took some photos yesterday. Ss:take过去式 took设计意图:英语教

11、学讲究语境的铺设和导入环节的水到渠成,通过观看课文动画,创设问题情境,自然引出本课重点词汇和句型教学,在实际语境中学习,便于学生理解和掌握。而且分层次的听读策略,设计不同的问题,有利于培养学生获取语篇关键信息的能力。(3)Listen and follow. Then read it together.(4)Read in roles设计意图:此环节偏重听和地道的语音、语调的模仿,听、说、读能力的培养有助于学生语感的形成,提高认读能力。同时回归了课本,有效地巩固了本课教学内容。3 Group workTeacher and the other three Ss make a dialogue

12、like this:T:How was your winter vacation,boys and girls?Ss:It was wonderful.Wang Tao:Yang Ming:Lily:The students are in groups of four. Act out the dialogue.设计意图:在语境中不断操练巩固本课重点词组和句子,从小组到个人,循序渐进,有利于知识的内化,为进一步良好的语言输出做好准备。Step3 Consolidation and extension1 Read and fill in the blanksT:Well,lets enjoy m

13、y winter vacation once more,then fill in the blanks. Hello,Im Miss Yang. My winter vacation _(is) wonderful. I_(go) to Longyan. I _(go) to see my friends with my family. We _(visit) Huaan Tulou. It was warm there,and we _(have) a SPA(温泉).We _(go) to see some beautiful flowers,too.I also _(play) Yoga

14、(瑜伽) in my winter vacation. I went to see my father. I_(take)some photos for him. We_(have) a good time. Check the answers and read it together.2 情感渗透T:Boys and girls,Im your new English teacher today. Do you know about my life from this video? Can you say something about me?Ss:T:Thats right.I love

15、my family.I love my friends.I love my beautiful motherland and enjoy my life. Everybody shoud love our motherland and enjoy our life. Do you think so?设计意图:新课标提出英语教学是工具性和人文性的统一,此环节通过再次欣赏老师的寒假生活,填空完成短文,复习巩固了用一般过去时和常见短语描述寒假生活,同时引导学生拥有健康的生活方式,热爱生活,热爱祖国河山,是对学生的情感升华,做到润物细无声。3 Play a game: Talk Show游戏规则:学生们依次进行脱口秀展示,描述自己或家人的寒假生活。设计意图:此环节充分体现了英语学习的目的“为用而学,学了就用”,让学生在生活中不断地去运用英语,进行语言实践,有效地提高了学生的综合语言运用能力。Step4 Summary Wat



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