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1、一语法及基础知识 第一节 虚拟语气 过去 现在 将来 现在的为从句did原 主句would should could might +do过去的从句为为had+did主句would could should might +have done 将来的为从句为were to do did were should+do did主句为四大词+do 三个时态的虚拟分别于三个时间的事实相反Were should had 三个词可以提前 放在一句话的第一位 判断将来时时注意关键的时间词 现在时为 now将来时为tomorrowIf I had time if qing had gone 现在例句 if my

2、lived now,he would give us more shows 过去例句if qing had not gone back to qing dynasty ,she would not have met him 下一个if I had been born 20 years earlier,I would have had chance to marry her 将来例句两个而且三字词提前了 I were to win 变成were I to win I should win变成Should I win qingchuan had not gone the eighth son of

3、 the emperorHave 为实义动词时+n 并且have 不放在前面什么意思 have为助动词时可以放在前面第二节介词短语仅代替从句 without 如果没有 but for 要不是Without me,what would you do ?本来应该为you would do 但有what 为疑问语气所以But for the earthquake we should not have bought the salt crazily If it had not been for 其实就是without but for 与if作用一样第三届 错综时间条件句 前后时间不一致If you h

4、ad taken my advise you would be better now 有明显的时间状语二表示愿望的虚拟 为不可能实现的事Hope可以实现的愿望 wish 不可以实现的愿望Wish+that +主语+与现在过去将来事实相反例子I wish (that)从句everyday were my birthday 现在的I wished(that)I had met jaychou Would /could+do与将来相反I wish(that)they would become my enemies in the future三 should+do的虚拟Should可以省略 在一些动词

5、之后 一个坚持二个命令 四个建议 四个要求 一个宁愿 宁愿坚持建议命令要求 一些动词之后+(that)+主+(should)+do PreferInsistSuggest advise propose recommendOrder commandRequire request demand desire 注意insist后面要求应是should do 如果后面是认为 断言 的意思 后不虚拟The doctor insisted that the boy was (be)badly hurt and insisted that he should be sent (send)to the hos

6、pital at once 被动语态 be+done suggest 建议(should)do 暗示表明不虚拟Her pale 苍白face suggested that she was(be)will同源词用法相同 suggested tion ing undesirable 后面都是should +do 一个词衍生好多个词,要掌握那一个词就行2一个句型之后it is important/ essential/ necessary /strange/ natural /apity/ (should)do It is important that he (should)not come (sh

7、ould)不能省略 it is (high|about)time that 主 +should do 该到做某事的时候了It is high time that we should study hard 可以改成studied此句型中should do 可以由该动词的一般过去式studied代替 should do died 四其他类型虚拟语气1would rather 11do12 do rather than do 宁愿做而不愿意做13that+主语+did1与现在或将来相反 21had gone 与过去相反I would rather that he had not heard it .

8、2 主句+as if/though+主语+动词现在did /were 过去had gone 将来w/c+do He speaks lapanse very well as if he were a japanse 3 if noly 要是什么就好了 only if只要Wish though as if if only 四者虚拟形式相同If only you had listened to me 4 句1,or /otherwise ,句2 Hurry up,otherwise,wewill be late.Otherwise前面的和后面的如果都是真实情况就不虚拟He was very busy

9、 ,otherwise,he would have helped you 前面真后面假虚拟 两种用法 1would+v原型 与现在或将来相反 2would +have done 与过去相反 过去好说 一半或将来前面的was变后面的will跟着相应的变化不?5 主句+lest免得/for feer恐怕that should+do原型 incase+that 以防万一 should+do 此处should 不可省略可省略的情况should在1244之后 长词important should +do(原) 不省略should 情况it is time 第二节倒装正装 主+谓语 倒 谓语+主 1含义

10、动词放在主语之前动词分 1实意动词 2助动词 1实意又分11 及物动词 能够直接加名词 12不及物动词 不能直接加名词 助动词 2 助动词 21 情态动词v can/must +v原22am is are was were do does did hava has had 二1 分类11完全倒装整个谓语动词放主语之前 12 部分倒装 助动词位于主语前I passed they passed he passed 不好找就先变否定 do did does 一完全倒装1 地点 方位 时间 副词 介词位于句子首 here there in out now then up down away The b

11、us comes here here comes the bus come 是放在the bus前面了 只不过不是放在最前面而已 注 如果主语是人称代词 则不倒装I we you he she it they he comes here here he comes 如果倒装按照完全倒装的法则应该是 comes 放于 he 之前 而实际就是没有放在之前只是简单的把here提前而已2 介词短语位于句子首部 介词 +名词 The bird sings in the tree in the tree sings the bird 考人称代词主要靠 here there 二部分倒装 1 否定意义词位于句

12、子首部 no nowhere 在哪也没有 never little不可数 few可数seldom 很少 rarely很少的 否定词 7个绝不I have never played such an interesting game Never had I played 其实还是助动词 had 提前 只不过前面加了一个修饰had的never罢了 补充 hardly/scarcely when no sooner than 都是 一什么什么 就 的意思注 含义1 一什么什么 就 2 倒装 前倒后不倒 3 时态一般后面用had done 一般过去时did had +主+过去分词The snake ha

13、d hardly fallen down when we were frightened 过去完成时 非had 而是hardly hardly had the snake fallen 还是把助动词提前然后该怎么办怎么办 然后否定意义词是修饰助动词的放于句子首部2七个绝不放于句子首部In no case at no time on no account on no condition by no means under no circumstance in no way P13 笔记本 这七个都是绝不的意思Counter 反 We should in no case forget we are

14、 Chinese 这七个词相当于副词修饰动词In no case should we forget we are Chinese 3Not only +倒装but also we should not only help ourselves but also help others Not only should we 4 not until +句子/n+部分倒装 直到 才 He did not go home until midnight Not until midnight did he go home I did not know how to cherish until I lost

15、it 珍惜Not until (I lost it )did I know not until 部分倒装 did +主+v 原2表示 也 的倒装1肯定的 也 so+助+主 I like English he likes English too . so does he If you jump ,I will jump to so will/shall I 补充 关于so的用法1 the boy is very lovely, so he is so am I 主语前后一致不倒装 主语前后不一致就到装了2so +adj/adv /such+n放于句首,后面加部分倒装Chen is so charming that we all like it So charming is chen that 2否定的 也 neither/nor 助+主I do not like English he does not like it ,either neith



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