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1、7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate 备课主题:Integrated skills课标解读: 本课时教材提供的材料有助于学生了解中国传统节日春节的庆祝方式,从而更深刻地了解祖国的文化,进而形成初步的国际理解意识。学生通过阅读海报和听录音获取有关信息。有助于达成英语课程标准中关于“听”的技能“能借助图片听懂简单的话语或录音材料”的目标。而单元话题Spring Festival是学生既熟悉又感兴趣的话题,这有助于激发学生产生“运用英语交流与节假日相关信息”的愿望,有助于达成英语课程标准中关于“说”的技能“能就熟悉的话题(节假日)进行简单的交流”的目标。在Speak up 中安排的Hav

2、e a nice day!可以使学生学会“介绍”这一功能意念项目;学生通过学习能运用这些语言在真实的情境中完成“社会交往”,表达“态度”这两方面的交际活动。Speak up中母女之间的对话包含了“介绍学校生活”和“祝愿”等方面的语言信息,为学生达成“能根据话题进行情景对话”目标提供有效的模仿素材。教材分析:本单元的Integrated skills介绍庆祝中国传统日春节的相关信息。分为三部分:“听春节介绍”,“完成春节介绍”,“介绍春节或其它节日”。 本节课要求学生听一篇正规的广告内容,题材新颖,春节又是学生熟悉又感兴趣的话题,能激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。本课时将语言知识设置在贴近学生生活的语言

3、情境中,使学生体会到语言学习的真实性和趣味性的同时在听说读写技能得到不同程度的锻炼和提升。因此本课内容设计为今后学生在实际生活中用英语相互交流与春节及其它节日相关的话题提供了很好的学习材料。也为学生完成本单元中心任务(write about your favourite festival)打下坚实基础。学情分析: 学生在循序渐进中学习了Welcome to the unit, Reading 和Grammar中呈现的知识之后应该积累了一定的关于“介绍节日方面”的知识。但本节课中要求学生听的内容是一篇正规的广告内容,学生在听的过程中会遇到一些不熟悉的单词和句子,再加上广告内容的顺序和填写内容的顺


5、好地掌握和运用该项知识。 教案教学目标By the end of the lesson, students are expected to :Aims of knowledge:1. understand new words and expressions: find outtake photosat night lionmoreradioshowseemdifferentaround firework lion dance2. know more information about Spring FestivalAims of ability :1. get some information

6、 by reading and listening. 2. improve their integrated skills especially listening and speaking ability.3. make up dialogues to introduce how to celebrate a festival Aims of emotion :further understand the culture of Chinese traditional festivals. 重点难点Students can introduce how to celebrate the Spri

7、ng Festival and other festivals.Some students may have difficulty while listening and introducing the Spring Festival and other festivals.教学方法Communicative approach , task-based teaching method and so on.媒体及准备Multi-media; blackboard教学设计(一备)备注Teaching Procedures:Step One Free talk1. Talk about their

8、favourite festivals(some pictures).Ask:(1) Which is your favourite festival?(2) Dou you like the Chinese New Year?(3) Why do you like it?(4) What do you always do during the Chinese New Year? (设计意图:通过谈论最喜欢的节日复习了语法部分的特殊疑问词,同时呈现本课时谈论的节日春节)2. A game Show some pictures. Let the students guess the activi

9、ties of Spring Festival to present some new words and expression(设计意图:猜谜是学生喜欢的游戏,用这种方式有利于激发学生的兴趣同时也能训练学生的阅读能力3. A dialogueMake up a dialogue to talk about how people celebrate the Spring Festival? A: the spring festival is coming, how are you going to celebrate it?B: Im going to A: What about you ,?

10、C: I want toA: Do you want to ?D: Yes, I do/ No, I want toShow some pictures about Spring Festival and write the new words and expressions on the blackboard: (设计意图:通过谈论春节的庆祝活动呈现新单词及词组,激发学生的学习兴趣。用对话的形式而不是简单的单词和词组目的是创设情境)Step Two Presentation We do a lot of interesting things during the Chinese New Ye

11、ar. Do you know how people in New York celebrate the Chinese New Year? Present some new words and expressions. Please turn to page 63. Read the poster and answer my questions. (设计意图:引导学生阅读海报,获取相关信息。通过阅读海报和回答问题,再次巩固新单词及词组并使学生熟悉听力内容)Step Three Listening 1. Show some listening tips and ask students to

12、guess the missing words.(设计意图:鼓励学生把握关键词,预测所听内容,同时渗透一定的听力技巧)2.T: Now, listen to the radio programme and write down the time they have each activity.S: (Fill in the form)1. Check the answers in class.Step Four Practice1. Complete Part A3。Wendy is writing a postcard to Millie about the Chinese New Year

13、 celebrations. Lets help Wendy finish her postcard. The students work in group of four.(设计意图:通过小组合作进一步巩固春节庆祝活动)2. Check the answers, Students read the postcard together.3. Ask a few students retell the celebrations according to PPT.(设计意图:通过在完成听力相关内容后,应该能说出一些庆祝活动,实现从信息输入到信息输出,在口语操练的同时,对学生进行情感态度价值观的教育

14、。)Presentation of Speak upStep Five Presentation Listen and answer:1. Why does Millie seem happy?2. What do they do?3. Where do they have the shows?(设计意图:让学生带着问题任务去听,更有针对性和有效性)Step Six Read after the tape. (设计意图:跟着录音朗读,一方面纠正学生的发音,特别是升降调,连读等;另一方面有助于进一步理解对话内容)Step Seven Read the dialogue in different

15、ways and act it out.(设计意图:进一步加深理解对话内容,为下一步的产出打下基础)Step Eight Production 1. Please tell Millie about your favourite festivals2.Make up dialogues about“Have a nice day! ”in groups of two。(设计意图:同时通过合作产出新的对话,从而达到学以致用,用英语做事情。输出任务设计两个,给学生自选,目的是为了满足不同层次学生的需求。)Homework:1. listen, read and learn Speak up by heart.2. finish the exercises in the workbook.


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