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1、初四普通班第一次英语月考试题:一、单项选择:1. -Im sorry to _ you. Not at all.A. brother B. bother C. matter D. disturbs2. If I _ you, I _ be afraid.A. am; would not B. was; wouldnt C. were; wont D. were; wouldnt3. I just dont know _. A. what to do it B. how to do C. to choose which one D. which one to choose4. _ I dont

2、pass my exams?A. What for B. What with C. What if D. How about5. - _? - Ive got a cold.A. Whats your trouble B. Are you better C. How long have you been like this D. Have you taken your temperature 6. He has _ to tell us. A. some interesting thing B. some things interesting C. something interesting

3、D. interesting something7. Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? -No, it _ be him, Mr Li is much taller.A. mustnt B. may not C. neednt D. cant8. Where is Tom? He hasnt come to school today, I think he _ be ill.A. would B. can C. will D. cant9. When the lights turn red, the traffic _ stop. A. need

4、B. can C. may D. must10. Could I use your pen? - Yes, you _.A. will B. can C. may D. could二、根据汉语提示完成句子:11. He entered the room _ _. (未经许可)12. Im afraid to give a speech _ _. (在公共场所)13. She would also _ stay at home _ go to a party. (宁愿。而不愿)14. We dont want to _ our parents _. (使。失望)15. Finally they

5、_ _ _ the solutions to their problem. (想出)16. He walked slowly _ _ his bad leg. (由于)17. Whose guitar is this? It might _ _ Alice. (属于)18. Hes extremely _ _ his weight. (担心)19. You cant wake a person who is pretending _ _ _. (睡着)20. _ _ _ the dog that does not bark. (当心)21. We should _ _ _ each other

6、. (相处)22. The social situations _ bother you _ _ _. (一点也不)23. Im _ _ the snakes. (害怕)24. Dont let yesterday _ _ too much of today. (耗尽)25. Everyone should _ _ (关心) the old people.三、根据提示完成单词:26. Do you know the a_ of the book? It might be Han Han. 27. Hes outgoing and has p_ of friends.28. Shall we g

7、o to the park and have a p_ this weekend?29. He is a _ man, he often tells a lie. (honest)30. This dictionary is _ to us students. (help)31. His answers are _ true. (possible)32. The man is trying _ (catch) a bus, I think.33. Three _ (monkey) escaped from the zoo, Im very _ (worry).34. The _ exam is

8、 coming. We are busy now. (final)35. The boys are _ (interview) by the reporter on TV.36. Dont make so much _ (noisy).37. There is a lot of wind. Its _ (wind).38. Gina, is this your umbrella? No, it isnt. _ is blue. (My)39. Do you know who is the _ of the book? (own)40. I like pandas because theyre

9、_. (play) 41. When your parent is angry with you, you must be _. (happy)42. His key _ (drop) on the ground, but he didnt see it.43. Hes a _ ( 有知识的) man.44. The small stone _ (称) 1000 kg.45. The zoo wasnt _ (适合) for animals to live in.46. Id give it to medical _ (研究).四、阅读理解:(15分) AYao Ming is 2.26m t

10、all; weighs 145kg; plays center. He served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Womens Team. His father played basketball, too.Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very importan

11、t basketball player in CBA, which is short for the China Basketball Association(协会). During the 20002001 season, he got 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental Sharks in every match,Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do

12、his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.Sport analyst(分析家)Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential(潜力), and the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball.”( ) 47. The Houston Rockets is the name of a _ team. A. table tennis B. volleyball C. basketball D. golf( ) 48. Both Ya

13、o Mings father and mother were _. A. football players B. basketball players C. the centers of the Chinese National Team D. the captains of the Chinese National Team( ) 49. Yao Ming _ in CBA during the 20002001 season.A. lost B. won C. was good at D. did well( ) 50. Yao Ming _ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002.A. did his best to join B. is well-known inC. became a member of D. takes part in( ) 51. Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _.



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