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1、_限时练习 高二下英语阅读提升练习(四)七选五部分:Habits can be slow to form. _1_ When workers headed home during the first lockdown of March 2020, they probably thought the break would last for a month or so. Had that been true, old routines would soon have restarted.It is now ten months since many employees have made a r

2、egular commute(通勤) into the office New routines have taken root and those will be much harder to break. _2_Research suggests that managers may spend 23 hours a week in meetings. _3_ The pandemic could provide a wake-up call on meeting uselessness. _4_ The convention of the daily commute and the stan

3、dard working day has been abandoned. Self-isolating(自我隔离) workers have shown they will happily get on with their work,even when not under the eye of their boss. And if they decide to work at home on Fridays,they will no longer feel as guilty as they might have done before the pandemic.Handling a com

4、bination of remote workers will require managers to acquire new habits. Ms Moschini says the key will be to develop empathic(共情) leadership that understands the varied working conditions of team members. _5_At the start of the lockdown she sent slippers to her team so they could feel comfortable wor

5、king from home.A. This bad news has a silver lining.B. But not all new habits are welcome.C. This might involve sending small gifts.D. But when they do, they can become rooted.E. Permitting this flexibility makes perfect sense.F. The best habit developed during the pandemic is becoming flexible.G. C

6、ut that time in half and think of how much more might be achieved.DBGFC完形填空He came from somewhere south of Rome. I didnt know when or how he got to America, swam maybe. But one evening I found him standing in the driveway, behind my garage, extremely thin. “My name Tony Trivionno and I mow(割)your la

7、wn.” he said. It was hard to comprehend his 1. English. “I mow your lawn,” he said again and walked away. Yes, these Depression days were 2. ,but how could I 3. a person who had come to me for help? When I got home the next evening, the lawn had been mowed ,the walks swept and the garden weeded. 4.

8、, my wife assumed I had hired him. I told her of my 5. the night before and we thought it strange that he had not asked for 6. . The next two days were busy, and I forgot about him. But on Friday, I saw him, behind my garage again and busy around.I managed to 7. some small weekly pay for him and eac

9、h day he cleaned up the yard and took care of any little 8. . He was very helpful whenever there were any heavy objects to lift or things to fix in my factory.“I want to be an apprentice(学徒),” he said one day. 9. we had a good Prentice school that trained laborers, I doubted whether he had the abili

10、ty to 10. blueprints and micrometers(千分尺). Therefore, he took a 11. in pay to become an apprentice. Many years later, I found him in our 12. meeting spot, much heavier than he used to be and taking on a look of 13. . He was a millionaire now! Tony came to America seeking the American Dream. But he d

11、id not find it he 14. it himself. Tony didnt begin on the bottom rung(横档)of the ladder. He began in the 15. . Tonys affairs were tiny, and all he had were 24 hours a day. He wasted none of them and succeeded finally.1. A. repeated B. broken C. strange D. simple2. A. special B. boring C. ordinary D.

12、difficult3. A. give away B. turn away C. pick up D. cheer up4. A. Hopefully B. Fortunately C. ApparentlyD. Secretly5. A. impression B. experience C. doubtD. anxiety6. A. trouble B. award C. pay D. leave7. A. bring in B. leave out C. work out D. take in8. A. tasks B. kids C. animals D. arguments9. A.

13、 Now that B. In case C. Even if D. Ever since10. A. read B. record C. copyD. draw11. A. rise B. cut C. step D. break12. A. casual B. memorable C. formal D. familiar13. A. confusion B. confidence C. amusementD. astonishment 14. A. discovered B. acknowledged C. deserved D. created15. A. office B. scho

14、ol C. hotelD. basement BDBCB CCACA BDBDD阅读理解Transportation and communication networks bring people together. Yet sometimes people themselves create barriers(障碍) to transportation and communication. In some countries, laws stop people from moving freely from place to place. Over the centuries, many groups of people have been denied the freedom to travel because of their race, religion, or nationality. In the Middle Ages, for example, Jews were often forbidden to move about freely within certain cities. South Africas government used to requi



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