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1、学习必备欢迎下载How to write a composition(高三英语写作课教案)张家港市后塍高级中学(南校区)魏燕萍教学目的:教会学生用英语准确表达表格中涉及的要点。教学重点:引导学生根据表格中的中文要点,由词成句, 确,行文流畅。教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪)教学方法:讨论法由句成文。最后适当使用连接词,组句成篇,实现用词准3. 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语4. 恰当使用句型,连词成句5. 恰当使用连接词,组句成篇6规范誊写教学步骤:一、介绍书面表达六步法 (Introduction)1仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求.2. 围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲.二、呈现学生得分情况

2、(Presentation) 反映岀学生得分差距,引起学生共鸣:希望在作文上获得提高 三、讨论(Discussion)1 写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时2明确要点,确定核心词、词组、句型。(要点“你的看法”:鼓励学生畅所欲言,激起课堂高潮。)四、呈现(Presentation)1. 高考英语写作关键:A.学会使用较高级词汇。B.学会使用较丰富的句式。C.学会使用恰当的连接词2 呈现学生作文中岀现的典型句子。要求学生用高级词汇、高级句型进行改写,加以完善。3. 展示挖空后的范文,要求学生填入适当的关联词,并指岀范文中的精彩之处。五、反馈(Feedback)1 学生

3、修改作文,互查互改错误。2. 教师总结。首先,针对文中学生未找岀或改对的错误, 帮助学生一起改正。 其次,对文中的错误之处进行分 类(如:名词复数、动词时态、介词等),引起学生的重视。六、提高书面表达建议:(Suggestions)1 .准确记忆单词2掌握足够的语言知识点,如构词法,语法知识等3经常进行写作练习4适当背诵作文参考答案5 .大量阅读七、作业(Assignment)发给学生另一篇体裁相似的书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。Teaching planTopic: writing a compositionTeaching Aims:According to the fo

4、rm, teach students how to write a composition using the effective sentences. Train the Combining the sentences into a passage Copying normallystudents writing ability.Teaching Important Points:1mprove the students writing ability.2. Teach the students how to get the key words and how to use effectiv

5、e sentences to complete a coherent composition. Teaching Methods:Discussion, PresentationTeaching Aids:1. the multimedia2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1:lntroduction of the basic elementsSix steps to write a composition Analyzing the task Finding out the main points Thinking of key points

6、/phrases Forming sentencesStep 2:Showing results:Five levels:level 121-24:2 people(excellent)level 216-20:15 people(Above average)level 311-15:21 people(average level)level 46-10:(below average)level 51-5:ask: As you can see, only 5 students in our class got a mark above 18. Are you satisfied with t

7、his result?(Ss: No. )Do you want to make some improvements?: Yes.)Say: OK, now let analyze the composition together.Step 3 Discussing the compositionPresent the writing materials to the class, ask students to do some brainstorming:目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。(字数:150左右)有的同学认为

8、有的同学认为1.学校限制我们的自由;2 .学生和社会接触少;3.学生的兴趣和爱好得不能得到充分的发展。因此1. 学校是学习知识的地方;2. 学生应该安心在学校里学习;3. 学生缺乏自觉性,离开了老师,可能会你的看法:. Analyzing the task:第二段:有的同学认为4. 学校是学习知识的地方.5. 学生应该安心在学校里学习.6. 学生缺乏自觉性,离开了老师,可能会. 第三段:你的看法:7. 呈现观点:赞成哪一方?8. 说明理由/提出措施写作人称为第二人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态 一般现在时. Finding out the main points第一段:有的同学认为:1.

9、 学校限制我们的自由.2. 学生和社会接触少.3. 学生的兴趣和爱好得不到充分的发展.因此 Thinking of key points/phrases :1. Let the students work in groups of four to get the key words of each point orally.2. Ask several students to report their answers to the rest of the class. Present these key words and phrases to the whole class. (Point

10、7&8 is flexible, encourage students to express whatever they want to say freely. If they can Chinese is also allowed. Then help them to translate what they say into English.)要点序号关键单词和短语1.Limit freedom2.Have little chance to get in touch with3.Interests and hobbies/ fully developed4.The best place to

11、 get knowledge5.Put oneheart into6.Lack the ability to control/ affect7.It is .to keep students at school/ (dis)agree to8.Organize various activities /develop .学习必备.欢迎下载_ Forming sentences (pay attention to the use of conjunction) Ask students to say sentences one by one according to the points give

12、n.Step 4 Presentation1. Three keys to improving your composition:A. learn to use superior phrases.B. learn to use abundant sentences.C. learn to use suitable conjunction.逻辑角度合适的过渡性词汇时间顺序first, then, finally/at last , soon after, immediately, suddenly, next空间顺序here, there, on one sideon the other sid

13、e,in front of, at the back of, next to并列关系and, as well as, also转折关系but, however, yet, instead, though, otherwise, despite, on the contrary, in spite of因果关系because, since, as, thanks to, as a result, thus, owing to, due to条件关系as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless对比关系similarly, like, u

14、nlike, on the contrary, on the other hand,递进关系Besides, in addition, moreover, what s more, furthermore, what s worse, to make matter worse举例for example, for instance, such as, in other words, that is to say让步关系though, as, even if/though, whether, who/where/what/when+ever总结归纳in general, generally spe

15、aking, above all, after all, in short, in a word, in brief, in conclusion, all in all过渡性插入语I think, I m afraid, you know, as we all know, as far as I know,in my opinion, personally2. Change sentences:(Present some typical sentences written by the students to the class. Ask students to use superior phrases or sentences to change the sentences).In addition,


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