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1、Success With EnglishBook 8 Module 5 Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies of the children第一课时 Dialogue 华侨小学 尹淑仪教学目标语言知识与技能:1、掌握单词 magic, stick。2、大部分学生能熟练掌握句型:I wish I could 。Its time for you to .3、学生能明白对话内容,能流利朗读对话并表演对话。4、能用所学谈论自己的幻想与希望。情感态度: 通过学习,培养学生丰富的想象力,教育学生从小树立远大理想,努力学习,不断进取,为之奋斗。学习策略: 利用多种手段获取新知识,运用图片,

2、课件呈现课文内容,让学生多动脑、动手、动口,多听说读写,通过小组合作,加深对课文的理解,提高语言的运用能力。教学重难点: 重点:课文的整体理解和表演,句型I wish I could Its time for you to 的运用 。 难点:句型I wish I could 的运用。教学媒体: 图片、单词卡、自制课件、“金太阳”课件、孙悟空的面具、棒。教学过程:一、 Warming up 1 Chant: Oh ,I Wish I Could Fly 2Read the Rhyme 课件出示内容。3Free talk: T:Do you have dreams? Ps:Yes ,we/I do

3、. T:Whats your hope for the future? P: I hope I can 请几个学生说出他们的愿望与幻想,再请几个学生用第三人称转述。二、Presentation and practice:1)T : Everyone has hopes and dreams.Today were going to learn Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies/dreams,write down the topic and read it. 2)T: Do you like seeing films? Ps:Yes. T: Do you want to se

4、e the film about the Monkey King?(Do the action) Ps:Yes. T: OK.Lets see this film. A)教师用课件出示the Monkey King变高的图,让学生描述:The Monkey King is becoming very tall!T:I wish I could become very tall too.同时板书句子I wish I could become very tall. T: Do you wish you could become very tall ? 相机启发多个学生回答:Yes. I wish

5、I could become very tall . One by one says the sentences. B)然后出示孙悟空飞行的图,T: What is he doing ? P: He is flying .T: Yes. I wish I could fly in the blue sky. Do you wish you could fly in the sky like the Monkey King? 启发学生回答:Yes. I wish I could fly in the sky. 再请多个学生说句子,教师板书该句子。 C)然后出示孙悟空拿魔棒的图,T: Look a

6、t this picture.What does he have in his hand? He has a magic stick.。(学生可能不会说新单词,教师启发说出单词,并出示两个单词的图片,学习带读单词magic ,stick,板书。 T: The Monkey King has a magic stick. Do you wish you could get a magic stick? I wish I could get a magic stick. Do you wish you could get a magic stick? 然后让学生轮流说句子。D)Game: Clos

7、e your mouse, 用于复习巩固刚刚学过的短语和句子E)Teacher shows pictures: go to school,go to bed, go home etc. To practice : Its time for you to .让学生读重点句子。 3 )带着问题看“金太阳”的课件,Questions: a.What film did Mike and Jiamin go to see ?b. What did Jiamin wish he could do ?c.What did Jiamin wish he could do ?A)老师问: Why did Mike say he wish he could finish his homework?B)老师请学生回答问题a)C)请学生阅读课文对话并做填空练习;D)请一名学生上来完成,老师批改,其余同学交换批改.4)巩固课文:A)全班跟老师读课文;B)分组读,同位读,分角色读,同位表演,C)请1至2组同学上来表演.5)发展:看故事 The magic fish ,并回答问题(做在练习纸上)6)Homework:A)Listen to the tape and copy the new words.B) Act out the dialogue.


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