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1、对英语幽默的语用探讨 张富强(湖南工学院 基础课部 湖南 衡阳 421002)摘要: 英语幽默被广泛的应用于英语当中,通过利用语用学的一些知识进行分析,我们可以更好的欣赏英语幽默艺术,了解英语幽默的语用功能。关键词: 英语幽默;合作原则;语用学Pragmatic Analysis of English HumorsZHANG Fu-qiang(Fundamental Courses Department of Hunan Institute of Technology ,Hengyang 421002 China)Abstract:English humors are widely used

2、in English. By using some knowledge of pragmatics to analyze , we can have a better appreciation of the art of English humors, and know about the pragmatic functions of English humors. Key words:English humors; Cooperative principle; Pragmatics 前言 幽默是一种精神现象,有广义、常义、狭义三个层次。广义的幽默,与“可笑性”大致相当,诸如滑稽、诙谐等。狭义

3、的幽默,则特指其中最富审美价值的那一 层精神现象,是一种灵气,一种生动感、生命感。常义的幽默是一种具有诉诸理智的“可笑性”的精神现象,所谓“诉诸理智的可笑性”是指这种可笑是思考的产物。幽默的产生离不开语言的深层次的规律,尤其是一些语用学的基本知识。因此对英语幽默进行语用分析,不仅有助于我们更加深刻地认识、欣赏这门语言艺术,还可以帮助我们在生活中更好地运用幽默,从而提高我们的语言交际能力。1英语幽默产生的语用学原理1.1会话含义 在人际交往当中,人们通过语言进行交流时,说话人所要表达的意思并不仅限于话语的字面意义,常常话中有话,在字里行间含蓄地传达出另一种意义。因此听话人要完全明白说话人的意思,

4、就必须理解说话人的话语字面意义,并在此基础上结合语境和双方共有的背景知识,作出合理的推断,从而得出说话人的含蓄意义。这种含蓄语义被美国著名语言哲学家格莱斯(Grice)称之为会话含义(conversational implicature)。 格莱斯在对话语交际现象的观察中发现,通常情况下,参与谈话的人之间存在着一种默契,他们在某种程度上都意识到某个共同的谈话目的或方向,并在谈话时尽力使谈话围绕其目的或方向进行的。会话通常不是由一串毫不相干的话语组成,它们从本质上是合作的产物(Our talks do not normally consist of a succession of disconn

5、ected remarks,They are characteristically,to some degree at least, cooperative efforts)(Grice, 1975:43) 据此,格莱斯提出了交际双方都必须遵守的合作原则,即尽量使你的话在发出时能符合当时你所参与的交流的共同目的或方面。合作原则具体体现为四条准则:1.1.1 数量准则(Quantity maxim)(1) 使自己所说的话达到交谈的现时目的所要求的详尽程度(2) 不使自己所说的话比所要求的更详尽1.1.2 质量准则 (Quality maxim)(1) 不要说自己认为是不真实的话(2) 不要说自己

6、缺乏足够证据的话 1.1.3 关联准则 (Relevance maxim)说话要贴切1.1.4 方式准则 (Manner maxim)(1) 避免晦涩的词语(2) 避免歧义(3) 说话要简洁(4) 说话要有条理 格莱斯认为遵循这四条准则可使人们以最直接的方式,最高的效率进行交际。但实际生活中,人们并不总是遵守这四条准则。说话人有意无意违反某条或几条准则,并且让听话人知道这一点时,听话人假设说话人是遵守合作原则的,从而谋求对方偏离准则要传达出的含义,这就是特殊会话含义。1.2准则的违反与幽默 英语幽默的产生机制实质上就是幽默话语的会话含义产生过程。简而言之,在幽默会话中,交际双方在遵守合作原则的

7、同时,其中一方违反某条准则,导致说话人的主观意图与客观效果或听话人的理解之间的不一致,即产生了幽默。而理解和欣赏英语幽默的过程其实就是一种会话含义的语用推理过程,可以说,推导出会话含义也就意味着品味出了幽默的妙趣。 因此,在欣赏英语幽默时,首先要理解话语的字面意义,然后分析此话语所违反的准则,再结合语境和背景知识,推导出会话含义,即能品味出幽默之妙趣。 下面例举几则英语幽默来具体分析准则的违反与幽默的会话含义之间的关系。 例如违反数量准则的笑话: Conversation between two men:“I understand you had an argument with your w

8、ife.How did it end up?”“Oh,she came crawling to me on her hands and knees.”“Is that so? What did she say? “She said,Come out from under the bed and fight like a man!”刚开始,当朋友问到他和妻子吵架的结果时,他提供了一小部分信息,说他的妻子向他爬过来。为了不暴露出他懦弱的表现,他有意不提自己藏在床下的事实,即他故意违反了“量的准则”,听到这里,其朋友还以为是他的妻子认输了。最后直到他转述妻子的话时,朋友才明白原来他妻子爬向他,是为了

9、把他从床下揪出来。违反质的准则造成的幽默有: A boastful American from Texas was being shown the sights of London by a taxi driver. “Whats the building there?” asked the Texan. “Tower of London, sir”, replied the driver. “Say, we can put up buildings like that in two weeks” drawled the Texan. A little while later, he said

10、, “and whats that building we are passing now?” “Thats Buckingham House, sir, where the Queen lives.” “Is that so?” Said the Texan. “Do you know back in Texas we can put a palace like that in a week?” A few minutes later, when they were passing the Westerminster Abby, the American asked again, “Hey,

11、 Cabby, whats that building over there?” “Im afraid I dont know, sir,” replied the taxi-driver. “It wasnt there this morning.” 这个幽默故事中,出租车司机当然知道威斯敏斯特大教堂不是当天才建起来的。他说“今天早晨还没有呢。”即故意违反了质的准则,因为那个美国人太爱吹牛,总说“在我们那里,像伦敦塔这样的建筑两周就能完成,而建一个白金汉宫只需要一周。”司机实在忍无可忍,讽刺了爱吹牛的美国人。类似的幽默层出不穷,又如: A traveler said one day, “I

12、have seen a cabbage under the leaves of which a hundred people can stay dry even when it rains hard.” The man who heard this story said, “Yesterday I went by a place where four hundred men were making a pot, two hundred men inside and two hundred men outside.” The traveler was surprised and asked hi

13、m, “What is that huge pot for?” The man laughed and answered, “Oh, to cook your cabbage.” 违反关联准则的有 A customer sat down at a table in a smart restaurant and tied the napkin around his neck. The scandalized manager asked a waiter and instructed him, “Try to make him understand, as tactfully as possibl

14、e, thats not done.” Said the thoughtful waiter to the customer, “Pardon me, sir. Shave or cut, sir?” 顾客不懂用餐规矩,将餐巾系在自己的脖子上,服务员说“先生,你是刮脸还是理发?”看似与餐馆环境风马牛不相及,但是巧妙地暗示了顾客餐巾放错地方了,给顾客留了面子,也造成了幽默的效果。 还有违反方式准则引起的幽默 Jim worked as a cabin boy on a small steamer, one morning he brings in the breakfast for the ca

15、ptain and says: “May I ask you something, sir?” “Of course, you may,” says the captain, who sees that the boy looks rather frightened. “Whats it?” “Is a thing lost if you know where it is?” says Jim. “Of course, it isnt” says the captain. “Then your coffee pot isnt lost, because I know where it is,” says Jim with a smile. “Where is it?” asks the captain. “At the bottom of the sea.” Says Jim. 吉姆真正的目的是告诉船长咖啡壶掉进大海里了,但是他拐弯抹角,迟迟不能切入正题,显然是违反了方式准则。如果他直接告诉船长咖啡壶掉进大海里了,他轻则挨骂,重则可能被解雇。而吉姆用这种违反


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