Summaryof The Merchant of Venice 中英文对照

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1、ummaryeditBssani, a yungVenetaof noble rank, whes to woote beauti ad ealthyheissPotiaof Belot。Hvig squnered hiesat, h nds 3,00cst subsidise is xpendtusasa sutor。 Basio appoahs is finAnoio, a waly erchn fVenie who haprevusly and repetly bailed him ou。ntonio ares, t since e is ash-oor hssps and mechan

2、ise aebusyatsea he promises to ove a bon ifBasanio cn finda lender,so Bassai rnsto the Jewih onylenderShylockand nams Antonio a theloansgranto。Antni has alread ad an enmyof Shyock toughhs outspoknntisemism,and als bause tonishait o lending mony witoutinterest forces Shyok o charg lowerraes. Shylk is

3、 firs relcnt tgran en, cting abue he as ufered at Antonios han,but inlly eesledte um to Anno wthoutineet upon oe condition:ifAnonio s ne to rpy it at te specifid dat,Shlcmaytke ouno Antnio feh. Banio doesnotwn Antonio toaccep sch a ky cdtion;Annio is supise by wat e seesasth mneeders geersit (no ”ua

4、nce interst i asked for), ad e signs the cntract。 it mne a hnd, Bsnio aesor Belmo with hisenGaiano, ho asked to accmpny hi Gtiano is a ieable yongm, bu s often fippant, eltalkatie,andtactess. Bassiowrs hiscompanion o ecisself-contrl, and theoeave fr Belmon nd Poti.eanwie inelmont, Portia s awsh ith

5、uitrs。 e fher left wiltipuatingea of r suitors mus choe orecy frmef hree casket one each of gd, silvean lead.If epic the rgh caset, he gts ora. Th frst suitor, he uxrious Prnce f orocc, choses te ld cskt, rpreting ts logan W chosth m shall ganhat mny mndeie” s efrri to Prtia. Te second suitr,t conce

6、itedrnce of Arrag, hooses the sver caskt, hich rclam Whochoseh hal get asmuchas heesres,imaginghmself o e ful of erit. oth suitors leav py-handed,haingejecedhe lea asket bcause of the esof ts maerial andthe uninviting atre tsslogan: ”Wo hooseth me t giv an hard allhe hth.Th lastuitr i Bssaio, horia

7、wishes to ucd, havng t him beore。As Basai poder his coic, members of Poras householdsinga sog ich say that fncy (t u lo) i engendedin the eyes, Wthgazgd.,1prmpting Basanio to segad ”outward shos”ad onamnt”ad choose te l casket, winig Por hadt Venc,ntio hips arereorted st at sea。 This leaeshim uable

8、to satsfy te bond。 hylock ee mr dtrmined to eact revengefrom Chrstans aferis dagte Jessia d fled hom nd lped wi the hsti Loenzo, taking asustania aunt Shylocks wah wt her, a wel a turqoise rg which ws gift thylrom hislte we,e。hylockhasAnono brought bforeour。t Belot, Baso receive a ettr telng him tha

9、t Atonio hs beenunble to etr the loan takenrom Sck. Prta andBasanio ma,aso Graioand Portiasandmaid Nrissa. Bsaio an Gatio then eave frVene, th oneyfr Prtia, to se nos life by ofering teone ylock. knwn to Bassnioand tia,Portia as sgsed eslf as rvnt, Blhaar, tosethe cnsel ofPortias cousi, Bellario, a

10、lwyer, atPada。巴萨尼奥,一个年轻的威尼斯出身高贵,希望向美丽的和富有的女继承人鲍西娅贝尔蒙特.有了他的财产,他需要3000块钱来资助他的支出作为求婚。巴塞尼奥接近他的朋友安东尼奥,一个富有的威尼斯商人曾多次把他保释出来.安东尼奥同意了,但因为他是现金短缺的如果巴塞尼奥可以找到贷款人他的船和商品在海上他承诺支付债券忙,巴塞尼奥向犹太放债人夏洛克和名称安东尼奥作为贷款的担保人。安东尼奥已经通过他的osoentisemitism了夏洛克的敌人,也因为安东尼奥借钱的习惯没有利率的夏洛克收取较低的利率.夏洛克是起初不愿意发放贷款,以滥用他受到了安东尼奥的手,但最终同意借给和安东尼奥没有兴趣


12、求的东西”是指波西亚。第二个求婚者,自负的王子亚拉公,选择的银匣子,宣称“谁选我要得到他应得的”,想象自己充满价值。两个求婚者空手离开,在否决了铅盒由于其材料的卑鄙和其口号不吸引人的性质:“谁选我必须放弃一切的风险。”最后的求婚者是巴塞尼奥,Portia想要成功的话,以前见过他.当巴塞尼奥思考他的选择,鲍西娅的家庭成员唱一首歌,说:“幻想”(不是真正的爱)是“ngendrd的眼睛,凝视,美联储.” 提示巴塞尼奥无视“向外展示和“装饰”选择铅盒,赢得了波西亚的手。在威尼斯,安东尼奥的船被报道在海上迷失了方向.这使得他无法满足债券。夏洛克是更坚定了复仇的基督徒在他的女儿杰西卡逃家私奔的洛伦佐,以大

13、量的夏洛克的财富与她,以及一个绿松石戒指是从他已故的妻子对夏洛克的礼物,利亚。夏洛克安东尼奥闹上法庭.在贝尔蒙特,他收到一封信告诉他,安东尼奥已经无法返回从夏洛克借款。波西亚和巴萨尼奥成婚,做葛劳提阿诺和尼瑞莎波西亚的婢女。巴塞尼奥和葛劳提阿诺火速然后离开威尼斯,钱从鲍西娅夏洛克,通过提供资金挽救安东尼奥的生命。对巴塞尼奥和葛劳提阿诺火速未知,她已经把自己伪装成一个仆人,巴尔萨扎,寻求波西亚的堂兄,belar,律师的律师,在帕多瓦。Th climxof th p oms te curtoftheDue f VeieShylck reues Bassanosofferof ,000 ducats,twice theamount f te lon He dmanshis oudfflesh ro nti he Duk, wishing t sve Antoi buunabl tolif aco


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