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1、 中考复习8B Unit 4一、 重点单词v.n. advertise-advertisementarrange-arrangement organize-organization-organizereducate-education donate-donation act actor-actress-actionintroduce-introduction speak-speaker-speech 写出过去式、过去分词rise-rose-risen hang hung-hung break-broke-brokensilent-silently-silence二、 读背下列词组,自默过关,准

2、备检查。1. be chosen as/ to be the host of a charity show被选作慈善义演的主持人2. only if you sleep less during the day只要你白天少睡点3. advertise on the Internet/on TV/ in a newspaper在网上/电视上/报纸上做广告4. give out leaflets to ask people to donate money(to)分发传单请人们捐钱(给)5. sell books to raise money for Project Hope卖书为希望工程筹钱6. I

3、m very sorry that I didnt write to you earlier很抱歉没早点给你写信。7. start working on the show开始致力于义演8. I had many other duties. 我有许多其它的职责。9. It was hard work but I was happy to do it. 这是艰苦的工作但我高兴做。10. look at the right camera at the right time在适当的时候看准镜头11. at the beginning of/ in the beginning 开始/起初的时候12. I

4、 couldnt sleep at all我一点也睡不着。13. I kept asking myself.我不停地问自己。14. come into the theatre/come in走进剧院/进来15. Theres no time to be nervous any more再也没时间紧张了。16. Everything seemed to happen so fast一切似乎发生得如此之快。17. on/at both sides of the stageon each/either side 在舞台的两边/在两边中的任一边18. It was great fun to be a

5、host.做主持人很有趣。19. Project Hope helps pay for their education.希望工程帮助付他们的教育费用。20. set up the stage搭建舞台21. thank our teachers for their help and support感谢老师们的帮助和支持22. make the show possible使义演成为可能23. come on stage with/holding a microphone in ones hand手里拿着话筒登上舞台24. shout with excitement/excitedly激动地喊25.

6、 The tickets will cost20 dollars each.每张票要花20美元。26. A lot of work needed to be finished.许多工作需要完成。27. The show starts at 7.30 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m.义演晚上7点半开始9点结束。28. Donations are welcome.欢迎捐款。29. phone/call sb. / give sb. a call 打电话给某人30. be busy doing sth/with sth.忙于做某事31.keep silent保持沉默32the tick

7、ets for the show演出的票33be invited to the show/to take part in the show被邀请去参加演出中考复习8B Unit 4 默写过关 姓名_ 得分_一、默写下列单词 (1*34=34) 1.喇叭 2.照相机 3流行音乐的 4按时 5工作 6介绍v. n. 7.责任、职责(单复数) 8活动,事件 9迷,狂热爱好者 10好象,似乎 11企业 12(中途短暂)休息 13公开的 14嗓音 15悬挂 (过去式) (过去分词)_16建立;设立 17在中 18给打电话 19有雪的 20目的 _ 21寂静的(adj.)_(adv)_ (n)_ 22演讲

8、(v) (n.) 23.教育(v.) (n.) _ 24升起 (过去式) (过去分词)_二、翻译下列短语(223)1. 只要你白天少睡点_2. 在网上/电视上/报纸上做广告 _3. 分发传单请人们捐钱(给) _4. 卖书为希望工程筹钱_5. 开始致力于义演_6. 忙于做某事(2)_7. 开始/起初的时候 _8. 我一点也睡不着。_9. 我不停地问自己。_10. 义演前二十分钟关门。_11. 在舞台的两边/在两边的任一边_12. 被选作慈善义演的主持人_13. 给某人打电话_14. 感谢老师们的帮助和支持_15. 使义演成为可能_16. 慈善义演的票_17. 每张票要花20美元。_18. 许多工

9、作需要完成。_19. 义演晚上7点半开始9点结束。_20. 这应该是一个愉快的夜晚。_21做主持人很有趣_22似乎很困难(2)_ 8B U4 检测一、词汇 A.根据句意、中文提示、首字母或英文释义,写出句中所缺单词。1. _ are organizations that help people in need。2. They took out _ and took many photos.3. When the host _(介绍)the pop star, the fans became very excited.4.Parents wish their children to receiv

10、e successful_ in the schools.5.The teacher told us the sun _ in the east and goes down in the west.6.The castle is _(quiet)because there are no people in it.7.Its an important _(a planned public activity) that President Xi Jinping visited Russia last week.8.The students have a ten-minute _ (rest)between two classes.9._ are used to make our voice louder.10.He now understands what the p_



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