2022年高一英语下学期 第1周当堂训练

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《2022年高一英语下学期 第1周当堂训练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高一英语下学期 第1周当堂训练(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高一英语下学期 第1周当堂训练(满分100分,训练时间45分钟)班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 得分_I、完形填空:(60分)请阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项。When Dave was eighteen, he bought a secondhand car for 200 so that he could travel to and from work more_1_ than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but then it got so old, and

2、it was costing him _2_much in repairs that he decided that he had better _3_it. He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly_ 4_ to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so_5_ of them had any desire to buy it. Daves friend Sam saw that he was _6_ when they

3、 met one evening, and said, “Whats _7_, Dave?”Dave told him, and Sam answered, “Well, what about advertising it in the paper? You may _8_more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sams_9_was sensible,he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read “For sale: smal

4、l car, _10_ very little petrol, only two owners. Bargain at 50.”For two days after the advertisement first appeared, there was no _11_.But then on Saturday evening he had an enquiry(询问).A man rang up and said he would like to_12_ him about the car. “All right,” Dave said, feeling happy. He asked the

5、 man whether ten oclock the next morning would be_13_or not. “Fine,” the man said, “and Ill _14_my wife. We intend to go for a ride in it to _15_ it.”The next morning, at a quarter to ten, Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door, _16_ to wait there for the people who had_17_ his adv

6、ertisement. Even Dave had to _18_that the car really looked like a wreck(残骸).Then, soon after he had got the car as clean_19_ it could be, a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out. He looked at Daves car and then said, “Have you reported this _20_ to us yet, sir?”1. A. directly B

7、. safely C. properly D. easily2. A. so B. such C. very D. too3. A. keep B. repair C. sell D. throw4. A. anxious B. lucky C. ashamed D. generous5. A. some B. neither C. none D. most6. A. delighted B. upset C. calm D. astonished7. A. on B. up C. it D. that8. A. learn B. miss C. get D. find9. A. messag

8、e B. advice C. request D. description10. A. uses B. loses C. has D. spends11. A. doubt B. help C. trouble D. answer12. A. tell B. see C. agree D. call13. A. exact B. suitable C. early D. late14. A. follow B. meet C. bring D. introduce15. A. recognize B. gain C. admire D. test16. A. happening B. mean

9、ing C. turning D. failing17. A. read B. inserted C. answered D. placed18. A. forget B. show C. disagree D. admit19. A. as B. that C. so D. such20. A. bargain B. sale C. accident D. resultII、阅读:(40分)AIsnt it astonishing how much time we spend talking about food? “Have you ever eaten ?” “What did you

10、have for lunch?” and so on. And yet when you travel from one country to another, you will find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat is normal (正常) and that what other people eat is strange or silly. In most parts of Asia, for example, no meal is

11、plete without rice. In England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating like so many things we do, bees a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or five times eve

12、ry day. Australians drink a great deal of beer, and the French drink wine every day. The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is thought to be delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never

13、eat goat meat. The Japanese dont like to eat sheep meat because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish (生鱼). So it seems that although eating is a topic we can talk about for hours, there is very little mon sense in what we say it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have always eaten, an

14、d there is very little we can do to change our eating habits.21. Which of the following is true according to the article?A. All people have the same feeling about food. B. In most parts of Asia, people usually have rice for meals. C. People often consider other people to be strange or silly. D. The

15、topic people spend time talking about is bread and meat.22. People in different countries _ . A. drink the same sort of wine B. have the same eating habit C. eat different kinds of meat D. have the same tea at different time within a day23. The Japanese dont like to eat sheep meat _ . A. because they dislike its smell B. because it is too expensive C. bec



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