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1、American vs. British EnglishBy Rosanne Skirble and Avi ArdittiBroadcast: Thursday, December 26, 2002MUSIC: Help!/Beatles AA: Im Avi Arditti with Rosanne Skirble. This week on Wordmaster we talk about a few of the differences between American English and British English. RS: Its a question we often g

2、et. After all, some differences can lead to embarrassment, others to plain old confusion. AA: For instance, Americans put babies to sleep in a crib. The British call the same kind of bed a cot. RS: In America a cot is a flimsy, fold-up bed made of canvas. AA: Oh, you mean what the British call a cam

3、p bed. RS: In Britain, public school is what Americans would call private school, where you pay to have your children go. Now lets say you have to go - or youre looking for the toilet. Here, its not polite to ask where the toilet is. Say bathroom or restroom when speaking to an American.Graphic Imag

4、e AA: Joining us now from New York is the author of a handy little book called Speak American: A Survival Guide to the Language and Culture of the U-S-A. Dileri Borunda Johnston lived in England, so she knows what its like from both sides.JOHNSTON: A lot of the grammar is slightly different, so you

5、would have things in British English that perhaps you wouldnt want an American child to learn because it might sound slightly incorrect. Like you wouldnt say I havent got any more. You would rather an American kid would learn to say I dont have any more.AA: Lets say a speaker of British English step

6、s off a plane in the States. Just to catch a bus or train into town from the airport requires a different vocabulary. JOHNSTON: In England you would catch a coach whereas here you take the bus, or if youre taking the public transportation you would take the subway in America rather than the tube or

7、the underground as you would in England.AA: Also, what the British call lorries we Americans call trucks.RS: Now lets say the weather is cold and wet, and our traveler didnt pack the right clothes. Dileri Johnston pointed out some British terms that might confuse an American clerk.JOHNSTON: Like, fo

8、r example, jumper, which in England is the most common thing to call a sweater.RS: Here its a dress.JOHNSTON: And a jumper here is a dress, yes.AA: And then here we have boots and galoshes and there.JOHNSTON: They have wellies, yes.RS: They have what?JOHNSTON: Wellies. AA: Here we talk about boots,

9、but, again, a boot is in British English the trunk of a car. Here its a heavy shoe that you wear when youre going through puddles.JOHNSTON: You use the word boot in British English as well; you know, for regular boots or cowboy boots or riding boots or anything like that. But just the rubber boots a

10、re called wellies.RS: And the differences dont stop there! JOHNSTON: Pants is the very big sort of trouble spot, because pants here are quite - you know, the common thing to call the things you put on your - the long things you put on your legs, whereas pants in England is always referring to underw

11、ear.RS: So here that would be underpants.JOHNSTON: Underpants, or underwear or boxers or whatever.RS: So if you say, do you have a pair of pants to wear to the party, that would be pretty inappropriate to say in England unless you were forewarned.JOHNSTON: And over there they say trousers, which is

12、not a word that is completely unknown in American English, but its not the most common one.RS: Along these lines, it seemed to us that a lot of the terms used in British English are older forms of the words used by Americans - for instance, it might sound odd for an American to say spectacles instea

13、d of glasses.JOHNSTON: Thats often the case. You know, you have spectacles, you have trousers. They tend to be sort of things that might be more common in regional varieties of American English. You know, like in England, its quite common to say reckon, which in American English is quite unusual, or

14、 you might here it in the South perhaps or in more old-fashioned contexts.AA: Like, I reckon Ill go in when the sun gets too hot.JOHNSTON: Yeah, and people in England say it sort of quite seriously, without meaning it to be funny or ironic or anything like that.RS: Same with some other terms that mi

15、ght strike Americans as funny. JOHNSTON: You know, if you go shopping, for example, you dont really want to take a trolley which is what Americans ride around in on the street, like say in San Francisco. Here you would rather use a shopping cart when you go to do your groceries. AA: And, its not just words that set American and British speakers apart. JOHNSTON: Speakers of British English have to be very conscious of the fact that British accents are quite incomprehensible to Americans at times. I know from experience - my husband, whos British, has a horrible


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