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1、五年级英语下册 第二学期期末测试NAME_ CLASS_ NUMBER_听力部分(40%)一、听音,选择你听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号中(10%)( )1. A.go home B.go hiking C.go shopping( )2.A.listening B.cleaning C.walking( )3. A.June B.July C.Januay( )4. A.first B.fifth C.fourth( )5. A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Friday( )6. A.pick up leaves B.plant trees C.play the piano (

2、 )7. A. B. C.( )8. A. B. C. ( )9. A. B. C.( )10. A. B. C. 二、听音,写数字(5%)a) My phone number is _ 7 _ 6 _ _ 4.b) I go to school at _ : _c) My birthday is April _d) Im in Room _ _ _ _ .e) Childrens Day is June_ .三、听句子选答案(10%) ( )1.A. Fall B.Four ( )2.A. Monday B.June 18th( )3.A.He is walking . B. She is

3、drinking water.( )4.A.I go to school at 7:00. B.I go to bed at 8:30.( )5.A.Im fine. B.Im five.( )6.A.Sept. 10th B.Oct. 10 th( )7.A.I often watch TV . B.What do you do?( )8.A.Yes , there are. B.Yes, they are.( )9.A.Goodbye . B.Great.( )10.A.I can make a snowman. B.I can climb trees.四、听音补全句子(10%) 1.-

4、What are you _ ? - Im _. 2.-Do you like _ ? - Yes. Because I can _ _ 3.-Are you _ _? -No, _ arent. 4.-When do you get up ? -I _ get up at 6 a.m. . 5.-What is your _ doing ? -He is _五、听短文,判断句子的对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F” (5%) 1.On Sundays , Mike usually washes his clothes. ( ) 2.Mikes sister usually cleans the

5、house . ( ) 3.His father usually plays football. ( ) 4.His mother usually reads books. ( ) 5.His grandparents usually walk in the park. ( )笔试部分60%一、默写第1418个字母(包括大小写) (5%) 二、看图,写出正确的单词或词组 (6%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 三、选出不是同类的词(5)( )1 A.tomato B.potato C.skirt( )2. A.snowman B.sleep C.skate( )3. A.one B.fir

6、st C.fifth( )4. A.short B.big C.kite( )5. A.fall B.now C.spring四、选择(15%)( )1.-I eat breakfast at _ A. 6:50 a.m. B.6:50 p.m. C.11:00 a.m. ( )2.-_ season do you like best ? A .Which B.What C.Whats( )3.-Look at the monkey . Whats it doing ?A、 Its eating the bananas.B、 Its eating the grass.C、 Its eating

7、 the bamboo.( )4.-He is _ an E-mail in the study.A.write B.doing C.writing( )5.-What do you do _ the weekend.A. on B.in C.at( )6.Mom is cooking dinner _ the kitchen. A. at B.on C.in( )7.What day is it today ? Its _. A.Wednesday B.August C.Sep 1st( )8.-Are they climbing trees ? -_A、 They are climbing

8、 trees. B.Yes, they are. C.No , they are . ( )9.He is _ boy , he is _ English boy.A.a , a B.a ,an C.an, a( )10.What _ the elephant doing ?A.am B .are C.is( )11.When is National Day ? A.October 1st B.October 10th C.September 10th( )12.Summer is good , _ fall is my favourite season. A.but B.and C.too(

9、 )13.-Thank you for telling me about your day.-_ A.Sure B.Thank you. C.Youre welcome.( )14.-Is he playing chess ? - Yes, _. A .he is B. he isnt C.hes( )15.-What are you doing ? -_ A. Im doing homework B.I often play sports. C.I can swim.五、根据图片完成下列句子(6%)1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.1.Ususlly I write an e-mail to my friends. But today Im _. Because my computer is broken .2.Look , my grandma is _ . 3.My mom is helpful at home . She is _ now .4.I like winter best . I can _ .5.Aunt Mary is _ at home .6.The elephant are _ near the river .六、读一读,连词成句,注意大小写及标点(8%) 1.go hiking , I , weekend , usually , the , on _


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