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1、6A Unit 4 (第四教时) 教案 一、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语6A第四单元第四教时(Do a survey)。二、教学目标:(1)通过调查表格进行句型及日常用语的复习。三、教学重点(1)能正确地掌握日期英语表达方法。(2)能就生日开展正确的问答。四、教学难点(1)引导学生正确掌握日期英语表达方法。五、课前准备(1)教具准备调查表 图片 胸卡 多媒体课件 投影仪 练习纸(2)板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 4 Review and check六、教学过程: Step 1 Free talk (Ask and answer) (约4分钟)T: What day is

2、it today?S: Its T: What date is it today?S: Its T: What does this /that sign mean?S: .T: What would you like as a birthday present?S: Id like .Step 2 Practice(约26分钟)1、多媒体出示多个节日,如教师节,儿童节,国庆节,中秋节等,进行师生问答,以此来复习巩固他们对月份及日期的英文表达方法,并拓宽学生思路。(约6分钟)例 T: What festival is it? S: Its Teachers Day. T: Whens Teach

3、ers Day? S: Its on the tenth of September. 或 S: Its in . (只知道月份的节日)以同样的方法对其余常见的节日进行问答。2、在此基础上,将话题逐步引入birthday,通过信息交流,激发学生语言表达的欲望和参与活动的热情。(约5分钟)T: Pardon, what date is it today?S: Its .T: Oh, my birthday is coming. My birthday is in . Its on the of . Whose birthday is in this month? You can stand up

4、and tell me.Good! One, two,. (接着可逐个与站起来的学生进行问答)T: Whens your birthday? Do you usually have a birthday party? What would you like as a birthday present?3、小记者采访活动(约5分钟)安排学生运用Whens your birthday? 进行采访,并进行记录。要求课后制作同学生日表,今后每逢某个同学过生日的那一天,全班同学应该向他/她表示祝贺,并唱Happy Birthday歌。4、Do a survey(约10分钟) (1)Divide the

5、students into four groups, and each group has a survey paper. (2)小组间互相问答“Whens your birthday? Its on .”,由组长记录问答结果。 (3)每组将调查记录交给老师,并用投影仪显示调查结果。 T: How many students have their birthdays in January/ February/ March? S: .(4)教师将四组调查表合并在一起,再进行问答:T: How many students have their birthdays in January/ Febru

6、ary/ March? S: . Step 3 Do some exercises(约10分钟)1、根据上下文,完成下列句子(1)-Is your birthday in May?-No, _ birthday is _ in May. (2)Yesterday _ my birthday. I got a lot of _ from my friends. (3)-_ is Bens birthday? - His birthday is _ July. Its _ the 18th _ July .2、根据要求写句子(1) Please do it like that.(改否定句) Please _ _ it like that.(2) Its the 18th of April today.(对划线部分提问) _ the _ today?(3) Today is Wednesday. (对划线部分提问) What _ is it _?(4) I was born on the fifth of August.(改同义句) _ _ _ on the fifth of August.Step 4 Homework1、 用英语了解家人的生日,以表格形式记录下来,并在家人生日时送上良好的祝愿。2、 听写句型Whens your birthday? My birthdays on



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