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1、冀教版英语精品资料(精修版)冀教九上Unit3同步练习Lesson 21. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。 1. Waiter, can I have a look at my b? Yes, of course. Two hundred dollars in all, please. 2. There is a beautiful p on the ground. Maybe theres some money in it. 3. My sister is a of snakes and mice. 4. This gold ring is too expensive. I cant a

2、it at all. 5. Mr Li likes collecting c from different countries. He never uses them to buy things. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。for sale, pay for, give back, come up to, any other 6. The woman took 100 yuan from her purse and her dress. 7. Please my storybook if you finish reading it, Li Mei. 8. A man in black m

3、e and asked for a light. 9. Do you have words to say after hearing our advice? No, I dont.10. Are these new books ? No, theyre only for people to read here. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 这台数码相机对我来说太贵了。This digital camera is .12. 我认为夜晚独自外出是不安全的。I it safe to go out alone at night.13. 他以非常低的价格买下了那部车。He bought th

4、at car a very .14. 我轻轻地走进卧室,因为怕打扰到我父母。来源:I walked into the bedroom quietly, as I disturb my parents.15. 今年夏天你有足够的钱去加拿大旅行吗?来源:Can you on a trip to Canada this summer?Lesson 22. 用适当的介词填空。 1. Linda is a pretty girl. She looks her mother very much. 2. I dont have the experience making model planes at al

5、l. 3. I talked on the phone with my mother lunchtime. 4. The girls are talking the coming party on Tuesday evening. 5. What did you do the money that your parents gave? I bought some books. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。deal storybook cent elementary heart 6. My grandmother died of disease two years ago. 7. He as

6、ked his father for fifty to buy a toy horse. 8. Dont worry. Ill with the accident at once. 9. My grandmother bought two new for me yesterday.10. My sister studies in an excellent school in our city. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。11. How will you deal with the broken toys? (改写同义句) will you the broken toys?12. They

7、made $100,000 last year. (对划线部分提问) did they make last year?13. How much is the computer? Can you guess? (合并为一句话)Can you guess ?14. Lets meet at ten oclock in front of the bank. (对划线部分提问) we meet?15. Jack got up early in order that he could catch the early bus. (改写同义句)Jack got up early catch the earl

8、y bus.Lesson 23. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成单词。 1. Look at the sign “No Fishing” on the (布告牌) near the river. You cant fish here. 2. May I (租借) this novel from your bookstore? Sure. But please return it in a week. 3. She likes reading (杂志) instead of newspapers in her spare time. 4. He is rich and he (拥有) a big ho

9、use with a big swimming pool. 5. Can I help you, (夫人)? Yes, Im looking for a dress for my daughter. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。来源: 6. Who taught Edwin to make the push-pins? Nobody. He made them by (him). 7. There is nothing (use) in the box. You can throw it away. 8. My fathers factory is very big. There are

10、300 (employee) in it. 9. This kind of camera is much (expensive) than I expected.10. (keep) healthy, youd better do exercise every morning. 连词成句,注意标点符号。11. from, bought, man, Bob, the, called, a, book, I (.)12. well, way, whats, to, others, get, on, best, the, with (?)13. I, best, into, push, to, wa

11、ll, the, my, push-pin, did, the (.)14. paid, Mr Li, car, thousand, for, dollars, five, his, new (.)15. this, price, lower, one, product, of, that, the, is, than (.)Lessons 21-24. 用适当的冠词填空。如果不需要,请填“/”。 1. There is apple tree in middle of my yard. 2. Peter is English, not Frenchman. 3. It is said that

12、 umbrella was invented over 400 years ago by Chinese people. 4. There is big square in centre of our town. 5. We cant see sun at night, but we can see it in day. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. My uncle has (rent) his house to a worker at 150 dollars a month. 7. My sister is afraid of (stay) home alone at night

13、. 8. Who (own) the most books in your class? Its David. 9. If Mrs Brown (not help) me, I cant be successful.10. Do you wash your clothes by (you), Linda?. 单项选择( )11. Jane likes playing violin but I like playing volleyball.A. a; a B. the; theC. the; / D. /; the( )12. His mother says that she will give him some money if he a house in Beijing.A. rent B. rents C. will rent D. rented( )13. Why dont you buy that skirt, Li Mei? I cant it.



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