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1、动词填空考前答题指导学案General LvLearning Aims 能够正确应用各种时态。 能够合适的应用被动语态。 能够灵活的使用非谓语动词 能够掌握情态动词的用法 能够掌握科学的解题策略动词时态解题的十个注意一、注意掌握八种时态的概念及动词的体现形式,用概念去分析时态。Task One : 阅读概念,体会时态的用法差异。1、一般现在时主要有如下几点用法:1、经常性或习惯性的动作。例如:It seldom snows in Su qian now. 2、现在的特征或状态。例如:He loves sports. 3、普遍真理,一般规律。例如:Light travels faster tha

2、n sound./ Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 2、现在进行时主要有以下用法:1、表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。例如:Someone is asking for you on the phone. 2、表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。多有一个表示未来时间的状语。这种情况仅限于少量动词,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, work, have, stay, play, return等。例如:-Tom, supper is ready. Come quickly. -OK. Im coming.3、一般过去时

3、主要是用来描述在过去某个时候发生的动作或存在的状态。He got his driving license last month.4、过去进行时主要有以下用法: 1、谈论过去的某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的事。例如:I was reading the newspaper at 6.30 this morning. 2、当过去某一件事情发生时,另外一个动作正在进行。此时,延续性动词用过去进行时,瞬间动词用一般过去时。例如:The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping.5、现在完成时主要有以下用法:1、谈论开始于过去某个时候而且持续到现在

4、的一个动作。例如:Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. 2、谈论过去发生的动作,并且和现在存在联系。即过去的某个动作对现在产生影响。Eddie has eaten my food.6一般将来时主要用来描述将要发生的动作或存在于未来的情况。He will arrive here this evening .Who is going to speak first?7过去将来时表示过去的某时以后将要发生的动作。常用语宾语从句或间接引语中;She told me that she would go on trip to Europe the ne

5、xt day.8过去完成时态 过去的过去TASkTWO : 总结八种时态动词以什么形式体现。二、注意找准时间状语或标志词要确定一个句子的时态,首先要看句中有无明显的时间状语或其它能表示动作发生时间的词、短语和句子,如果有,要确定该句的时态是比较容易的。有时句子没有明显的时间状语,也不能用时态呼应规则来对照,这时就可以根据上下文内容来判断时间关系,看清上下文,确定正确时态。Task One :根据时间状语,做下列题目。1.We often_(play) in the playgound. 2._you _(brush) your teeth every morning. 3.What_(do)

6、he usually_(do) after school? 4.Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister. 5. _ Mike_(read) English every day? 6、 Its ten oclock. My mother _(lie)in bed.7、 We _(play)games now.8、 What _you_(do) these days?9、The girl_(like)wearing a sweater. Look! She _(wear)a red sweater today.10.They_(be) on

7、 the farm a moment ago.11 There_(be)a shop not long ago.12 Jenny_(not go)to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.13 Danny _(read )English five minutes ago.14 I _(see)Li Lei _(go) out just now.15 _ they_ (feed) the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon?16 Mrs.Green _ _ (not wash) clothes at this time yest

8、erday.17 Grandpa _ _ (mend) his clock when I reached home. 18 As I _ (walk) in the park, I saw some children playing games.19_(be)you free tomorrow?20 They _(not leave) until you come back.21Jenny _ _ (do) an experiment the day after tomorrow.22 If she isnt free tomorrow, she _(not take) part in the

9、 party.23She said the bus _(leave) at five the next morning.24 I wasnt sure whether he _(lend) me his book the next morning25 Have you ever _(take) a train?26It _(be ) more than three years since Jim _(leave) here.27 Have you _(make)friends with your new classmates yet?28 We _(be) good friends since

10、 we met at school.29 I _never_ (meet) her sister before.30 When I returned home, he _ (leave).31 By ten yesterday evening, she _(finish)writing.32 He _ (study) English for five years before he came here.Task Two : 总结各种时态的的时间状语一般现在现在进行一般将来时现在完成一般过去过去进行过去将来过去完成三、注意确定语态 我们在考虑时态的同时,也要考虑语态。当句子的主语是谓语动词动作的

11、承受者时,用被动语态;反之用主动语态。Task1 把下列句子改为被动语态1. Bruce writes a letter every week. 2. Li Lei mended the broken bike this morning.3.He has written two novels so far. 4.They will plant ten trees tomorrow.5.Lucy is writing a letter now.6.You must lock the door when you leave. 7.A girl saw my wallet drop when she

12、 passed by. My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by. 8.The boss made the little boy do heavy work. The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss. 9.Students cant take magazines out of the reading-room.Task 2 总结各种时态的被动结构一般现在备注现在进行一般将来时现在完成一般过去含有情态动词四、注意主从句时态呼应在复合句中,某些从句中谓语动词的时态

13、要和主句中谓语动词的时态相适应,这种相适应的关系叫做时态呼应。Task 1 做题目找规律a)Do you know where he _(live)now? b)The teacher told us the sun _(rise)in the east c)She wanted to know if her mother _(like)the present She says she _( come) back soon.Lucy says that Lily _(listen) to the music now.a)We will go to the Great Wall if it _(

14、not rain)tomorrow b)Could you ring me up as soon as he _(arrive)? c)I _(meet)an old friend of mine when I _(walk)in the street yesterday afternoon 状从五、注意非谓语动词的形式 如果所给的动词在句子中不作谓语,就应该考虑用动词的非谓语动词形式。究竟选用哪种非谓语动词形式,可根据情况从以下几方面来考虑。(1)注意doning (2) to do (3) done (4) 注意固定搭配 (5) 注意感官动词和使役动词TASK 1 做题找规律(A) 用括号中的动词适当形式填空1.She didnt mind _overtime.(work) 2.To make a living, he tried _, _,and various other things, but he had failed in all .(write; paint) 3.He came to the party without _(invite) 4. Dont keep me _


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