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1、The Lesson Plan of an open class in Shi xiao primary schoolTitle: Recycle1Read and WriteTeacher: Dai ShichunTeaching Aims:(1)能够说出生活中常见的食物名称,并能灵活运用一些常用句型来表达自己的想法。(2) 能够读懂日记小短文,并能读懂其他类型的日记小短文。(3)能够在自己的努力下听懂短文大意。(4)通过合作学习能够完成一些阅读,写作的任务。Key points and difficult points:教学重点:1.能够读懂短文意思,并熟练的回答一些问题;2.掌握一定的阅

2、读技巧。教学难点:熟练掌握一定的写作技巧,学写小短文。Teaching Tools: PPT, head beltsTeaching procedures: Step1 .Warm-up1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, teacher.T: Im your new English teacher. My name is Louise. You can call me Miss Dai.2. A guessing game(T draws a picture, then Ss guess)T: Well, first, lets pla

3、y a guessing game. I draw you guess. OK?(师一步一步画Chen Jie 的头像,请学生猜)T: Whos she? Can you guess? Is she.Ss: She is.T: Yes right, she is Chen jie.(师继续引导,指着外面说:Look, it is sunny today, so where is Chenjie? Do you know?)(设计意图:通过简笔画猜谜的方式引出下文,更能激发学生积极性)Step2 Presentation1. T: Oh, look, Chen Jie is at Willow

4、Primary School. (通过Chen jie 导入短文第一段,师呈现PPT介绍sunny day, Willow Primary School, yellow flowers)2.PPT 展示时钟图片,引出吃午饭的时间到了T: Oh, look, the school is so pretty, and Chen Jie is walking around the school. Shes happy. (Show the clock, 12:00) T: what time is it?S: Its.T: Yeah, right, you are so clever. So its

5、 time for .(lunch)(T shows the picture of the dining room) Chen Jie goes to the dining room.(出示食物菜单,复习食物名称和句型)What do you have on.? Whats your favorite food?T: Just now, I know what you have for lunch; now lets have a look at what Chen Jie has for lunch. Ok?Ss: OK.(设计意图:这一部分主要是通过Chenjie 引入Willow pri

6、mary school, 然后引入dining room, 并复习了各种食物名称,为下面短文学习做铺垫 )3.呈现PPT,Chen Jie is full, and now she is writing a diary. First T guides Ss to listen to the diary, and then asks Ss to read the diary in pairs, and then answer the following questions:Q1. Whos Chenjies new friend?Q2.Whats David like?Q3. Whats dav

7、its favorite class? Q4. What would teacher and the Ss like for lunch? Q5. What do the Ss do after lunch?(设计意图:通过贴近学生生活的日记来展开阅读课教学,学生会更感兴趣,通过听录音,同桌合作读日记来完成提出的问题,学生也会更容易接受)4. T asks Ss to close the book, and then listen to the diary again, and later fill in the blank T: Just now, you have answered the

8、se questions. Now lets listen to the diary again, and find out the missing words. Ok?Ss: OK.(设计意图:合上书本听录音,并让学生找出缺少的单词,这样更能让他们集中注意力,并培养其听得能力)5. Find the “friend” (4 Ss a group and find out the same pronunciations)T: Well done, boys and girls. Now 4 Ss a group to read the diary, and find out the same

9、pronunciations. Ok?Ss: Ok.(设计意图:学生通过小组合作,并通过各自的努力找到正确的答案,培养自主学习的能力)Step 3. Practice1. Say a chantI am at school.It is so pretty.David is clever, funny and hard-working.We eat at school.Some drink tea.Some love green beans.Some have beef.Some love ice-cream.Then we have a reading class.Wow, what a fr

10、iendly school!(设计意图:歌谣练习可以帮助学生巩固本节课所学,并结合适当的韵律活跃课堂气氛)2. Shows teachers diary, then guides Ss to read it, and then answer some questions:Q1: Where I have an English class?Q2: Whats the Ss like?Q3: Whats their favorite class?Q4: What do they do on the weekend?(设计意图:这一部分是通过老师的亲身经历写的日记,贴近学生生活,学生会更有兴趣阅读,

11、并进一步帮助学生提高阅读能力)Step 4. Consolidation (learn to write a diary)Its _today. _is my friend. He/She is _. His/Her favorite class/food is_. We often _ on the weekend.(设计意图:通过以上学习,这个环节主要是帮助学生练习写作的能力,让学生通过本节课的学习和结合自身的生活经历练习写一篇日记,并反馈学生写的情况)Step 5. HomeworkPlease try to write a short passage to describe yourself. (The passage should include: your name, character, your favorite class or food and so on.) 4


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