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1、研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking StrategiesLesson 5(1)Part Two Scanning for the Main IdeaGreg: Hi, Im Greg. How can I help you today?Customer: Im interested in buying a CD player, but Im a little confused. Whats the difference between this Fony CD player and the Yamagoto?Gr

2、eg: Well, theyre both $399, but the Fony is a single-disc player and the Yamagoto has a five-disc carousel.Cust: A five-disc what? Im lost. Whats that?Greg: On the Fony, you can only play one CD at a time. The Yamagoto holds five discs, so you can listen to five times as much music.Cust: AhSo, do yo

3、u think the Yamagoto is a better deal?Greg: Well, it is an unbeatable CD player for the price, but you might want to consider this Demmon over here. It holds five discs and has the direct access feature.Cust: Direct access? Whats that?Greg: With direct access all of the buttons that are on the remot

4、e control are also on the CD player itself. For example, if you want to choose song number 3, you can select it using the buttons on the remote control or you can punch it in on the front of the CD player.Cust: Oh, I like that. I wish I had direct access on my TV. My kids are always hiding the remot

5、e control and its a real nuisance to change the channel without the remote. How much will the Demmon player run me?Greg: This Demmon will run you $699, but if you wait until Friday, it will be on sale for $649.Cust: Wow! Thats still $250 more than the other two. What gives?Greg: Well, its not just t

6、he direct access feature. The Demmon player has far greater sound. If sound quality is important to you, this is really one of the best. As a matter of fact, all Demmon players have superb sound quality.Cust: Sound is important. Im just not too sure if I can afford $649 worth of sound. Do you have a

7、 player with the direct access feature thats a little cheaper than the Demmon?Greg: Yes, we do. We have a wonderful five-disc Sonapanic with direct access thats going for $419. Cust: That sounds a lot more affordable. Im curious though. The CD players youve shown me hold either one or five CDs. Are

8、those the only two choices?Greg: Oh no. Take a look over here. This Fony Megastorage CD player holds a whopping 200 CDs.Cust: 200 CDs? Youve got to be kidding! Thats amazing!Greg: Yeah! This one only costs $699, has direct access, and comes with a free pair of headphones.Cust: Dont you get free head

9、phones with all CD players?Greg: No. They stopped doing that years ago. Now they only come with the high-end models. This Fony comes with headphones, and the $649 Demmon that we looked at earlier comes with them as well.Cust: Well it should for that price. What about the Sonapanic?Greg: No, sorry.Cu

10、st: Tell me about the warranty with the Soanapanic.Greg: All Sonapanics come with a two-year warranty.Cukst: Is that the same for the other brands?Greg: No, actually, the Fonys are only covered for one year, the Demmon for five years, and the Yamagoto for three.Cust: HmmWell, from very everything yo

11、uve told me, it really sounds like the Sonapanic is the best one for me. Its the right price and it has all of the features that I want.Greg: Its a good choice. Im sure youll enjoy it. Now, will that be cash or charge?Cust: OhIm really just looking today. Thank you very much for your time.Greg: (Som

12、ewhat sarcastically) Yes, certainly.Part ThreeExercise 1B1. Mom: Now, I want two pounds, dear. How many do you think that is?Boy: Maybe 100?Mon: No, silly. Thats far too many. Guess again.Boy: Maybe ten?Mon: No, probably about four or five.Boy: Which one should I take, mommy?Mom: OhThe red ones are

13、much sweeter than the green ones. Lets buy some red ones this time.Boy: Okay. One TwoMom: Oh no! No! No! Watch out! You have to take them from the top or else theyll fall all overBoy: Whoops! Oh no! Theyre falling down.Mom: Oh my goodness. Look at this mess.Boy: Im sorry.2.A: Gee. There are so many

14、brands to choose from. I cant decide.B: Well, do you like domestic or imported?A: Im really not sure. I really never drink alcohol. Im only getting some now for the party tonight.B: Well the imported kind is usually a little stronger and it has more flavor.A: Oh, then maybe Ill try a few six-packs o

15、f this one from Germany.B: Yeah, but theyre also a lot more expensive than domestic ones.A: Oh boy. Gee. I really dont know. Now Im really confused.3.A: Will you look at that guy? Hes got a whole basket full. What does he think hes doing?B: I dont know, but somebody should say something.A: You have

16、to watch out. I heard about someone who started a flight when they told him to leave the express like. You really have to be careful when you get angry at a stranger. You never know. They might be crazy.B: Well, then, maybe we should call the manager. Of course he might not have seen the sign. We could just go ove


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