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1、一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成单词。)1.I dont really know,Im just g.2.I need one more stamp before c my collection.3.The children played t in the street.4.My English teacher asked us to c the false sentences in class.5

2、.I want to (提高)my English.6.You must try to improve your g.7.She is too (害羞) to speak in front of class.8.My English teacher demanded us to write a p when we complete a sentence.9.English and American s of some words are different.10.I read Tolstoys books in t.答案:pleting3.together4.correct5.improve6

3、.grammar7.shy8.punctuation9.spelling10.translationExercises for phrases(短语专练).Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(用方框里适当的单词完成句子。)speak towrite downenjoy oneselfthink abouttry tobe going todont forget how about1. to speak English all the time in class.2.When your teacher asks you a

4、 question, your answer.3.If you in English study,you will improve your English and love it very much. 4. remember eight or ten words a day.5.My teacher gave me some advice and I it in my study daily.6.We camping this Sunday.7. writing down your mistakes?8.You should the manager about it.9.Sometimes

5、I my old friend and other things to write a letter.答案:.1.Dont forget2.think about3.enjoy yourself4.Try to5.write,down6.are going7.How about8.speak to9.think of,put down Exercises for function sentences(交际用语专练).Choose the proper response to the question.(根据问句选择正确的答语。)1.What is it?2.Did your teacher g

6、ive you any advice?3.What advice?4.What do you do with your spelling?5.How about your grammar and vocabulary?A.Yes,he did.B.About speaking more English in class or after class.C.Oh,I always practise doing more reading and more exercises about them.D.Its my English study plan,I am going to work hard

7、this year.E.I always check my spelling with a dictionary.答案:.1.D2.A 3.B4.E5.C Exercises for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice(单项填空)1.Dont forget more English in daily speakB.speakingC.speakD.spoken 答案: 1.Aforget to do sth.表示“忘记要做某事”,forget doing sth.表示“忘记做过某事”。这句话的意思是“不要忘记在日常生活中多讲英语”。2.Mike ha

8、s difficulty speaking English and;learning B.on;learning;learn;reading答案: 2.A这道题目主要是考查have difficulty in doing sth.的句型。3.Shall we go camping this Sunday? .A.And you B.Thats a good idea C.Me,tooD.Yes,so I do 答案: 3.B在英语中Shall we.是提出建议,在回答时如果是表示同意则可用Thats a good idea.来回答。4.I work

9、 hard this going toB.was going going to 答案: 4.Dthis year表明要用将来时。be going to do sth.表示“打算做某事”。5.It was raining when I saw a lot of passengers an early bus.A.wait forB.waiting C.waiting forD.waiting to 答案: 5.C这道题目主要考查see sth.和see sb. doing sth.的用法。see sb. do sth.表示“看见某人做某

10、事”(全过程),而see sb.doing sth.表示“看见某人正在做某事”。wait for sth.的意思是“等待什么”。6.The little girl does reading well,but she more listening.A.can practise B.should practiseC.would practise D.may practise答案:6.Bcan是“能够”,should是“应该”,would是“将要”,may是“可以”。7.I like English films and English watch;listen to B.wat

11、ching;listeningC.watching;listening to watch;listening 答案: 7.Clike to do sth.表示“喜欢做某事” 这是“一时性的动作”,like doing表示“喜欢做某事”,但是那是“经常性的,习惯性的动作”。8.The young man was successful and popular than the old man.A.even B.much C.even more D.less more 答案: 8.Csuccessful 和popular都是多音节形容词,所以它们的比较级都加much,它们并列使用,只要用一

12、个much就可以了。9.I feel it a long time to learn English well.A.spends B.costs C.pays D.takes答案: 9.Dspend 的句型是sb./spends time/money on sth./in doing sth.,cost的句型是 sth.costs sb.time/money,pay 的句型是sb.pays money for sth.,take的句型是 It takes sb.time to do sth.。10.Please the mistakes in your notebook and them.A.

13、put down;check B.write;correctC.write down;correct D.put down;improve答案: 10.C根据题目的意思“请把错误在你的笔记本上写下,并改正”。Sentence structure training(句子结构专练) .Choose the right description of the part of sentence underlined.(选出对句子画线部分结构描述正确的选项。)1.It is sometimes hard to understand each other.A.主语B.谓语C.宾语D.表语2.I think

14、this is a good way of improving your English.A.主语B.谓语C.宾语D.表语3.I just cant think of anything to say. A.主语 B.宾语 C.定语 D.表语4.Listen to BBC programmes to improve our listening.A.主语 B.状语 C.宾语 D.表语5.I want to know where the newspaper is.A.主语 B.定语 C.宾语 D.表语6.At a bus stop he sees three people waiting for a bus.A.主语 B.定语 C.宾语 D.补语答案:.1.D形容词hard 作表语,表示“



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