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1、新编简明英语语言学教程A NEW CONCISE COURSE ON LINGUISTICS FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISHHappy National DayContents 12 Chapters / 4 Parts Part 1 Chapter 1 (The general introduction about linguistics, to give an answer about what is linguistics and what is language, and some of their characteristics.) Part 2 Chapter 2/

2、3/4/5/6 (It mainly introduces the different branches .br:nt分支of linguistics such as Phoneticsfunetik语音学, Phonology(fnldi音系学, Morphologym:fldi形态学, Syntaxsntaks句法学, simntiks语义学, Pragmatics.prmtiks语用学。) Part 3 Chapter 7/8/9 (This part mainly discusses the development of language and the relationship be

3、tween language and society or culture.) Part 4 Chapter 10/11/12 (This part is about the learning of language, how could a person get the ability of speaking one language, of course, no matter it is first language or second language, there must be quite a strong relationship with the brain of us.)Cha

4、pter One IntroductionLinguistics 1. What is linguistics (definition)? 2. Its scope skup范围 and some distinctions that are important?What is linguistics (definition)? The scientific study of language. To answer the questions such as: What is language? How does language work? How does language change?

5、What do all languages have in common? Etc.How to study and what to study? By systematic sstmatk有系统的,有规则的 investigation of linguistic data语言材料, with reference to 关于some theories, to find the nature种类 and rules underlying 基础的language system. linguistics studies languages in general, not any particular

6、 language.The scope and some distinctions of linguistics Branches of linguistics: (page 2-3) Phonetics语音学,Phonology音系学, Morphology形态学, Syntax句法学, Semantics语义学, Pragmatics语用学。 The study of all these aspects of language form the core核心 of linguistics. Important distinctions: 1. Prescriptive .priskript

7、iv 规定的, 指定的vs. descriptive diskriptiv 说明的; 解释的,描写的 2. Synchronic skrnk 限于一时的vs. diachronic dkrnk (尤指语言)历时的。常与 synchronic 相对 3. Speech vs. writing 4. Langue vs. parole.prul假释 5. Competence vs. performance 6. Traditional grammar and modern linguistics1. Prescriptive vs. descriptive To describe and ana

8、lyze the language people actually use. (descriptive描述式) To lay down rules or standards for language use, to tell people what they should say and what should not say. (prescriptive规定式) Example: You are clever! You clever are.2. Synchronic vs. diachronic Synchronic(共时): the description of a language a

9、t some point of time in history. Diachronic (历时): the description of a language as it changes through time. In modern linguistics, a synchronic approach seems to enjoy priority .prairiti 优先考虑的事,优先权over a diachronic one. (synchronic diachronic) Example:词典和小说3. Speech vs. Writing Two major form or med

10、ia of linguistic communication Modern linguistics regards spoken language as the primary medium of human language. So, linguists data collection mostly based on speech since it is more authentic.4. Langue vs. parole F. de Saussure, Swiss linguist, early 20th century,a sociological suildikl 社会学上的view

11、. Languel:语言: the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. Parole: the realization of langue in actual use.5. Competence vs. performance N. Chomsky, U.S., late 1950s, a psychological view. Competence: the ideal users knowledge of rules of his language. Performance:

12、 the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. According to Chomsky, a speaker has internalized使内在化 a set of rules about his language, this enables him to produce and understand any practical use of language,but the speaker may not give a concrete 确定的description about these r

13、ules, and this is the task of the linguists, that is to discover and specify these rules. 二者基本一致,只是角度不同。6. Traditional grammar and modern linguistics Traditional grammar means the approach that traditionally formed to study language in the long history. By comparison, the modern linguistics places m

14、ore emphasis on 强调descriptive, spoken language, and no pre-settled form. Page 6-7, check.Language Definition: language is a system of arbitrary vocal .vukl口头的 symbols used for human communication. 1. a system (combined according to rules) 2. arbitrary :bt(r)ri随意的,主观的 (symbol and meaning) 3. vocal (w

15、riting system is much later) human-specific, different from bird songs, bee dancesDesign features (本质特征) Design features (by Charles Hockett, U.S.): 1. arbitrariness (任意性) 2. productivity(创造性) 3. duality(二重性) 4. displacement(移位性) 5. cultural transmission (文化传递性)1. Arbitrariness (任意性) No logical connection between meanings and sounds. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” There are still a small percentage of words that are non-arbitrary. (onoma



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