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1、 新概念英语第二册语法总结:主谓一致1当 every-, some-, any-, no- 等构成的不定代词及 each, either, neither 作主语时,谓语动词为单数。 Someone has told me about it. Neither of us likes the film. 2当 every 或 each 位于两个由连接词连接的单数主语前,谓语动词用单数。(必记之要点!) Each girl and boy has a nickname. Every man and woman is welcome. 3位于主谓之间的介词短语不影响谓语动词的数,谓语动词须和主语全都

2、。常见介词短语有:in addition to, together with, as well as, along with, but, except, etc. (这是一几乎全部考试都不愿放过的重点。) The teacher along with his students is going to the party. His parents as well as his elder sister have come to see him. II复数主语: 1当主语由 and 或 both . and 连接,通常采纳复数谓语动词。 Both the girl and the boy are

3、his friends. 2如主语是both, few或主语前有both, few, several, many 等限定词时,谓语动词须用复数。 Several novels have been written by her. Both got the news at the same time. 3以下名词总是复数形式且谓语动词必需用复数。 trousers, pants, jeans, glasses, scissors, tweezers, plier, scales , compasses, etc. The trousers here are mine. 别忘了:假如以上名词受 “a

4、 pair of” “the pair of”修饰时,谓语动词用单数。 The pair of pants is too dirty. III单、复数的敏捷运用: 1当主语由 neither. nor, either. or, not only . but also 或 or 连接时,谓语动词与nor, or, but also后面的词全都,在英语语法中,这被称之为“就近原则”。 Neither he nor I am going to the airport. Not only Mary but also her parents have gone abroad. 2当主语前面有 none,

5、 all, some, any, most, half, majority等词时,谓语动词则依据主语的详细状况而采纳相应的单、复数。 All of the money has been in the bank. (money 是不行数名词) All of us have been here. 3“a number of”是复数,修饰可数名词,谓语动词为复数,“the number of”也修饰复数名词,但谓语动词用单数。(黄金要点!) A number of students have passed the exam. The number of students in this class

6、is 50. IV. 用作单数的复数形式主语: 1如主语是指:time, money, weight, volume, etc. 虽为复数形式,但谓语用单数形式。 Two years is a short time. One hundred dollars is needed by me. 2以下单词如:physics,economics,mathematics,statistics,etc;measles,mumps,herpes,etc,news,ethics,politics,etc. 为复数形式,但谓语动词用单数。 Statistics is a dull subject. Polit

7、ics is important. 3书、报、杂志、电影的名称作主语,谓动用作单数。 The New York Times is a good newspaper. V以下名词在形式上保持不变,但谓语动词的数取决于其意义: 1family,team,class,committee,group,audience,faculty,etc. The family is big.(总体) His family like to watch TV.(家庭全部成员) 2species,series,etc. The species is rare. These species are common. 3sh

8、eep,deer,etc. The sheep are eating grass. The sheep is big. VI. Chinese, English, French, etc 指语言时,谓动是单数,如与 “the“ 搭配,指人民时,谓语动词用复数。 English is used widely. The English love peace. VII. 留意以下外来语的单复数形: 单数 复数 basis basescrisis crisescriterion criteriaphenomenon phenomenaradius radiialumnus alumnidatum da

9、tamedium mediaindex indicesappendix appendicesalga algaevita vitae 测试精编 1. Students today are writing _ of poetry. A. a great many lines B. quantities of lines C. lots lines D. a large number 2. The bookstore had not ordered _ texts for all the students in the course. A. plenty of B. enoughC. as man

10、y D. enough of 3. What did you see? We saw _ police there. A. many B. much C. little D. the 4. Do you want to wait? Two weeks _ too long for me to wait. A. is B. are C. were D. was 5. There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia, _. A. being a beautiful woman of wealth and positionB. who is beautiful woman of wealth and positionC. a beautiful woman of wealth and positionD. and a beautiful woman of wealth and position (后设答案,大家不要偷看哦(*_*) 嘻嘻) KEYS 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C



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