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1、Unit 1 Service at the boarding gate(Regular Flight Services)登机口服务 ( 正常航班服务 )Dialogue 1 P:这个航班什么时间到达/起飞? When will the flight arrive in Beijing?/ (depart)A:预计上午10:10/16:30. The flight is estimated to arrive at ten ten a.m./sixteen thirty.P: 飞行时间是要两个半小时吗?So the flight time is two and half an hour?A: 是

2、的,北京飞成都是逆风。Yes, it is against the wind from Beijing to Chengdu.Dialogue 2P:我到哪里可以买机票? Where can I buy the ticket?A:往前走,自动扶梯旁就有国航售票处和很多其他航空公司的售票处。Go ahead, near the escalator, there are the booking offices of Air China and other airlines. P:,请问去九寨沟在哪儿办理手续? Where can I check in for Jiuzhai?A:要在老候机楼办理。

3、出门左转,下楼梯后向南走大概200米就到了。You should check in at the old terminal building. Please go out of the hall and turn left, then downstairs and go southern for 200 meters.Dialogue 3A:对不起,您那件手提行李不允许带上飞机。 Excuse me,Sir. Im afraid that you cant take that bag as hand baggage.P:为什么不行? Why not?A:这个包看来似乎超重超大了。我们的手提行李

4、体积限制在204055CM,重量不超过5公斤。It seems too big and may be too heavy as well. The limitation for carry-on baggage is 20cms by 40cms by 55cms in volume and 5 kilos in weight. P:我经常乘飞机飞来飞去的,行李从来没有检查过。Ive traveled a lot, but my hand baggage has never been weighed before.A:由于航班满客,客舱里放不下。这也是为了所有客人的安全和舒适性考虑的。As t

5、he flight has been full,the cabin cannot hold. This is to ensure safety and comfort of all the passengers.P:那好吧! Thats all right.A:谢谢您的合作,这是您的行李牌。Thank you for your cooperation. Here is your baggage tag.Dialogue 4P: 打扰,我刚从拉萨回来,准备转机到上海,请问在哪办理中转航班手续?Excuse me. I just came from LhaSa and Ill fly to Sha

6、nghai today. Where can I check-in for my connecting flight? A: 你乘哪个航班?请出示机票。Which flight are you going to take? / Please show me your ticket.P: 给你,我还有登机牌。Here you are. Also I have a boarding pass. A: 请持登机牌到中转柜台盖章。Please find the transfer counter to have your boarding pass stamped.Dialogue 5 P: 对不起,我

7、的卡忘了累积里程了!Im sorry that I forgot to have my mileage accrued.A: 请出示一下您的卡片!Please show me you member card.A: 是的,您的卡可以在所有星盟成员航班上累积里程。我记录一下您的常客号稍后为您补登!Yes, you can earn miles on any of the member airlines of the Star Alliance. Let me write down your number and update your mileage later.P: 我还有以前的航班也可以补登吗

8、?I have previous boarding passes, can also be added?A: 您可以登录我们的网站或是致电95583补登。u can visit our website or by calling 95583. P: 好的,谢谢你!Thats all right. Thank you.A: 不客气。You are welcome.Unit 2 Irregular Flight Services不正常航班服务Dialogue 1延误原因P: 我们的航班延误了吗?Will our flight be delayed?A: 对, 这个航班由于天气/飞机晚到/机械故障原

9、因延误.Yes, this flight will be delayed because of bad weather/aircraft arrival late/mechanical problems. P: 什么时候可以登机呢?When can we board?A: 我们目前还不知道。但如果有了进一步的消息我们会通知你们。We dont know. But well inform you if we have further information.Dialogue 2天气原因P:早上好,我们已经等了1个半小时了,请问航班还要延误多久?Good morning. We have been

10、 waiting here for one and half an hour. When do you expect it to depart?A: 很难说。请在候机厅休息等候。Its hard to say. Would you please have a rest in the waiting hall!P: 现在大雾不是已经散了吗?It seems the fog is not so heavy now!A: 天气是在好转,不过为了乘客的安全,我们必须达到飞行标准才能起飞。Yes, it is improved. But we cannot fly below the weather s

11、tandards in order to ensure the safety of our passengers and aircraft.Dialogue 3机故原因P: 你好,女士,能告诉我到东京的CA421航班什么原因延误吗?Hello, Miss. Could you tell me why flight CA421 to TOKYO has been delayed?A: 是因为机械故障。It has been delayed because of engine trouble.P:飞机什么时候能修好?Whats the extent of the delay?A:目前还不清楚,机务

12、人员正在加紧维修。We dont know at the moment. But the ground crew is busy maintaining it.P:可以换其他飞机飞呀!Havent you got any standby aircraft?A:您放心,根据情况,运行控制人员会考虑的!请耐心等候通知。Dont worry, our flight control will take it into account. Please patiently wait for the announcement.Dialogue 4弥补服务A: 很抱歉地通知您,您的航班由于飞机晚到将延误3个小

13、时。Im very sorry to inform you that your flight today has been delayed for about 3 hours due to late incoming aircraft.P: 延误这么久,飞机现在在哪里呀?Thats a long delay. Do you know where is the aircraft now?.A: 我们深表歉意,据最新通知,该航班已经在半小时前起飞了。We are sorry about the delay. According to the latest information, the flig

14、ht should have departed half an hour ago.P: 谢谢,我明白了。Oh, I see. Thanks.P: 我们现在为您提供免费的饮料和午餐,请到登机口领取。Now we are supplying beverage and lunch free of charge for delayed passengers. Please get it at the boarding gate.P: 谢谢,另外,有扑克牌吗?Thank you. Excuse me, do you have cards here?A: 有的,请把您的登机牌留在这儿,归还的时候我们会还给

15、您。Yes, we have. Please leave your boarding pass here. Ill give it back to you when you return it. Dialogue 5改签服务A:很抱歉通知您这个航班取消了。 We regret to say that this flight has been cancelled.P:但我在北京还要转机。 But I have connecting flight in Beijing.A:别着急,我们现在为您安排改签3Uxxxx, 起飞时间是13:10。 Dont worry. We will rebook you on the flight 3Uxxxx which will depart at 13:10.P:恐怕会来不及,有更早一点的航班吗?But Im afraid that will be too late. Is there another flight available?A:没有了,但是您到北京有任何困难的话请向国航服务员寻求帮Im afraid not. But i



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