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1、练习一(1-4课)一、英汉搭配 把A栏和B栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。 A B1、sit down 1、见见你的老师2、come here 2、坐下3、thank you 3、给你4、here you are 4、到这儿来5、meet your teacher 5、谢谢你二、汉译英1、绿色的 2、红色的 3、书包 4、铅笔5、橡皮 6、是的,是 7、先生 8、帽子三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)A:_ this your book?B: Yes, it is .A: Here you _.B:_ you.A: Not at all. A:_ is Sues pen?B: The bl

2、ue one. . A:_ is this ruler?B: It is our teachers. 练习二(5-8课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确(一空一个字母)。 1、d_ sk 2. wom_n 3. p_ncil 4. c_me 5.s_rry 6. l_ _ k 7.b_ _ k 8. g_ _l 9. t _ _ cher 10. broth_ _二、英汉互译1、chair 2、car 3、bicycle 4、table5、yellow 6、umbrella 7、football 8、pencil-box9、篮子 10、咖啡色的 11、踢球 1

3、2、没关系13、小心 14、在汽车里 15、骑自行车的男孩三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)1、 A:_Is this your rubber?B: _, it isnt .A: Whose _ it?B:_ , I dont know.(我不知道。)A:_ is your pen?B: The black one. .A: _ you are.B:Thank you.A: Thats all _.A:_ is that boy?B: Which boy, Sandy?A:The boy on the green bicycle.B:_ LiPing. Hes _ my class. 练习三

4、(9-12课)一、语音 从 ABCD中选出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1、n i ce A. this B,sister C.right D.miss2、n o A. hot B.brother C.who D.cold 3、d e sk A. teacher B,ready C.tea D.please4、class A. basket B,man C.cap D.table5、white A. very B,busy C.hungry D.my二、单项选择1、_ that? Its a car.A. Whos B. Whose C. Which D. Whats2、_ is

5、 your umbrella? The yellow one.A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Who3、_ that woman with a basket? Its Miss Crisp.A. Whos B. Whose C. Whats D. Is4、Hello! Come here and _ Sues picture.A. look B. look out C. look at D. meet5、 Are you hot, Sandy? Yes, _.A. he is B. I am C. it isnt D. you arent三、完成下列各组对话(每空只填

6、一词)A:_ ,Sue! Come here!B: Hello, Mum! Whats it?A: Tea _ ready. _ you hungry?.B: Yes, Im. Whats _ tea?A: Look!A: Whos that girl?B: _ girl?A: The one _ the football.B: Thats Fang Fang.A: _ out! The ball is coming towards us(朝我们飞来).A:_ is this ruler?B: It is our teachers. 练习四(13-16课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字

7、母或字母组合,使其完整与正确(一空一个字母)。1. h_t 2._gg 3._pple 4._mpty 5.sch_ _ l6. p_t 7. d_d 8.c_ p 9. or_ nge 10. actr_ss二、英汉搭配 把A栏和B栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。A B1. eat your icecream quickly 1.敲门2. Good evening 2.快吃你的冰淇淋3. come with me 3.穿上你的鞋子4. put on your shoes 4.跟我来5. knock at the door 5.晚上好三、汉译英1、男警察 2、邮递员 3、男演员 4、孩子们5

8、、姐妹 6、学校 7、女学生 8、课桌四、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)1. Tom: _! Someone(某人) is knocking at the door.Sue: Whos it?Lili: Its _.Sue: Come _,please.Lili: Good evening, Sue and Good evening,Tom.Sue and Tom: _ evening,Lili.2.A:Whats _ the box,Mum? B: Its _ cap. A: Whose _ it? B: Its _ you, Put it _, Huhu. A:Thats very ni

9、ce. You look _ an actor.五、口译2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16练习五 (17-20课)一、按要求给下列单词归类teacher pen blue pencil green brown rubber ruler yellow pencil-box grey actor schoolboy policewoman postman人物:文具:颜色:二、给出下列单词相应的反义词:1.hot 2. tall 3. fat 4 . young 5. new6.black 7.big 8.thick 9.full 10.light11. long 12.this 13.n

10、o 14.boy 15.brother三、单项选择1. Whats your sister? Shes _ actress.A. a B. the C. an D.nice2. Open my box and give _ the blue ruler.A. I B. my C. me D.mine3.This new book is _ your brother.A. to B. for C. with D.in4. Whos that man? Hes_.A. out new teacher B. a milkman C. clever D. a dog5. The milkman is

11、very _. He looks like an actor.A. handsome B.beautiful C. new D.empty四、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词)A: Oh! Here I am!B: Whats the matter,Billy?A: I _ tired out.B: Give _ your bag. Its so heavy. Whats _ it?A: Open _ and see.B: Exercise-books!五、口译1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 20练习六(21-24课)一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1. p_ll 2. sm_ ll 3. Fr_ nch 4. b_x 5. _ne6. th_n 7.n_ me 8.b_nana 9.l_zy 10.h_ _vy二、英汉搭配 把A栏和B栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。 A


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