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1、四级听力场景词汇学生场景freshman 大一学生sophomore 大学二年级生, 有二年经验的junior student 大三学生senior student 大四学生,高年级学生undergraduate student 本科生graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生masters degree 硕士学位bachelors degree 学士学位doctor student / doctor candidate 博士研究生post doctor student 博士后alumni / alumnus 校友老师场景professor 教授te

2、aching fellow 讲师tutor / mentor / director / super visor 导师dean 系主任department 系president 校长staff 全体员工(商店、企业)faculty 全体教职员工上课、选课、听讲座、听报告场景take the course 选课 drop the course 退课register 注册sign up for the course 选课Pick up = learn cancel 取消full 报满 selective course / elective course / optional course 选修课re

3、quirement / required course / compulsory 必修课lecture 讲座 seminar 讨论班credit 学分 introductory course 初级课程advanced course 高级课程 math 数学computer course 计算机 psychology course 心理学physics 物理学 economics 经济学computer science 计算机科学 sociology 社会学geology 地质学chemistry 化学biology 生物学 biochemistry 生物化学science 理科作业场景home

4、work / assignment / project作业book report 读书报告presentation 课堂发言reading list 书单turn in / hand in 上交deadline 最后期限due 到期extension 延期paper 论文 / essay 小论文term paper 学期报告thesis 毕业论文proposal 开题报告考试场景Mid-term examination 期中考试 Final exam 期末考试 Quiz 小测试Gradescore 分数 Pass 通过 Passing grade Make up exam 补考Cheat 作弊

5、 Draw near 考试临近 Delayput offpostpone 延迟图书馆场景shelf 书 架 stack 书库reading room 阅览室 reference room 参考书阅览室periodical room 期刊阅 览室copier 复印机study lounge 自习室 librarian 图书馆长, 图书管理员catalogue 书目 Index 索引volume 卷,宗library card 借书卡writing permission 书面许可 book reservation 借书check out 外借 over due 超期renew 续借fine 罚款r

6、eturn 还书 put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读magazine 杂志journal 期刊periodical 期刊 quarterly 季刊current issue 现刊 back issue 过刊latest number 最新一期 author 作者subject 题目title 名字key words 关键字购物场景Store /department store商店, supermarket超市, Shopping center/ shopping mall购物中心, shop assistant售货员discount/off打折 ,out of stock卖完了,

7、Bargain便宜货, style/size/color款式、大小、颜色, large/medium/small大号中号小号Exchange调换 , a clearance sale清仓处理 饮食场景Fast food快餐, fried food 油炸食品, apple pie苹果派, Pizza 比萨appetizer开胃菜, vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉, Soup汤, dessert 甜点ice cream冰淇淋, Pudding布丁, seasoning调料, dish 菜delicious/tasty/terrific好吃, horrible/awful/disgusti

8、ng 难吃, Waiter/waitress 服务生menu菜单, Order点菜,book/make a reservation预定tip小费, Fork/spoon/knife餐具, restaurant 饭馆, cafeteria 自助餐厅School dining hall学生食堂, eat out下馆子, full/done 吃饱了Snack bar快餐小吃店,Lets go Dutch/go 50-50/split the bill AA制be on diet 节食, todays special 今日特餐, specialty 招牌菜French fires 炸薯条, bacon

9、 熏肉 fried egg 煎蛋butter 奶油, beverages 饮料,orange juice 橘子汁soft drink 汽水, mineral water 矿泉水coffee 咖啡ice-cream 冰淇淋,coffee pot 咖啡壶, paper towel 纸巾table cloth 桌布, tea set 茶具, dish 碟, plate 盘, chopsticks 筷子, soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀, toothpick 牙签, curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭watermelon 西瓜, pear 梨子peach 桃子, che

10、rry 樱桃, apple 苹果grape 葡萄, salt 盐, sugar 糖sweet 甜, bitter 苦, dinner 正餐breakfast 早餐, lunch 午餐, brunch 早午餐steak 牛排, well done 全熟, medium 五分熟rare 三分熟, beer 啤酒, brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌meat 肉, beef 牛肉chicken 鸡肉, mutton 羊肉, bread 面包noodles 面条, vegetable 蔬菜, sandwich 三明治toast 土司, hamburger 汉堡, cake 蛋糕 医院场景 see

11、 a doctor 去医院看医生, health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊physician 内科医生, surgeon 外科医生, dentist 牙医, medical result 诊断结果make an appointment 预约, emergency 急诊, check up / exam 检查,cold感冒, flu 流感, headache 头痛, sore throat嗓子痛, fever发烧toothache牙疼, stomachache胃疼, prescribe 开药方 ,抓药fill the prescription pill / tablet

12、药片, injection / shot 注射, operation 手术,take two of these pills three times a day一日三次,一次宾馆场景 make a reservation预订房间, confirm a reservation 确认预订, cancel a reservation 取消预订, fully booked / full up / full 客满, porter 行旅员, reception 前台, check in 登记入住check out 退房, single room 单人房, double room 一张大床的双人房twin r

13、oom 两张单人床的双人房, suite 套房, bathroom卫生间toilet / restroom 厕所, room service 客房服务, tips 小费lounge 男士用休息区, lobby 大堂, business center 商务中心salon 美容厅, room service 客房服务部, ball 舞厅, bar 酒吧 邮局场景 post /send 寄, letter/mail 信, registered mail 挂号信, regular mail 平信, stamp 邮票, airmail 航空信,parcel / package 包裹, telegram

14、/ cable 电报, rate 费率,postage 邮资, overweight 超重, email 电子邮件,reply 回复, forward 转发, cc(carbon copy)抄送 bcc(blind carbon copy), subject 主题, attach 附件 天气场景 Climate气候, weather forecast天气预报, sunny晴天, clear up 变晴Mild / agreeable 温和的, cloudy 阴天, shower/downpour阵雨/大雨Thunder/lightening 打雷/闪电, windy/strong wind多风

15、的/强风, Snowstorm暴风雪foggy/dense/heavy fog雾天/浓雾, warm up 转暖, wet 潮湿, humid潮湿get worse天气恶化, unusual 不同寻常的天气, heavy snow 大雪服装种类 clothing衣服总称 , costume传统服装;戏服, suit一套男(女)服 tie 领带, jacket茄克衫, T-shirt短袖圆领汗衫(运动衫) pants (trousers)裤子;长裤, jeans牛仔裤 , uniform制服 underwear (undergarment)内衣 , stockings长统袜 , down jacket 羽绒服sweater毛衣, gloves手套,scarf围巾sandals凉鞋, slippers拖鞋, boots皮靴gym shoes 运动鞋, running shoes跑步鞋,sewing缝纫 formal正式的casual休闲的navy blue 海军蓝的large大号的, medium中号的, small小号的,tight紧的, loose=baggy 宽松的,wool羊毛:毛线cotton棉制, striped带条纹的 旅游场景 mountains山, deserts沙漠, tropical rain forests热带雨林, historical int


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