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1、2023学年高考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Reporters asked him to _hisposition on welfare reform.Aclarify Bdivide Cinstruct2The police have anyone with information

2、 to come forward and talk to them.Aappealed to Battended toCresponded to Dattached to3After the argument Colin ran away and_since.AIsnt heard ofBwasnt heard ofChasnt been heard ofDhadnt been heard of4The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it will be some tim

3、e_ the situation improves.AsinceBwhenCunlessDbefore5Mr, White, do you have anything _?No, nothing. You can take a rest now.Atype Btyped Cto type Dto be typed6Private cars will be required to stay off roads one out of five weekdays _ the traffic pressure.Ato reduceBreducingCreducedDreduce7The Oxford

4、English Dictionary is necessary for learning English,so youd better buy _AthisBthatCitDone8He couldnt make his voice _ above the noise of thetraffic.Ato hear BhearingCheard Dhear9 When did Tom come to Qingdao? It was in July,2006 and he a trip in China with his parents at that time.Awould take Bhad

5、taken Cwas taking Dhad been taking10Jacks fellow workers often turn to him for help when trapped in trouble because he is a _of ideas.Afountain BsessionCdiagram Dresource11_the fierce competition in job seeking, many university graduates have no choice but to reduce their own demand for the salary.A

6、Faced BFacingCTo face DHaving faced12More and more people prefer to live in the countryside, _ appeal for them lies in the quiet and slow-paced life.AwhoBWhichCwhoseDwhat13As its economy is maturing,Chinas _a greater role in critical issues like climate and development.Adefining Bassuming Cguarantee

7、ing Dassuring14For thousands of years,poetry the favorite type of literature for many in China.Ais Bhas been Cwas Dwill be15Bob says he will draw lessons from his failure and continue to try.Im delighted that he _ take that view.Awill Bmay Cshould Dcould16A problem has occurred we should develop inn

8、ovative thinking abilities in the classrooms by giving students opportunities to generate new ideas.Awhat BwhereCwhether Dthat17Some of them, _ in rural villages, had never seen a train.Ato be born and brought upBborn and brought upChaving born and brought upDhaving been born and brought up18The col

9、lection, sorting and of historical materials and cultural relics of the May Fourth Movement should be strengthened, President Xi said.AconsiderationBconservationCconstitutionDconstruction19If you want to see Mr. Johnson on Friday morning, make sure he is _ ahead of time.AapproachableBaccessibleCavai

10、lableDconvenient20The famous book Frankenstein, _ by British novelist Mary Shelley, is the first work of science fiction.AwritingBhaving writtenCwrittenDwas written第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)BEIJIHG, Dec. 7 (Xinhua)-China has released evidence confirming Japanese troops s

11、ix-week campaign of slaughter in honour of the third National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims on Dec. 13. Some of the records had never been seen by the public before.The Nanjing Massacre continues to haunt the countrys collective memory. For the survivors, their memories of that horrible

12、winter will never fade. Luo Jin worked in a photo store at the time. One day he was asked by a Japanese officer to develop two rolls of film, among which he saw three photos showing Chinese people beheaded by Japanese soldiers. Risking his life, Luo held on to these photos and hid them in a secret p

13、lace. After the war, he passed them on to a military court in Nanjing.There is abundant evidence of the inhumane crime. Among the documents released were newspaper articles published after the massacre. One reported how the Japanese surrounded and slaughtered tens of thousands who they believed were

14、 Chinese soldiers. Another disclosed how Japanese military trucks rolled back and forth on bodies scattered along the river side.On its website, Chinas State Archives Administration said the documents released were not just records of the past, but lessons for the future.The Nanjing Massacre documen

15、ts are invaluable memories. They are of great value to recognize, oppose and stop inhumane, cruel and heartless acts, and to avoid human tragedies like the Nanjing Massacre from ever happening again. With these documents, we hope people will jointly oppose war, violence and shameless attempts to cover up the



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