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1、宾语从句的教学设计巨鹿镇中学 薄运锁教学内容:为了达成本课的教学目标,本课结合学生现有知识背景和生活实际,以“格林一家人的旅游”这一话题为主线,通过设置情景,以听力的形式呈现话题(旅游前)并引出本课的语法内容,引导学生复习由that引导的宾语从句;围绕话题(旅游中),将宾语从句复习与“问路”的功能意念项目相结合,引导学生复习由特殊疑问词和if/whether引导的宾语从句;在语言运用环节,我围绕话题(旅游结束)创设贴近实际生活的语言情景,引导学生运用所学语言,达到学以致用的目的。各个环节的语言知识和技能训练针对前一阶段学生学习宾语从句时暴露出来的问题精心设计,环环相扣,既兼顾初三复习阶段夯实基

2、础的现实需求,又体现了较强的针对性、综合性和挑战性。教学方式:个体学习;集体讨论;教师讲解;小组合作教学手段:多媒体课件、磁带、学案。教学目标:1知识目标:在完成活动的过程中总结出宾语从句的构成和使用规则(连接词、语序、时态);说出宾语从句这一语言形式的表意功能。2能力目标:1)能够正确转述打电话人的话。2)能够在问路的交际情景中正确使用宾语从句。3)在询问航班信息时能够恰当地使用宾语从句。3情感态度目标:能与他人沟通、交流和合作。4学习策略培养目标:能自我归纳总结,学以致用。教学重点:1. 学生能总结出宾语从句的构成和使用规则(连接词、语序、时态);说出宾语从句这一语言形式的表意功能。2.学

3、生能在特定情境中恰当地使用宾语从句。教学难点:学生能在询问航班信息时能够恰当地使用宾语从句。教学过程教学步骤与时间安排教与学的过程(师生活动)设计意图Warm-up(6 min)Draw Students attention to the grammar point. Activity 1. Tell the headmaster what Mr Green said.Step 1. Look at the photo and answer the question: What does Mr Green want to do? (He wants to make a telephone ca

4、ll. ) Step 2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: Q1. Who did Mr Green want to speak to? (The headmaster.)Q2. Was he at the office? (No.)Step 3. Listen and circle the sentences that Mr Green said.(见附件1. Activity1)Step 4. Tell the headmaster what Mr Green said. (屏幕呈现:Mr Green said

5、that,引导学生说出宾语从句。)通过设置情景,呈现话题(旅游前)并引出本课所要复习的语法内容。导入形式新颖、自然。Language Review(25min)Help Ss to make sure the meaning and the forms of the object clause.Step 1复习由that 引导的宾语从句。1. Read the object sentences on the screen.2. Observe and sum up the meaning and the form of the object clauses.3. Practice the ob

6、ject clauses. 1) According to the table, make meaningful object clauses as many as you can. (Dont change the tenses.)I thinkHe knewWe guessThey believeHe hopedTom is interested in Chinese.Neither Jack nor Bob went there yesterday.She read a lot of stories.Mary has been to the Great Wall.Our team wil

7、l win the game next time.Light travels faster than sound. Make sentences in pairs. Share the sentences in class. Sum up the tenses in the object clause.2) Talk about the Greens. Understand the situation by listening to the teacher.T: Do you still remember where the Green family are going? Which prov

8、ince is it in? Now, the Green family are in Chengdu. They want to buy sth. Where will they go? Ss answer the question with the teachers help by saying I think (that ) . Talk about the Greens with the help of the following questions by using: I guess/ think that. (Pair work)l Why do they want to go t

9、o the street market? l What will they buy? l How will they go there? Step 2复习由what, ,when,where,how , which等疑问词和if引导的宾语从句。 Activity 2. Asking the way 1. Lead-in: 1) Make sure the situation by listening to the teacher.Situation:They are going to the street market, but they are new there. They dont kn

10、ow the way. What questions is Jim asking the young man? Can you guess? 2) Discuss in groups and then report to the class. 3) Read the questions about asking the way on the screen.4) Choose some of the sentences on the screen to complete the dialog. (见附件1.Activity 2)5) Check the answers in pairs, the

11、n in class. 2. 复习由what, which 等疑问词和if引导的宾语从句。 1) 观察句子结构特点。 2) 学生分析连接词及其意义,归纳此类宾语从句的用法。 3) Role play the dialog in pairs.通过朗读格林先生说的句子,引导学生明确宾语从句的功能意义,总结出由that 引导的宾语从句的结构。通过半控制性的造句的练习,既巧妙地复习了宾语从句的时态,又引导学生关注句子所表达的实际意义,渗透正确使用语言的意识。通过呈现格林一家人的图片,设置情景,引导学生用I think/guess来回答,复习了由that引导的宾语从句。围绕话题(旅游中),将宾语从句复习

12、与“问路”的功能意念项目相结合,自然地引出由特殊疑问词和if/whether引导的宾语从句,既达到了复习语法的目的,还使学生明确了宾语从句这项语法的交际功能,并巧妙地复习了中考要求必须掌握的“问路”的功能意念项目。Language in use(13min)Help the students use the language.Activity 3. Asking imformation about the flight The Green family really had a good time in Chengdu. Now (Wednesday) they are at the airp

13、ort and are going to return to Beijing. They are asking information at the Information Desk. Suppose you are the Greens, what do you want to know? What questions will you ask? Step 1. Try to understand the flight table with the help of the teacher.Step 2. Discuss the questions the Greens want to ask

14、 in groups of 4. Step 3. Several groups report the results to the class. Step 4. Read the questions on the screen. Step 5. Ask the questions on the screen by using:Could you tell me? / Do you know?Step 6. Information gap exercise.Role play the dialog about asking information about the flight in grou

15、ps of 4. (Only one student has the flight table) Step 7. Some groups act out their dialog in class.教师提供语言情景引导学生进行交际问答。对大部分学生来说看懂航班时刻表,并能用英语询问相关信息是有难度的。我抓住这一真实的信息差,适时地将相关的知识呈现给学生,既创设了真实的综合运用宾语从句的语境,又使学生意识到在复习课上也能学到新知识,感受到语法的交际意义。Homework(1min)板 书设 计宾语从句(Object clause)1 连接词 that (陈述句) wh, h (特殊疑问句) if/ whether (一般疑问句)2 语序 (陈述语序)3 时态 (由主句决定)主句 从句一般现在时 所需的任何时态一般过去时 过



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