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1、高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家Unit 7 A Christmas Carol整体感知单元要点Word study1. bacteria 2. powder 3. standard4. conscience 5. nephew 6. frost7. handwriting 8. overcoat 9. wage10. anyway 11. god 12. admit13. foolish 14. clap 15. partner16. abundant 17. warmth 18. taxpayer 19. personally 20. occupy 21. constant22. welf

2、are 23. clerk 24. composer25. novelist 26. firm 27. shadow28. ambition 29. noble 30. gain31. bond 32. indeed 33. goose34. selfish 35. bishop 36. choir1. 细菌 2. 粉末 3. 标准 4. 良心5. 侄子,外甥 6. 霜 7. 笔迹 8. 外套 9. 工资 10. 无论如何 11. 上帝12. 承认 13. 愚蠢的 14. 拍手 15. 伙伴,搭档 16. 丰富的 17. 温暖 18. 纳税人 19. 就自己而言,亲自20. 使忙碌,占有 21

3、. 经常的 22. 福利 23. 职员 24. 创作者 25. 小说家 26. 公司 27. 影子 28. 雄心 29. 高贵的 30. 获利 31. 契约 32. 的确 33. 鹅 34. 自私的 35. 主教 36. 合唱队 Useful expressions1. care for 2. leave alone 3. in want of 4. close up 5. pick sbs pocket 6. have eyes for 7. make money 8. do sb good9. take sbs/sths place1. 喜爱,照顾 2. 不管,随去 3. 需要 4. 关闭

4、,使靠近 5. 扒窃 6. 喜欢 7. 挣钱 8. 对某人有好处 9. 代替某人/某物Sentence patterns & Communicative English表示祝愿:God save you! God bless it! Merry Christmas! A Merry Christmas! Long life to him!Grammar 状语(Adverbial)1. 状语可以由副词、介词短语、不定式或不定式短语、分词或分词短语、形容词、词组、复合结构及从句来表示,间或可以用名词作状语。He got up early to catch the early train.The b

5、oy lay on the ground, with his eyes staring at the ceiling.2. 分词或分词短语作状语时,要考虑分词或分词短语与其逻辑主语(即句子的主语)的逻辑关系。主动的用现在分词,被动的用过去分词。Scolded by his father, the boy was very sad.Walking through the woods, the two men came across a big bear.3. 状语从句根据其作用分为时间状语从句、条件状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、地点状语从句和比较

6、状语从句。He didnt attend the meeting, because he was ill.You must do everything the way I do.Topic & Writing掌握谈论有关社会责任感的话题的方法。背景知识 Charles DickensCharles Dickens (18121870) was one of the greatest English writers in the 19th century. He was the greatest representative of English critical realism. He was

7、 born in a poor family and when he was a child, his father was put into prison for debts. In order to make a living, he had to work in an underground cellar at a blacking factory in the East End of London when he was only 12. He had to work hard and long hours there and this was the most unhappy tim

8、e of all his life. Later he had a chance to study at school, but his miserable life at the factory left an everlasting, painful brand on the boys mind. At the age of 15, he became a lawyers clerk. After work, he learned shorthand and visited the British Museum Library, filling up the gaps in his edu

9、cation by reading. Then he became a Parliamentary reporter for newspapers. In 1834 he was taken on the staff of a newspaper and went all over the country getting news, writing stories, meeting people and learning about life in general.He wrote a lot of novels in his life, many of which are word-famo

10、us. The most famous ones are “The Pickwick Papers”, “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”, “Bleak House”, “A Tale of Two Cities”, “Great Expetations” and so on.“A Christmas Carol” was written in 1843.细说教材Warming up the time in which he lived 他所生活的时代点拨 in which he lived是定语从句,修饰the time。这里是“介词+关系代词”引导定语

11、从句,关系代词which代指the time。e.g. I will never forget the day on which I first met him.我永远都不会忘记我4第一次见到他的那一天。点拨 time 名词,表示(与某情况、经历等有关的)时期。e.g. University is a good time for me. 我的大学时期十分愉快。Listening During our sleep we often have dreams. 我们睡觉时经常做梦。点拨 dream 用法小结:1. 名词:梦,梦想 have a dream (of/about ) 做梦,梦(见)rea

12、lize ones dream实现梦想e.g. I have a recurrent dream that Ive turned into an elephant. 我屡次梦见自己变成了大象。My sons dream is to be an astronaut. 我儿子的理想是当宇航员。2. 动词:做梦,梦想 过去式和过去分词是dreamed 或者dreamt.dream of/about sth/doing sth 梦见某事物。e.g. I dreamt about flying last night. 我昨夜梦见我在飞翔。Was it real or did I dream it?是真的

13、还是当时我在做梦?He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist. 他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。What does Scrooge have to do to avoid Jacobs fate? 斯克罗奇要怎样做才能避免雅各布的命运?点拨 avoid 动词 “stop (sth) happening, prevent” 防止发生(谋事),预防avoid sbs fate 避免某人的厄运。The reason why Jacob Marley appears in Scrooges dream to warn him is probabl

14、y because雅各布玛利出现在斯克罗奇的梦里警告他的原因可能是点拨 why Jacob Marley appears in Scrooges dream to warn him是定语从句修饰先行词the reason。当定语从句的先行词是reason 时,定语从句可以用why, for which 或者that(关系副词) 引导。SpeakingScrooge has no friends except his partner, Marley 除了他的合伙人玛利以外,斯克罗奇一个朋友也没有。点拨 except 介词,意思是“除了以外”。Except用法小结:1. except +名词e.g

15、. The restaurant is open everyday except Monday.这家商店除星期一外,每天都营业。2. except +代词e.g. Everyone except me got an invitation.除了我以外,所有人都收到了请柬。3. except +介词短语e.g. He looked everywhere for the book except in the bedroom.除了卧室以外,为找那本书他到处都找遍了。4. except +v-ing形式He does everything except washing clothes.他除了洗衣服外,什么活都赶。5. except+动词不定式He desired nothing except to go abroad for further study.他只求出国深造,别无他求。6. except + that从句He has



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