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1、美联英语提供:医学英语:口腔临床对话-牙齿种植小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/ Implants牙齿种植Dental implants are the modern method forreplacing missing teeth.牙齿种植是解决牙齿缺失问题的现代方法。Dental implants solve many problems associatedwith removable dentures.牙齿种植可以解决许多于活动假牙有关的问题。While conventional dentistry enables some people to wear dentur

2、es comfortably,传统牙科虽然能做到使一些人戴假牙比较舒服,research has shown 85% of the estimated 32 million people with dentures in this countryexperience some discomfort and difficulty due to their false teeth.但调查表明三千两百万戴假牙的人群中有85%的人都有不舒服甚至生活不便的感觉和经历。Dental implants eliminate the discomfort and embarrassment often asso

3、ciated withdentures.牙齿种植消除了以上不舒服、尴尬的感受。Where some teeth are missing, dental implants may be used to eliminate the need for aremovable Partial denture by providing the support necessary for attachment of a fixedbridge.在有缺失牙的地方,牙齿种植可以通过固定桥等辅助措施替代局部义齿。Patients with implants have reported their confiden

4、ce has been restored and their quality oflife improved.做了牙齿种植的病人都反映种植牙使他们重拾信心且改善了生活质量。Dental implants help prevent the premature loss of remaining teeth and are a goodinvestment in oral health.另外牙齿种植可以防止我们现有的牙齿过早脱落,给我们的口腔健康作一笔良好的投资。The Core-Vent System of Dental Implants is the most widely used impl

5、ant system in theworld. Core-Vent种植系统是目前国际使用最广泛的种植系统。It includes five different implant designs to meet the needs of the largest number of patients.它有5种不同设计可以满足各类人群的不同需求。Your dentist will decide whether a single design or combination of implants is necessary foryour individual case.你的牙医会针对你个体情况来决定你应

6、使用单一设计还是复合设计来做种植。Core-Vent Implants, made from biocompatible materials, can become directly attached to thejaw-bone. In dental terms this is called osseointegration.种植体Core-Vent由具有生物兼容性的材料做成,可直接固定在颌骨,在牙科术语中称为“骨结合”。The implant then performs a function similar to natural tooth roots.种植牙的功能和自己的真牙功能相同,T

7、he implant is able to withstand biting forces similar to a healthy natural tooth.并且其承重能力也与真牙相当。What procedures are used to insert Core-Vent Implants?牙齿种植是怎么做呢?The insert of Core-Vent Implant is designed to be submerged under the gum tissue, allowingtime for the implant to attach directly to the bone

8、.要将Core-Vent种植体植入牙龈组织以下至牙骨后固位。After a healing period of three to six months, a brief second procedure is needed to exposethe top of the implant.经3至6个月恢复期后,做一个简短的二期手术,就是将种植体的顶部暴露出来,An appropriate post is then attached to the implant to support a bridge or denture.将一个种植专用桩核固定在种植体上,以协助做上部结构修复,就是固定桥或假牙。

9、What restorations are possible with Core-VentImplants?做完种植体需要什么样的修复呢?1. Replace a single toot.种植单个牙齿:One implant with a crown can replace a singlemissing tooth, eliminating the need to prepareadjacent natural teeth.缺失牙种了一个种植体,就在上面做单冠,可以取代不做种植的情况下直接做桥,这样不必将2个邻牙备牙。2. Eliminate a Partial denture:无需局部义齿

10、:Implants can be used as support for a fixed bridge by either connecting to natural teeth or toother implants.种植体通常可以作为桥的支撑点与其他真牙或种植体相连。3. Stabilize a denture:使义齿保持稳定:A removable denture can be retained by several implants while still being supported by tissue.几个被口腔组织支撑着的种植体可以保留原有的活动义齿。4. Retain and

11、 support a denture:保留和支撑活动义齿:A removable denture can be retained and supported by four to six implants joined by a bar.至6个相连的种植体可以保留和支撑一个活动义齿。5. Support a complete bridge:支撑全口桥:Jaws missing all the teeth can be restored with fixed bridges anchored by 5 or 6 implants.若是全口牙齿缺失,可以做固定桥修复,而五至六个种植体就可以支撑这个

12、全口拱形桥。This restoration is removable only by your dentist.当然这种修复需要你的牙医根据情况来设计。Am I a candidate for Core-Vent Implants?那么,我可以做种植吗?Generally, anyone who is healthy enough to have routine extractions can be considered fordental implants.总的来说,凡是身体健康,做过正常拔牙的人都可以做种植。The main limitation is the amount of ava

13、ilable bone,是否适合种植主要看你的牙骨情况是否允许,which can usually be determined by a clinical and radiographic examination.但这要通过临床及X光检验决定。What inconvenience will I experience?做完种植后会有哪些不舒服或者不便呢?Most patient report only minor discomfort similar to that associated with a simple toothextraction.大多数病人做完种植后的不适症状与简单拔牙后的相似

14、。When the patient wears a Partial of full denture prior to the surgery, the denture can oftenbe modified with a soft lining. This surgery provides little disruption of normal business orsocial activities.如果病人手术后戴局部义齿,这种义齿通常用一种很柔软的材料修整,这时候你会感到正常工作和社交有所不便。What is the cost of Core-Vent Implants? Core-V

15、ent牙齿种植需要多少钱?The fee varies from one case to another depending on the complexity and the number ofimplants needed.牙齿种植的费用根据病例复杂程度和所需种植的数量不同而有区别。The overall expense is comparable to the investment in fixed bridgework.但总体费用相当于你不做种植而做相应的固定桥的费用。How long will my implants last?我的种植牙可以用多长时间?Research has indicated that implants offer long-term predictability once osseointegration hastaken place.调查表明一旦骨结合情况良好,种植牙就可以使用和长一段时间。Studies have shown that Core-Vent Implants achieve osseointegration on a highly consistentbasis.研究指出Core-Vent 种植体可以与人体骨质兼容得很好。The success of implant suppor



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